Globalization and workers in developing countries
In: Policy research working paper 2958
15 Ergebnisse
In: Policy research working paper 2958
Using data from Vietnam, this article describes several types of analysis that can be conducted before launching a major downsizing operation to identify possible gender effects. It draws several conclusions about Vietnam s downsizing reforms. First, although women s prospects of obtaining salaried jobs following displacement from state-owned enterprise worsened as a result of recent reforms, they are likely to improve in the near future. Second, reforms are associated with a sharp decline in the gender gap in earnings, both in and outside the state sector. Third, overstaffing is greatest in sectors in which most employees are men, such as construction, mining, and transportation; it is much less prevalent in sectors in which women dominate the work force, such as footwear, textiles, and garments. Fourth, training, and assistance programs to help redundant workers reveal no evidence of strong gender bias. Fifth, severance packages based on a multiple of earnings are more favorable to men, whereas lump sum packages favor women.
In: Economics & politics, Band 6, Heft 3, S. 215-232
ISSN: 1468-0343
This paper provides a time‐series analysis on the relationship between the extent of endogenous trade policy and both political and economic variables. The chosen trade policy indicator is the number of foreign‐trade regulations passed each year for the benefit of a single firm or industry. The data are from Uruguay, 1925–1983. This country, which experienced an impressive economic decline, is an outstanding example of the rent‐seeking society. The paper shows that endogenous regulations increased with discretionary policies, with adverse macroeconomic shocks and under dictatorship. It also shows that these regulations had a negative long‐run effect on the growth rates of output and exports. The short‐run effect was positive however.
In: Journal of development economics
ISSN: 0304-3878
World Affairs Online
In: Problèmes d'Amérique Latine, Heft 3, S. 31-54
ISSN: 0765-1333
In: Suma
ISSN: 0797-0064
Las empresas industriales uruguayas saben gozar de un poder monopolico en el mercado interno, mientras que son tomadoras de precios en el mercado externo. Teniendo en cuenta esta diferencia basica, el presente articulo desarrolla un marco analitico para el estudio del comportamiento empresarial en materia de produccion, formacion de precios internos e inversion productiva. Se demuestra que las empresas maximizan sus beneficios cuando fijan precios domesticos superiores a los precios internacionales
World Affairs Online
In: Problèmes d'Amérique Latine, Heft 4745/4746, S. 95-126
ISSN: 0765-1333
In: Oxford scholarship online
In: Economics and Finance
This work examines the experiences of seven countries drawn from four continents facing very different development challenges. The chapters illustrate how, in these diverse settings, job creation can drive progress and what policies can support this process.
In: The journal of policy reform, Band 9, Heft 1, S. 75-105
ISSN: 1477-2736
In: Journal of labor economics: JOLE, Band 15, Heft S3, S. S136-S165
ISSN: 1537-5307
In: Suma
ISSN: 0797-0064
Este documento explora la hipotesis, muchas veces enunciada, segun la cual una mejor proteccion del valor de los activos financieros frente a la inflacion podria estimular el ahorro privado. Se analiza el caso uruguayo, cuyo interes deriva de su larga experiencia inflacionaria y del uso temprano de instrumentos de indexacion financiera. El trabajo empirico incluye la estimacion de un portafolio de riqueza del sector privado que incorpora, ademas de los activos financieros usualmente considerados, la propiedad de vivienda y la propiedad de empresas. Los resultados obtenidos generan escepticismo respecto a la validez de la hipotesis en el Uruguay
World Affairs Online
In: Revue économique, Band 38, Heft 5, S. 933-948
ISSN: 1950-6694
In: Suma
ISSN: 0797-0064
En este articulo se realiza una estimacion del precio de la vivienda en el Uruguay en la ultima decada, verificandose importantes divergencias con respecto al costo real de la construccion frente a los precios de usuario, registrados en las cuentas nacionales. La serie de datos obtenidos permite tambien elaborar una variable que resulta altamente significativa en la explicacion de la construccion privada
World Affairs Online
In: The journal of development studies, Band 57, Heft 10, S. 1776-1790
ISSN: 1743-9140
World Affairs Online
In: South Asia development matters