El tren de Lenin. Los orígenes de la revolución rusa de Catherine Merridale
In: Iconos: revista de ciencias sociales, Heft 60, S. 242-246
ISSN: 2224-6983
Reseña de El tren de Lenin. Los orígenes de la revolución rusa
12 Ergebnisse
In: Iconos: revista de ciencias sociales, Heft 60, S. 242-246
ISSN: 2224-6983
Reseña de El tren de Lenin. Los orígenes de la revolución rusa
Aquel lunes 3 de abril de 1917, día de Pascua en la Rusia ortodoxa, Vladímir Ilich Uliánov (Lenin) era esperado en la estación de Finlandia de Petrogrado –hoy San Petersburgo– por un numeroso grupo de seguidores activados para la recepción por los comités bolcheviques en las fábricas, los marineros de Kronstadt y hasta una banda militar. Todo un escenario dispuesto para contrarrestar las versiones que señalaban al líder en el exilio como un auxiliador de la causa alemana en la Gran Guerra Mundial iniciada en 1914.
Olalde, Iñigo et al. ; The spread of farming out of the Balkans and into the rest of Europe followed two distinct routes: An initial expansion represented by the Impressa and Cardial traditions, which followed the Northern Mediterranean coastline; and another expansion represented by the LBK (Linearbandkeramik) tradition, which followed the Danube River into Central Europe. Although genomic data now exist from samples representing the second migration, such data have yet to be successfully generated from the initial Mediterranean migration. To address this, we generated the complete genome of a 7,400-year-old Cardial individual (CB13) from Cova Bonica in Vallirana (Barcelona), as well as partial nuclear data from five others excavated from different sites in Spain and Portugal. CB13 clusters with all previously sequenced early European farmers and modern-day Sardinians. Furthermore, our analyses suggest that both Cardial and LBK peoples derived from a common ancient population located in or around the Balkan Peninsula. The Iberian Cardial genome also carries a discernible hunter–gatherer genetic signature that likely was not acquired by admixture with local Iberian foragers. Our results indicate that retrieving ancient genomes from similarly warm Mediterranean environments such as the Near East is technically feasible. ; The Centre for GeoGenetics is funded by the Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF94). Cova Bonica work is supported by Servei d'Arqueologia i Paleontologia (2014/100639), Generalitat de Catalunya (2014SGR-108), and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (HAR2011-26193) projects. H.S. was supported by an ERC Synergy Grant (FP7/2007-2013/319209); C.L.-F. by a FEDER and Spanish Government Grant BFU2012-34157; and S.C. by a grant 2014 SGR 464 from Departament d'Economia i Coneixement (Generalitat de Catalunya). D.C.S-G. acknowledges support from the Generalitat Valenciana (VALi + d APOSTD/2014/123), the BBVA Foundation (I Ayudas a Investigadores, Innovadores y Creadores Culturales), and the European Union (FP7/2007-2013—MSCA-COFUND, no. 245743 via a Braudel-IFER-FMSH). I.O. was funded by a predoctoral fellowship from the Basque Government (DEUI), and M.S. and J.D. by postdoctoral grants from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) and Juan de la Cierva Subprogram (JCI-2011-09543), respectively. ; Peer reviewed
Vai, Stefania et al. ; In the period between 400 to 800 AD, also known as the period of the Barbarian invasions, intense migration is documented in the historical record of Europe. However, little is known about the demographic impact of these historical movements, potentially ranging from negligible to substantial. As a pilot study in a broader project on Medieval Europe, we sampled 102 specimens from 5 burial sites in Northwestern Italy, archaeologically classified as belonging to Lombards or Longobards, a Germanic people ruling over a vast section of the Italian peninsula from 568 to 774. We successfully amplified and typed the mitochondrial hypervariable region I (HVR-I) of 28 individuals. Comparisons of genetic diversity with other ancient populations and haplotype networks did not suggest that these samples are heterogeneous, and hence allowed us to jointly compare them with three isolated contemporary populations, and with a modern sample of a large city, representing a control for the effects of recent immigration. We then generated by serial coalescent simulations 16 millions of genealogies, contrasting a model of genealogical continuity with one in which the contemporary samples are genealogically independent from the medieval sample. Analyses by Approximate Bayesian Computation showed that the latter model fits the data in most cases, with one exception, Trino Vercellese, in which the evidence was compatible with persistence up to the present time of genetic features observed among this early medieval population. We conclude that it is possible, in general, to detect evidence of genealogical ties between medieval and specific modern populations. However, only seldom did mitochondrial DNA data allow us to reject with confidence either model tested, which indicates that broader analyses, based on larger assemblages of samples and genetic markers, are needed to understand in detail the effects of medieval migration. ; This work was supported by the Italian Ministry for Universities and Research (MIUR), PRIN 2012 funds to DC, AA, AT and GB, FIRB funds "Futuro in Ricerca" 2008 (RBFR08U07M) and 2012 (RBFR126B8I) to AA, AO and ER; Compagnia di San Paolo, Turin to DC; the Anneliese Maier Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research to PG; FEDER and Spanish Government grant BFU2012-34157 to CLF; European Research Council (ERC Advanced Grant No. 295733 "LanGeLin") to GB. ; Peer reviewed
[Background] Although a variety of genetic changes have been implicated in causing phenotypic differences among dogs, the role of copy number variants (CNVs) and their impact on phenotypic variation is still poorly understood. Further, very limited knowledge exists on structural variation in the gray wolf, the ancestor of the dog, or other closely related wild canids. Documenting CNVs variation in wild canids is essential to identify ancestral states and variation that may have appeared after domestication. ; [Results] In this work, we genotyped 1,611 dog CNVs in 23 wolf-like canids (4 purebred dogs, one dingo, 15 gray wolves, one red wolf, one coyote and one golden jackal) to identify CNVs that may have arisen after domestication. We have found an increase in GC-rich regions close to the breakpoints and around 1 kb away from them suggesting that some common motifs might be associated with the formation of CNVs. Among the CNV regions that showed the largest differentiation between dogs and wild canids we found 12 genes, nine of which are related to two known functions associated with dog domestication; growth (PDE4D, CRTC3 and NEB) and neurological function (PDE4D, EML5, ZNF500, SLC6A11, ELAVL2, RGS7 and CTSB). ; [Conclusions] Our results provide insight into the evolution of structural variation in canines, where recombination is not regulated by PRDM9 due to the inactivation of this gene. We also identified genes within the most differentiated CNV regions between dogs and wolves, which could reflect selection during the domestication process. ; R is a postdoctoral Researcher from the JAEdoc program cofounded by European Science Foundation. IO has a predoctoral fellowship from the Basque Government (DEUI). This work has been founded by Spanish Government Grants BFU2011-28549 (to TM-B) and BFU2012-34157 (to CL-F), Andalusian Government Grant "Programa de Captación del Conocimiento para Andalucía C2A" (to CV) and EU ERC Starting Grant 260372 (to TM-B). ; Peer Reviewed
In: Revista temas: revista del Departamento de Humanidades, Universidad Santo Tomás, Band 0, Heft 8
ISSN: 2422-4073
Gómez-Sánchez, Daniel et al. ; Previous mitochondrial DNA analyses on ancient European remains have suggested that the current distribution of haplogroup H was modeled by the expansion of the Bell Beaker culture (ca 4,500-4,050 years BP) out of Iberia during the Chalcolithic period. However, little is known on the genetic composition of contemporaneous Iberian populations that do not carry the archaeological tool kit defining this culture. Here we have retrieved mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences from 19 individuals from a Chalcolithic sample from El Mirador cave in Spain, dated to 4,760-4,200 years BP and we have analyzed the haplogroup composition in the context of modern and ancient populations. Regarding extant African, Asian and European populations, El Mirador shows affinities with Near Eastern groups. In different analyses with other ancient samples, El Mirador clusters with Middle and Late Neolithic populations from Germany, belonging to the Rössen, the Salzmünde and the Baalberge archaeological cultures but not with contemporaneous Bell Beakers. Our analyses support the existence of a common genetic signal between Western and Central Europe during the Middle and Late Neolithic and points to a heterogeneous genetic landscape among Chalcolithic groups. © 2014 Gómez-Sánchez et al. ; This work is supported by FEDER and Spanish Government Grant BFU2012-34157. ; Peer Reviewed
Ramírez, Óscar et al.-- Data archiving: Ancient, Iberian, Spanish wild boar and Guatemalan reads have been submitted to SRA (accession SRP044261), aligned mitochondrial fasta file, plink files with genotypic data have been deposited in Dryad (doi:10.5061/dryad.sd784). ; Ancient DNA (aDNA) provides direct evidence of historical events that have modeled the genome of modern individuals. In livestock, resolving the differences between the effects of initial domestication and of subsequent modern breeding is not straight forward without aDNA data. Here, we have obtained shotgun genome sequence data from a sixteenth century pig from Northeastern Spain (Montsoriu castle), the ancient pig was obtained from an extremely well-preserved and diverse assemblage. In addition, we provide the sequence of three new modern genomes from an Iberian pig, Spanish wild boar and a Guatemalan Creole pig. Comparison with both mitochondrial and autosomal genome data shows that the ancient pig is closely related to extant Iberian pigs and to European wild boar. Although the ancient sample was clearly domestic, admixture with wild boar also occurred, according to the D-statistics. The close relationship between Iberian, European wild boar and the ancient pig confirms that Asian introgression in modern Iberian pigs has not existed or has been negligible. In contrast, the Guatemalan Creole pig clusters apart from the Iberian pig genome, likely due to introgression from international breeds. ; This study was funded by 2010ACOM00030 (AGAUR) to MS, FEDER and BFU2012-34157 grant (Spain) to CLF, Consolider CSD2007-00036 'Centre for Research in Agrigenomics' and AGL2010-14822 grants (Spain) to MPE. OR is a postdoctoral Researcher from the JAEDOC program cofounded by ESF, EB is recipient of a FPI grant from ministry of Research (Spain), IO of a predoctoral fellowship from the Basque Government (DEUI, Spain), WBP is funded by COLCIENCIAS (Francisco Jose´ de Caldas fellowship 497/2009, Colombia). ; Peer reviewed
[Background] Canarian Black (CB) pigs belong to an autochthonous and endangered breed, which is spread throughout the Canarian archipelago. It is commonly accepted that they represent a relic of the pig populations that were bred by the Berbers in North Africa over millennia. It is important to note that the geographic isolation of the Canary Islands has preserved this genetic legacy intact from foreign introgressions until the Spanish conquest of the archipelago in the 15th century. Ten years ago, it was demonstrated that, in CB pigs, the frequency of the Asian A2 cytochrome-b haplogroup reached 73%. The current work aimed at investigating whether this observation is explained by either a recent or an ancient introgression of CB pigs with Far Eastern pigs. ; [Results] Genetic analyses of 23 ancient samples from pre-hispanic Canarian pigs (420 to 2500 years before present) showed that Near Eastern and Far Eastern genetic signatures were totally absent in the primitive Canarian pre-hispanic pigs. Indeed, the haplotypes detected in these pigs were closely related to those of North African and European wild boars. ; [Conclusions] Our results demonstrate that the high frequency of the Far Eastern mitochondrial cytochrome B A2 haplotype in modern Canarian Black pigs probably corresponds to a relatively recent introgression with British breeds. ; IO has a pre-doctoral fellowship from the Basque Government (DEUI). OR is a post-doctoral researcher from the JAEDOC program co-funded by The European Social Fund (ESF). This work has been founded by the grant BFU2012-34157 to C.L-F from the MINECO, Spain. ; Peer reviewed
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. ; [Background] The identification of signatures of natural selection has long been used as an approach to understanding the unique features of any given species. Genes within segmental duplications are overlooked in most studies of selection due to the limitations of draft nonhuman genome assemblies and to the methodological reliance on accurate gene trees, which are difficult to obtain for duplicated genes. ; [Results] In this work, we detected exons with an accumulation of high-quality nucleotide differences between the human assembly and shotgun sequencing reads from single human and macaque individuals. Comparing the observed rates of nucleotide differences between coding exons and their flanking intronic sequences with a likelihood-ratio test, we identified 74 exons with evidence for rapid coding sequence evolution during the evolution of humans and Old World monkeys. Fifty-five percent of rapidly evolving exons were either partially or totally duplicated, which is a significant enrichment of the 6% rate observed across all human coding exons. ; [Conclusions] Our results provide a more comprehensive view of the action of selection upon segmental duplications, which are the most complex regions of our genomes. In light of these findings, we suggest that segmental duplications could be subjected to rapid evolution more frequently than previously thought. ; The Spanish Government for grants BFU2009-13409-C02-02 to AN and BFU2011-28549 to TM-B. The European Community for an ERC Starting Grant (StG_20091118)) to TM-B. We dedicate this paper to the memory of our co-author Jon Bleyhl. ; Peer Reviewed
Olalde, Iñigo et al.-- This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. ; A pyrographically decorated gourd, dated to the French Revolution period, has been alleged to contain a handkerchief dipped into the blood of the French king Louis XVI (1754-1793) after his beheading but recent analyses of living males from two Bourbon branches cast doubts on its authenticity. We sequenced the complete genome of the DNA contained in the gourd at low coverage (∼2.5×) with coding sequences enriched at a higher ∼7.3× coverage. We found that the ancestry of the gourd's genome does not seem compatible with Louis XVI's known ancestry. From a functional perspective, we did not find an excess of alleles contributing to height despite being described as the tallest person in Court. In addition, the eye colour prediction supported brown eyes, while Louis XVI had blue eyes. This is the first draft genome generated from a person who lived in a recent historical period; however, our results suggest that this sample may not correspond to the alleged king. ; This work is supported by FEDER and Spanish Government grants BFU2012-38236 and the Spanish Multiple Sclerosis Netowrk (REEM) of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (RD12/0032/0011) to A.N., BFU2011-28549 and ERC Starting Grant (260372) to T.M.-B. and BFU2012-34157 to C.L.-F. and S.C., and a predoctoral fellowship from the Basque Government (DEUI) to I.O. ; Peer Reviewed
This article is published under license to BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.-- et al. ; [Background]: The only known albino gorilla, named Snowflake, was a male wild born individual from Equatorial Guinea who lived at the Barcelona Zoo for almost 40 years. He was diagnosed with non-syndromic oculocutaneous albinism, i.e. white hair, light eyes, pink skin, photophobia and reduced visual acuity. Despite previous efforts to explain the genetic cause, this is still unknown. Here, we study the genetic cause of his albinism and making use of whole genome sequencing data we find a higher inbreeding coefficient compared to other gorillas. ; [Results]: We successfully identified the causal genetic variant for Snowflake's albinism, a non-synonymous single nucleotide variant located in a transmembrane region of SLC45A2. This transporter is known to be involved in oculocutaneous albinism type 4 (OCA4) in humans. We provide experimental evidence that shows that this amino acid replacement alters the membrane spanning capability of this transmembrane region. Finally, we provide a comprehensive study of genome-wide patterns of autozygogosity revealing that Snowflake's parents were related, being this the first report of inbreeding in a wild born Western lowland gorilla. ; [Conclusions]: In this study we demonstrate how the use of whole genome sequencing can be extended to link genotype and phenotype in non-model organisms and it can be a powerful tool in conservation genetics (e.g., inbreeding and genetic diversity) with the expected decrease in sequencing cost. ; The Spanish Government for grants BFU2010-14839 to JLG-S, Spanish Government and FEDER for grants BFU2009-13409-C02-02 and BFU2012-38236 to AN and JP-M, BFU2012-39482 to IM, and BFU2011-28549 to TM-B The Andalusian Government for grants CSD2007-00008 and CVI-3488, supported by FEDER to JLG-S The Barcelona Zoo (Ajuntament de Barcelona) for an award to JP-M. EEE is an investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.The European Community for an ERC Starting Grant (StG_20091118)) to TM-B. ; Peer Reviewed