Niemiecko-sowieckie konsultacje w sprawie polsko-sowieckiego paktu o nieagresji na przełomie 1931 i 1932 roku
In: Język. religia. tożsamość, Band 1, Heft 29, S. 297-323
ISSN: 2544-1701
One of the key problems of German-Soviet relations in 1925-1932 was the treaty agreement between Warsaw and Moscow. For Germany, the conclusion of a political treaty between Poland and the USSR posed a threat to the realisation of its main foreign policy priority, namely the revision of the eastern border. Berlin was therefore very suspicious of any attempt at Polish-Soviet rapprochement. When the Soviets and Poles began final negotiations for a Polish-Soviet non-aggression pact in November 1931, this issue became a problem in Soviet-German relations. The problem was so significant that the Soviets consulted the Germans about the content of this agreement. German diplomacy tried to torpedo it, but as this article shows, it did not have very strong arguments. As a result, Berlin had to accept that Moscow and Warsaw concluded a political compromise in 1932.