5 Ergebnisse
Working paper
Kajian tentang Penerapan Community Based Tourism di Daya Tarik Wisata Jatiluwih, Tabanan, Bali
In: Jurnal Kajian Bali (Journal of Bali Studies), Band 9, Heft 2, S. 429
ISSN: 2580-0698
Desa Jatiluwih adalah desa wisata yang terletak di Kecamatan Penebel, Kabupaten Tabanan. Desa wisata ini memiliki panorama alam yang indah dengan terasering yang unik dan berdampingan dengan indahnya pemandangan Gunung Batukaru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Perumusan masalah yang dikaji oleh peneliti ada dua, yaitu: (1) penerapan konsep CBT yang dilakukan oleh otoritas Desa Wisata Jatiluwih dalam mengelola daya tarik wisata berkelanjutan, dan (2) peran yang dimainkan oleh pemangku kepentingan. Kajian ini menyimpulkan bahwa manajemen Daya Tarik Wisata Jatiluwih telah menerapkan prinsip-prinsip ekonomi yang sehat, pembangunan untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat setempat; melestarikan alam agar lingkungan tetap lestari, budaya sehat dengan berkontribusi pada budaya yang ada di masyarakat pedesaan, dan menerapkan prinsip kepuasan wisatawan. Hasil kajian ini menyarankan agar sistem subak dan alamnya tetap dipertahankan karena menjadi indikator kepuasan wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Jatiluwih.
Kata Kunci: Community based tourism, Jatiluwih, Warisan budaya dunia, Subak, Irigasi
Motivasi wisatawan mengunjungi desa wisata Blimbingsari, Jembrana, Bali
In: Jurnal Kajian Bali (Journal of Bali Studies), Band 7, Heft 1, S. 165
ISSN: 2580-0698
This study is about tourist's motivation to visit Blimbingsari Village, Jembrana, in West Bali. This study has aim to determine the push factors, and pulls factors to visit Blimbingsari Village. The respondents are 100 people. Based on their genders, there are 46% male and 54% female. Domestic tourists are 46%, and 28% Australian, and the other nationalities. Student visitors are 28%, 18% are retired, and 64% are workers in various sectors. The result of structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis indicates that the push factor correlation has not significantly affect to the tourist visiting to the Tourism Village of Blimbingsari. The correlations between attractiveness factors have significantly affect to the tourist visiting to the Tourism Village of Blimbingsari. Therefore, the management of Blimbingsari Tourism Village maybe directed to highlight the attractiveness of the village e.g. the uniqueness of the village, the village community activities, culture or traditions, natural beauty of the village, the availability of lodging, culinary, public facilities, visitor center, distance from the airport, the distance from the capital, and availability of transport.
Working paper
Peran Lembaga Perkreditan Desa dalam Pengembangan Kewirausahaan Sosial Masyarakat Bali
In: Jurnal Kajian Bali (Journal of Bali Studies), Band 11, Heft 1, S. 201
ISSN: 2580-0698
This study aims to determine the role of the Village Credit Institution (LPD) in increasing social entrepreneurship by conducting interpretive ethnographic research through in-depth interviews with village traditional managers and residents as informants to obtain detailed descriptions of behavior, values ??, and attitudes related to the development of LPD in Bali. The results showed that the LPD has played a role in the development of social entrepreneurship in Balinese in the form of (1) initiating the development of social entrepreneurship; (2) playing a role in the development of social entrepreneurship extracted from the existing social capital in Balinese; (3) increasing a social entrepreneurial spirit in the form of the desire to social values creativity, the existence of economic activities; community empowerment, and resource mobilization; (4) increasing business embryos and social-based business development to increase income and improve family and community welfare. So that suggestions for the community are to maintain the LPD to build social entrepreneurship.