El impacto social y político del procedimiento administrativo sancionador en la relación laboral
In: http://bibliotecavirtual.dgb.umich.mx:8083/xmlui/handle/DGB_UMICH/518
Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales. Maestría en Derecho ; This paper constitutes a legal argument raised on a topic that did not involve an initial perception itself a labor dispute, but certainly transcends the sphere of the employment relationship between the factors of production: employers and workers and also connotes social and political nature. Its centerpiece discuss a topic whose knowledge has not been explored by professionals. This is the Sanctioning Administrative Procedure Labor in Michoacan, established to give effect to Article 1009 of the Federal Labour Act and how its application in most cases ends in fines, with an influence on the employer-employee relationship. This is a transcendent issue under its regulation will produce a social and political impact, besides contributing to the culture of legality. Labor Laws Apply punishing those who violate the order submitted and generates respect for the law, amending the feeling of rejection that workers feel toward authority and the government considers the troupes of entrepreneurs to exploit further. In the initial part reference to labor law as a legal discipline that forms and develops historically around work, understanding it as an activity performed by the individual generating wealth and prosperity is. Work on their value begat differences, division and greed among men forming over the years, two clearly defined groups or social classes: the rich and the poor. The first always taken advantage of the work product enjoying their profits and enjoying money and wealth, while others only receive a salary that can not afford to live and why of struggling in poverty and misery. ; El presente trabajo constituye una tesis jurídica formulada sobre un tema que en una percepción inicial no encierra en sí un conflicto de trabajo, pero que indudablemente trasciende en la esfera de la relación laboral entre los factores de la producción: los patrones y los trabajadores y además tiene una connotación de naturaleza social y política. Tiene como elemento ...