Gender politics in post-communist Eurasia
In: Eurasian political economy and public policy studies series
Democratization, nationalism, and citizenship : the challenge of gender / Barbara Einhorn -- The influence of European Union legislation on gender equality in Central and Eastern Europe / Amanda Sloat -- Public policies as vehicles of social exclusion : the case of Romani women's access to reproductive health in Romania / Enikö Magyari-Vincze -- Human trafficking in the twenty-first century : implications for Russia, Europe, and the world / Mary Buckley -- Gender politics in Russia / Nadezda Shvedova -- The past as prologue? : challenging the myth of the subordinated, docile woman in muslim Central Eurasia / Timur Kocaoglu -- Gender politics in transitional societies : a comparative perspective on Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan / Ay'e Güneş-Ayata and Ayça Ergun -- Labor migration in Central Asia : gender challenges / Eleonora Fayzullaeva -- The complexity and multiplicity of gender identities in Central Asia : the case of Tajikistan / Zulaikho Usmanova