In: Meždunarodnye processy: žurnal teorii meždunarodnych otnošenij i mirovoj politiki = International trends : journal of theory of international relations and world politics, Band 14, Heft 4(47)
30 Ergebnisse
In: Meždunarodnye processy: žurnal teorii meždunarodnych otnošenij i mirovoj politiki = International trends : journal of theory of international relations and world politics, Band 14, Heft 4(47)
In: Meždunarodnye processy: žurnal teorii meždunarodnych otnošenij i mirovoj politiki = International trends : journal of theory of international relations and world politics, Band 14, Heft 3 (46), S. 126-131
In: Central Asia and the Caucasus: journal of social and political studies, Band 17, Heft 2, S. 69-79
ISSN: 2002-3839
World Affairs Online
In: International Trends / Mezhdunarodnye protsessy, Band 14, Heft 3 (46), S. 126-131
In: Meždunarodnye processy: žurnal teorii meždunarodnych otnošenij i mirovoj politiki = International trends : journal of theory of international relations and world politics, Band 13, Heft 1
Russian Federation is the closest Northern neighbour of China. Relations with Russia are thus in the center of Chinese geopolitical and economic interests are nowadays. In 1990-2010 socio-economic and political cooperation between the two countries got more dynamic and presented the following features: cross-border labor increased; the amount of investments and trade increased; new forms of migration appeared, and intercultural exchanges between the populations intensified. The transformation of socio-economic and political relations changed also the style of living and infrastructure of the border regions of Russia and China. The objective of the present paper is to probe the links between the Chinese investments and migration of the Chinese to Russia in the period 1990-2012. The paper proceeds thus in the following four steps: brief description of investments and trade exchange between Russia and China; analysis of migration flows between China and Russia in the new economic context; categorization of Chinese migration to Russia and of economic activities of Chinese diaspora and their links to investment; analysis of specificities of socio-economic adaptation of Chinese migrants in Russia. ; The MPC is co-financed by the European University Institute and the European Union
In: International migration: quarterly review, Band 62, Heft 6, S. 189-210
ISSN: 1468-2435
AbstractThe Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 resulted in a massive exodus of Ukrainians to Europe but also the emigration of Russian citizens. While attention has primarily been on the flow of Russian migrants to neighbouring countries, intercontinental migrations to regions like South America have been overlooked. This paper sheds light on the growing trend of Russians settling in Brazil. Drawing on a comprehensive dataset of migration statistics and qualitative data from empirical fieldwork conducted between 2019 and 2023 in three Brazilian cities, our analysis reveals that new Russian migrants to Brazil are primarily young, highly skilled and resourceful individuals. Unlike in other regions, family migration with young children is common among recent Russian migrants to Brazil. We show that strategic births ‐ using the birth of children to gain residency and citizenship ‐has become the primary migration channel, forming a new migration system characterised by intensive circulation and turnover between Russia and Brazil. Moreover, while Russian emigration is driven by political reasons, the incorporation of migrants into Brazilian cities is influenced by the relatively privileged economic and legal status of these families. The paper contributes to a deeper understanding of complex migration patterns in the "Global South" by illuminating a geographically unconventional flow.
In: Narodonaselenie: ežekvartal'nyj naučnyj žurnal = Population, Band 25, Heft 3, S. 18-32
Global climate change has a dramatic impact on the environment, transforming the conditions of human life and economic activities, which affects migration patterns as well. Climatic conditions have always played a crucial role in population distribution in Russia. Today, the impact of severe climatic regime of the Northern Russian territories is becoming increasingly aggravated with the negative effects of the global climate change, spurring up the population outflow from such strategically important regions as the Far North, Siberia, and the Far East. This study aims at estimating the role of environmental factors in this process on the basis of analysis of statistical data on the distribution of migrants by reasons for resettlement. Results of the analysis proved that climatic conditions are a powerful push/pull factor of internal migration in Russia; hence, as the climate change progresses, the population outflow especially from the Russian North is likely to become more intense. On the other hand, the climate change has already become a serious problem for Central Asian countries, creating risks for food security, water supply and energy systems there. Gradual environmental deterioration provokes socio-economic crises which force the population of vulnerable areas to migrate in search of livelihood sustainability. The majority of such migrants resettle within their countries, but a part is likely to move to Russia following the traditional labor migration patterns. Our preliminary estimates show that by 2050Russia is going to get additionally up to 120,000 migrants from Central Asia in total. In the authors' opinion this trend should be considered as positive both from the point of view of a contribution to the population of Russia, and from the point of view of Central Asian population's adaptation to the climate change.
In: Central Asia and the Caucasus: journal of social and political studies, Band 22, Heft 3, S. 146-156
ISSN: 2002-3839
In the modern world, borders are often no longer perceived as a barrier, but, on the contrary, become a contact zone for border regions, engaging nations and peoples, their cultures and economies. Presumably, at present the remoteness of any area from a country's center does not imply its cultural or economic backwardness; conversely, it most likely offers additional opportunities for economic and socio-cultural development. This article examines the border regions of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, their cooperation and the consequences of these ties for their socio-economic development. The beginning of the post-Soviet period was characterized by weak economic ties between Tajikistan and Afghanistan due to the civil wars that affected both countries at the time. The countries also lacked the transport infrastructure required for cross-border trade and cooperation. Subsequently, through the efforts of the authorities of the two countries and international organizations, these problems began to be resolved. The article's scientific novelty lies in the analysis of the socio-demographic development of the border areas in Tajikistan and Afghanistan and the identification of the key forms of ethnocultural interaction of the border population. As a result of the study, the authors identify and characterize the forms of socio-economic and ethnocultural contacts that occur through border trade, commercial migration, education and the integration of refugees into the Tajik community. The significant role of these contacts plays a significant role in the life of the population of the border areas, which are cut off from the centers of their countries. First, it is a mutually complementary process that involves obtaining new knowledge and strengthening ties. Secondly, cross-border trade and commercial migration between Tajikistan and Afghanistan play a vital role in the livelihoods of the respective communities and support the development of border regions, contributing to the development of friendly relations between countries and act as effective methods of fighting poverty, creating new jobs and providing income for the population of the border regions. In addition, the study examined the programs and projects of international organizations that contribute to the development and strengthening of border relations between Tajikistan and Afghanistan in the sphere of border trade and strengthening of security. The authors conducted an observation and a survey at the border market, where residents of the neighboring territories of Tajikistan and Afghanistan come together. The observation revealed that for many households, border markets are the only platforms for earning money.
In: Central Asia and the Caucasus: journal of social and political studies, Band 21, Heft 4, S. 096-111
ISSN: 2002-3839
The article examines the trends in labor migration from Tajikistan. Although Russia and Kazakhstan remain the main labor migration destinations for Tajiks, emigration from Tajikistan to OECD countries is becoming increasingly more noticeable. New Tajik communities are actively forming in the OECD countries, potentially becoming networks of attraction for new migrants in the near future. The forms of labor migrant recruitment in Tajikistan, including digital technologies, are examined. Despite Tajikistan's attempts to regulate labor migration more actively on the basis of bilateral agreements with OECD countries, Russia still remains attractive for Tajik labor migrants. So far, Russia's competitive advantages are the absence of a language barrier, the absence of the need to obtain a visa and work permit, a common mentality, and the prospects for obtaining citizenship. However, the rigidity of migration policy and the drop in wages in Russia are potential negative factors that will contribute to the reversal of some of the labor migrant flows from Tajikistan in favor of the OECD countries. Also, the active participation of intermediaries in migrant employment, as well as the OECD countries' active policy that aims to attract labor migrants will lead to Russia's loss of a significant part of Tajikistan's migration potential. The possibility of reorientation of a part of labor emigrants to OECD countries is becoming feasible due to the widespread study of the English language in Tajikistan and the cutbacks in teaching the Russian language, the active development of private and state labor force recruiting systems.
In: Meždunarodnye processy: žurnal teorii meždunarodnych otnošenij i mirovoj politiki = International trends : journal of theory of international relations and world politics, Band 14, Heft 1(44), S. 38-51
In: Central Asia and the Caucasus: journal of social and political studies, Band 17, Heft 4, S. 95-103
ISSN: 2002-3839
World Affairs Online
In: International Trends / Mezhdunarodnye protsessy, Band 14, Heft 1(44), S. 38-51
CARIM-East: Creating an Observatory of Migration East of Europe. ; Translated version of Migration Policy Centre; CARIM-East Research Report; 2013/43 ; Russia, Kazakhstan and other Central Asian countries formed a strong migration system that is characterized by large-scale labor migration. It is not only economic development of donor countries that depends on labor migration. The same is true for recipient countries (Russia and Kazakhstan), where considerable share of GDP is generated by foreigners. This dependency will keep rising in the context of demographic crisis and shrinking labor resources.Evolution of migration policies of Russia and Kazakhstan, as well as of other Central Asian countries is not coordinated. Although Kazakhstan partially copies many aspects of migration regulation in Russia, their policies are not conceptually linked. As a result there is a need for stronger multilateral and bilateral cooperation between various Central Asian countries, Kazakhstan and Russia. ; CARIM-East is co-financed by the European University Institute and the European Union.
In: Sociologičeskie issledovanija: Socis ; ežemesjačnyj naučnyj i obščestvenno-političeskij žurnal = Sociological studies, Heft 4, S. 101-112
The article considers new trends of migration from the former Soviet Union to Latin American countries. The main channels of Russian-speaking migration are highlighted: marital, fertile, labour, digital nomadic migration, forced migrants. The statistical data of Latin American countries and the data of sociological survey of Russian-speaking migrants in Brazil and Argentina are analyzed. Estimates on the size of the Russian-speaking population in key Latin American countries are given. The role of Internet communications in the adaptation and consolidation of Russian-speaking migrants in the context of the idea of forming a "Russian-speaking social space" is highlighted. The article also describes the key barriers (administrative, cultural, linguistic) faced by migrants from the former Soviet Union in the process of integration into the host societies of Latin American countries.