Why Muslims Lagged Behind and Others Progressed
Intro -- Why Muslims Lagged Behind and Others Progressed -- About the Author -- Dedication -- Copyright Information © -- Acknowledgement -- Preface -- Introduction -- Chapter One -- Prince Shakib Arslan Responds -- Uniformity of Weakness in Islamic Peoples -- Reasons for the Rise of Muslims of the Past -- Factors That Allowed Earlier Muslims to Progress Are No More -- A Comparison of the Conditions of Muslims and Europeans Today -- The Muslim Excuse and Its Rejection -- The Results of Egypt's Support for the Fighters of Tripoli and Cyrenaica -- Betrayal by Some Muslims of Their Faith and Nation and Their Lame Excuse -- King Ibn Saud on the Treachery and Betrayal of Muslims -- Striving to Spread the Faith: A Comparison between Muslims and Christians -- Chapter Two -- Main Reasons for the Backwardness of Muslims -- Ignorance and Deficient Knowledge -- Moral Corruption Especially Among Leaders and Religious Scholars -- Cowardice and Fear -- Despair and Hopelessness -- Befuddlement of the Ignorant and Cowardly and the Reply -- The Loss of Islam between Conservatives and Progressives -- Europeans Preserve Their Nationalism -- Progress of the Japanese an Example for Arabs and All Muslims -- Why Do We Not Call Japan and Europe Regressive Despite Their Religiosity? -- Misfortunes Inflicted by the Conservatives on Islam and Muslims -- Verses of Work Refuting the Interpretation of Fate as Predestination and Laziness -- Conservative Muslims Are Enticement for the Enemies of Islam and Evidence against It -- Chapter Three -- Islamic Civilisation -- A Reply to the Contemptuous Enviers of Islamic Civilisation -- Greece and Rome Before and After Christianity -- Backwardness of Europe in the Past and Its Rise in the Present -- Chapter Four -- Exhortation of the Quran to Knowledge -- A Word to Those Who Demand a National Rather Than a Religious Revival.