This work is an initial description of the emergence, development and role of local media and local radioin the province of San Luis, Argentina, which were born favored by the development of the web and social networksand the appearance of connection devices every smaller, to meet the information needs of citizens, offeringalternative points of view. These means constitute a small barrier to the political and economic hegemonic power.This work contains an initial and descriptive analysis of two digital media in the province of San Luis, Argentina.
14 p. ; il. byn., cuadros, tablas ; Desde hace algunos años atrás ha avanzado sensiblemente la teoría de las organizaciones y junto con ella, en los últimos treinta años han surgido un conjunto de estudios que intentan estudiar y explicar cómo suceden los procesos comunicacionales al interior de las organizaciones. Junto con ella, la comunicación institucional se ha desarrollo como un sub-campo destacado de los estudios de comunicación. De este modo, desarrollar y ejercer la comunicación organizacional posibilita generar una gestión sustantiva en términos cualitativos y cuantitativos y permite al equipo ser capaces de realizar tareas con funciones y responsabilidades de servicio y producción. Desarrollar relaciones que contemplen a los individuos como el recurso más importante, planificando y controlando las operaciones que representan el clima y la cultura organizacional, permitiría construir estrategias y ámbitos de comunicación amigables que favorezcan todas las tareas de la organización. El estudio de la comunicación organizacional se ha ubicado en el campo universal de las ciencias sociales desde hace tres décadas, aproximadamente. La formulación de una auditoria comunicacional con el establecimiento de objetivos, plazos, cambios que se pretenden lograr y ámbitos de actuación. Avanzar en una metodología de diagnóstico significa desarrollar un modelo de auditoria que pueda sugerir propuestas correctivas. La auditoría como proceso diagnóstico tiene como finalidad indagar y mejorar los sistemas y prácticas de comunicación interna y externa en una organización y constituye un insumo para la planificación estratégica. En este sentido, es necesario y útil relevar la realidad institucional y desarrollar el diagnóstico, atendiendo a su identidad, la comunicación y la imagen. Como posición epistemológica, concebimos los fenómenos de la comunicación desde lo estratégico y lo fluido en el marco de abordajes multiparadigmáticos y transdisciplinarios con los aportes de Sandra Massoni, en oposición a la visión reducida de enmarcar a la comunicación desde la transferencia de información o bagajes tecnológicos.-
This work addresses the main characteristics of the communication model proposed by Francesco Fattorello almost seventy years ago in Italy and exposes the particularities of Fattorellian thought with the culture of participation, the web communication model and the role of the public in the communication process. Furthermore, Fattorello's (1969) model is very similar today to the paradigm of Web communication.
The creative wealth of Latin American communication studies has promoted the broadening of the object of study of communication, which has now exceeded two centuries, revealing collective realities and concerns about society and the media, processes that imply rethinking the link between thought, knowledge and academia. Complexity, fragmentation, atomization and utopian pragmatism distill authors such as Antonio Pascuali, Luiz Beltrão, José Marques de Melo and Jesús Martín-Barbero, who have built a theoretical and elastic mesh to think and rethink Latin American communicational thinking within the framework of complexity and the utopian pragmatism of a mestizo science under construction. Faced with the fragmentation of the communicational field, we perceive a deeply atomized terrain A riqueza criativa dos estudos da comunicação latino-americanos tem promovido a ampliação do objeto de estudo da comunicação, que já ultrapassou dois séculos, revelando realidades coletivas e preocupações com a sociedade e os meios de comunicação, processos que implicam repensar a ligação entre pensamento, conhecimento e academia. Complexidade, fragmentação, atomização e pragmatismo utópico destilam autores como Antonio Pascuali, Luiz Beltrão, José Marques de Melo e Jesús Martín-Barbero, que construíram uma malha teórica e elástica para pensar e repensar o pensamento comunicacional latino-americano no quadro da complexidade e o pragmatismo utópico de uma ciência mestiça em construção. Diante da fragmentação do campo comunicacional, percebemos um terreno profundamente atomizado.
Este artigo é uma descrição inicial do surgimento, desenvolvimento e papel da mídia local e rádio local na província de San Luis, Argentina. A categoria de "mídia local" pode ser inédita para caracterizar pequenas mídias alternativas que com grandes dificuldades tentam oferecer visões de realidade diferentes de suas práticas jornalísticas subordinadas. O espaço construído por essas mídias locais permite que as pessoas não apenas sejam ouvidas, mas também expressem sua visão da realidade, com clara influência nas normas sociais e culturais que sustentam o conhecimento e a exposição dos abusos de poder.
This paper addresses the phenomenon of political personalism, populism and democratic culture in the province of San Luis, Argentina, in the period 2015-2019 and intends to formulate a preliminary analysis to understand the complexity of the social and political phenomena experienced by San Luis. Since the advent of democracy in Argentina in December 1983, the brothers Alberto and Adolfo Rodríguez Saá have governed the province of San Luis. The Peronist party has a clear hegemony in San Luis, since December 1983, without interruptions. Political personalism has been relatively researched in the Latin American political / communicational field and under that concept different ideas and conceptions can be deployed. On the other hand, democratic culture is linked among other factors to mobilization and citizen participation. In this context, there is a perception that more and more citizens are disconnected from a political party in a context of electoral disorder and volatility, reducing the role of party representation and improving the personalization of the representative process. Personalism is related to representation: the public person is split from the group-partisan. The individual who has representation in the collegiate bodies adopts decisions more by autonomous decision convenient to their own interests, than by mandate of their represented. The weakening of political parties and the difficulties of representation have been factors that have promoted personalization as a political attitude and political personalization has also affected political parties by fragmenting and weakening them. The opacity of these democracies (Quiroga, 2016) is a breeding ground where political personalism finds a favorable environment for its presence in addition to existing in the case of San Luis, symbolization processes where the political leader is confused with popular symbols to achieve greater adherence of citizens. An opaque democracy is characterized as that in which a power (executive power) has more influence and imposes itself on the other powers.
Este informe pretende examinar las políticas de comunicación y la legislación medioambiental de la provincia de San Luis, Argentina en el período 2008-2018. Buscamos reconocer las políticas de comunicación de la legislación medioambiental de la provincia de San Luis, Argentina. La Ley de Libertad de Expresión del Pensamiento y de Información (Ley Nro. I-0735-2010), que destaca en su artículo 1 y 3 la libertad del ciudadano para pensar, expresarse, conocer, informarse y crear. Algunos trabajos precedentes han buscado examinar las políticas públicas de comunicación ejercidas desde los principales medios de la provincia de San Luis, sin analizar las acciones del estado, actor singular, en el establecimiento y desarrollo de políticas públicas de comunicación buscando el mayor conocimiento ciudadano de los asuntos públicos. El acceso a la información pública de la provincia de San Luis se encuentra legislado por la Ley Nro. V-0924-2015 que garantiza a cada persona el derecho a solicitar y recibir información de cualquier organismo, en el soporte que corresponda, bajo normas y tiempos establecidos. La información ambiental es un requisito imprescindible para el ejercicio ciudadano del derecho humano a un medio ambiente sano y los gobiernos deben ofrecer por múltiples acciones y alternativas la información sobre estas cuestiones. ; This paper aims to examine the communication policies and environmental legislation of the province of San Luis, Argentina in the period 2008-2018. We seek to recognize the communication policies of the environmental legislation of the province of San Luis, Argentina. The Freedom of Expression of Thought and Information Act (Law Nro. I-0735-2010), which highlights in its articles 1 and 3 the freedom of the citizen to think, express, knows, informs and creates. Some previous works have sought to examine public communication policies exerted from the main media of the province of San Luis, without analyzing the actions of the state, a singular actor, in the establishment and development of public communication policies seeking greater citizen knowledge of the public affairs. Access to public information of the province of San Luis is legislated by Law Nro. V-0924-2015 that guarantees each person the right to request and receive information from any agency, in the corresponding support, under rules and times established. Environmental information is an essential requirement for the citizen's exercise of the human right to a healthy environment and governments must offer information on these issues through multiple actions and alternatives.