In May 2U, 2006 earthquake hit Yogyakarta and Central Java measured 5.9 on the Richter scale and lasted for S2 seconds. The impact of the earthquake in May 2U, 2006 which hit Yogyakarta and Central Java was very devastating. To add the anguish, one of the most important economic pillars of Yogyakarta's inhabitants: the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) were also severely affected by the calamity. The preliminary assessment done by various institutions found that thousands SMEs actors have lost their enterprises. Moreover, ten thousands SMEs workers lost their jobs by which they make a living. To easy the pain of the impact of this tragedy, this paper offers a scenario to utilize the strong altruism culture of Yogyakarta's community as an economic instrument to help the SMEs actors to rebuild their business. The cultural instrument here means that people in Yogyakarta are suggested to use their moral judgment rather than rational one when making a choice to fulfill their daily needs: that is by switching their preference from buying branded manufactured goods made by big factories to simpler products made by SMEs. This community movement, hopefully, will boost the demand of SMEs products which in the end could support the efforts of the SMEs actors to recover their business.
The implementation of new laws on local autonomy in Indonesia has arisen hopes democracy an better services at the local level. However, these no hopes have not materialized as yer due to various barriers. The local stakeholders are not well prepared with the increasing discretionary powers. They tended to abuse their powers and neglected public interests, which resulted in loss qualified public services. Thing are more complicated as central government officials have not ready to share authorities with their local counterparts. Local government budgets are still depended on subsidies from the central government. It is difficult for the local government to carry out autonomous and efficient public services long as the financial issues are not resolved.
In the recentyears, the implementation study is facing a difficult time since its emergence for several deracks ago. This challenging, as a matter of fact, is caused by of various factors. Among of these factors, only to mention several of them, are.-first, the emergence of new public administration (NPM) in the 1990s. Some scholars argued that NPM souk/ be utilized to remedy iheprohlems of implementation, which mainly is seen as the probkm of administrative and management. This development subsequently raises a critical question to the implementation stuch, whether this study should be continued or not. Second, the declining of the domination of the government as the sole agent which is responsible to implement the government polity as the consequence of the need for democratisation. The second development gives new pressure to the government to invite more active role of the civil society and private sectors, not only to implement the government polity, but also to set up policy agenda and to formulatepoliry. The involvement of various organisations in implementing government policies means that the administrative and management approaches to understand the problems of implementation are not relevant any longer. After discussing all of these problems, this article then argues that the implementation study should renew its approach if this study still wants to maintain its existence. To do so, this article suggests that the scholars who carryout research on this theme should understand the problems of implementation not only as administrative and management as such, but also as political problem as well. This means that the problems of implementation should be understood also as the dynamic of the relationships among the stakeholders who have interest to a certain kind of policy within the policy cycle.
Automotive industrialization is the most relevant topic for discus to understand the development of industrialization in Indonesia. Because, automotive industry has specific character as representation of Indonesian strategy that is sensitive influenced by political factors. Many interests and missions have to accommodate in automotive industry have made automotive industry become dynamic and uncertain sector to be influenced. This research intended to understand the dynamic changing of automotive policies among 1966-1996, that are contains many controversial policies, with policy study approach. This approach does to answer the research question: how political contect will affect policy making process in Indonesian automotive policies. The research analysis focused on the understanding of factors interaction in policy making process by observing the patterns of the interaction among the government, business man, political and economical enviroment. Based on the research result, political context of automotive policies among period 1966-1996 was influenced by strong patronage in the Indonesian automotive policy making process because the interest in: nativism, foreign capital pressure, and nepotism.
Krisis ekonomi yang melanda Indonesia sejak pertengahan tahun 1997 telah menimbulkan dampak yang serius terhadap berbagai aspek kehidupan masyarakat, baik ekonomi, sosial maupun politik. Akibat krisis tersebut menurut Biro Pusat Statistik ( BPS) lebih dari 13 juta pekerja menjadi penggangguran karena terkena PHK. Akan tetapi yang lebih mengkawatirkan lagi, sejak krisis ekonomi melanda Indonesia jumlah penduduk miskin di Indonesia mengalami kenaikan secara drastis dari 'hanya' 27 juta pada tahun 1996 menjadi lebih dari 80 juta pada tahun 1998. Meningkatnya jumlah penduduk miskin tersebut kemudian menjadi pemicu munculnya berbagai problem sosial ekonomi yang lain yang lebih kompleks seperti anak putus sekolah, mall nutrisi, berkembangnya penyakit infeksi dan lain-lain. Untuk menyelamatkan bangsa Indonesia dari keterpurukan yang lebih parah (mencegah terjadinya the lost generation) maka Pemerintah Indonesia dengan bantuan IMF dan Bank Dunia kemudian meluncurkan program faring Pengaman Sosial (JPS) . Sayangnya, sebagaimana ditunjukkan dalam tulisan ini, implementasi program JPS ternyata belum berhasil rnencapai tujuan yang diharapkan. Studi kasus yang diangkat dalam tulisan ini pada akhirnya juga semakin memperkuat berbagai temuan serupa yang telah dilakukan oleh para peneliti sebelumnya yang mengungkapkan bahwa kelemahan instistusional yang ada pada pihak pelaksana, kurangnya informasi yang dimiliki oleh kelompok penerima, dan rendahnya dukungan masyarakat terhadap pelaksanaan program merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab kegagalan implementasi program JPS.
Bureaucracy is main executor for reform agendas. Therefore in realizing all of reform agendas in Indonesia, then bureaucratic reform is an underlying effort supposed to do. There are two prerequisite should be fulfilled for the reform. Firstly, there must be some endeavours to shift the old basic value of bureaucracy and the secondly, some endeavours directed to acativate interaction process among government, private sector and civil society in responding public affairs in their environment.Kata kunci: birokrasi, revitalisasi, pergeseran nilai, good governance, warga
This article discusses the implementation of Asean-China Fre Trade Area (ACFTA) and its consequences for the Indonesia economy. This article argues that its approval a decade ago, the Indonesian government showed sign of being unprepared to implement ACFTA. Data used in this article show that with the coming into force of ACFTA early 2011, a number of economic sectors have experienced negative growth, leading to the lay off of many workers in many sectors of the economy. To deal with this problem, the authors argue that local government and others stakeholders should be involve in effort to support Small-Scale and Medium Enterprise (SMEs) in strengthening their competitiveness. Doing so, requires local government to rescind various policies on SMEs considered inimical to their operation and adopt more business friendly e policies to support them.
Small medium enterprises can be used as a strategy to overcome problem of poverty in Indonesia. Howeaer, due to the lack of New Order government intervention and attention to this sector and the New Order regime preferences of big companies, this sector has been under-developed. This article discuses how and what steps government should take in order to maximize the potency of small medium enterprises in Indonesia.
This study was conducted by its finding that there were inconsistencies and uncorrelated data from the government score-based report about Village Fund, and the public perception of the village fund. This research observes relevance of those numbers using the Impact Assessment concepts. This research can act as a useful insight for the governments, researchers and societies to evaluate the commitment of the government to build Indonesia from village. By using descriptive quantitative research method, this paper critically summarises the government report of the Village Fund by contrasted the priorities target of the fund. From the assessment, it was found that the development of the village facilities, infrastructure, and community empowerment program currently increased, but the village fund still has a problem with its equalisation and utilisation of the fund. In conclusion, the achievement numbers of the village fund do not have any correlation with the poverty reduction, because there are lack of equalisation and perception in some sectors. The perception index does not correlate with the satisfaction index in terms of infrastructure development, and the intervention of the village fund does not have a connection with the understanding of people on the use of the fund.
This research about cultural manipulation in local politic, Toraja, South Sulawesi. The purpose of this study was to determine the local cultural forms are manipulated by local political elites to achieve their political objectives. The methodology used in this study is descriptive qualitative, with the determination of key informants through snowball sampling. The research results showed there has been manipulation of culture by utilizing culture (traditional parties, burial ceremonies, traditional houses, houses of worship, and cultural symbols) as a political instrument to achieve political goals and is used as one reasons in regional expansion.
Historically, the study of public administration starts with the endeavors to establish the effective and efficient administration. This followed by the notions of equity values in managing public administration that lead to the idea of the new public administration. Recent challenges such as privatization, multiculturalism, democratization, decentralization and various disasters that occur have produced the demands to pay attention the new look of public administration. This article discusses the history and contemporary issues of public admihistration in order to reformulate the scope of public administration study.
AbstractLegislation No 41 Year 2014 about Amendment of Legislation No 18 Year 2009 about Livestock and Animal Health explains that Veterinary Authority is a government institution, formed in order to deal with decision making of anything related to animal health, by involving veterinarians and mobilizing all related professional lines, to identify problems, deciding policies, coordinating policy implementation, and handling the field operations.This research material uses the result from a group of respondents, which represents 36 Regional organizations (OPD), they are: 9 OPD Technical services, supervising animal health (keswan) and veterinary public health (kesmavet), 9 OPD Health services, 9 OPD Regional development planning services, and 9 OPD Regional staffing services (BKD), for regencies, and cities in Banten Province. Data collection is done using two methods, quantitatively by using data from all 36 OPD, and qualitatively by using observation, interviews, dan questionnaires.First 5 questions: 1). Are the organization bureaucratic? 2). Positions, roles, and authority of veterinarians? 3). Is the veterinary authority regarding rabies control at agencies, clinics, and animal health center already in line with the implementation? 4). Strategic policy and 5). Integrated, directed, and continuous program regarding public awareness of rabies, for rabies control in provincial or regency government. The answers are as follows, Technical services of animal health (keswan) and veterinary public health (kesmavet) : 0%, 33,33%, 77,78%, 100% and 77,78% answered yes; 100%, 66,67%, 22,22%, 0% and 22,22% answered no. Health services: 22,22%, 66,67%, 88,89%, 44,44% and 44,44% answered yes; 77,78%, 33,33%, 11,11%, 55,56% and 55,56% answered no. Regional development planning services (Bappeda), 33,33%, 88,89%, 66,67%, 11,11% and 11,11% answered yes; 66,67%, 11,11%, 33,33%, 88,89% and 88,89% answered no; Regional staffing services (BKD) 88,89%, 77,78%, 55,56%, 0% and 0% answered yes; 11,11%, 22,22%, 44,44%, 100% and 100% answered no. Next questions: 6). Cooperations between OPD, 7). Regional Policy 8). Veterinarian openings and 9). Enforcement and improvement of otovet institutions. The answers are as follows: Technical services of keswan kesmavet: 33,33%, 44,44%, 77,78% and 100% answers yes; 66,67%, 55,56%, 22,22% and 0% answers no. Health services: 55,56%, 22,22%, 0% and 77,78% answers yes; 44,44%, 77,78%, 100% and 22,22% answers no. Regional development planning services (Bappeda), 33,33%, 33,33%, 33,33 and 100% answers yes; 66,67%, 66,67%, 66,67% and 0% answers no; while Regional staffing services (BKD) 11,11%, 11,11%, 100% and 66,67% answers yes, 88,89%, 88,89%, 0%, !00% and 33,33% answers no.In conclusion, after scoring the questionnaire, the results for OPDs supervising animal health (keswan) and veterinary public health (kesmavet) otovet are as follows: Technical services with 9 OPDs, 4 OPDs scores well and 5 OPDs scores poor. Health services with 9 OPDs, 4 OPDs scores well and 5 OPDs scores poor. Regional development planning services (Bappeda) with 9 OPDs, 4 OPDs scores well and 5 OPDs scores poor. Regional staffing services (BKD) with 9 OPDs, 1 OPD scores well and 8 OPDs scores poor.Keywords: Veterinary authority; Regional organizations (OPD), control rabies, rabies