
43 Ergebnisse


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Global Disaster Management and Therapeutic Governance of Communities

In: Development dialogue, Heft 58, S. 81-97

ISSN: 0345-2328

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Open Access#52011

Punishing Childhoods: Contradictions in Children's Rights and Global Governance


Open Access#62010

Between compassion and conservatism: a genealogy of British humanitarian sensibilities


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World Affairs Online

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#922. Dezember 2010

The Consumerism-Development-Security Nexus

In: Security dialogue, Band 41, Heft 6, S. 691-713

ISSN: 1460-3640

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Open Access#112008

Changing international health policy and changing international development goals



Refugee Advocacy, Traumatic Representations and Political Disenchantment

In: Government & opposition: an international journal of comparative politics, Band 43, Heft 2, S. 270-292

ISSN: 1477-7053

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Open Access#142006

Discriminating language rights and politics in the post-Yugoslav states


Open Access#152006

The politics of emergency and the demise of the developing state: problems for humanitarian advocacy