The Palgrave handbook of decentralisation in Europe
In: Palgrave Handbooks
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In: Palgrave Handbooks
In: Central European Public Administration Review, 19(1), 2021
In: Governance and Public Management Ser.
Intro -- Foreword -- Contents -- Notes on Contributors -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- List of Boxes -- Chapter 1: Introduction -- 1 Book Outline -- References -- Chapter 2: Through the Looking-Glass: What Does Strategic Planning Reveal in French Local Governments? -- 1 Introduction -- 2 French Context -- 2.1 Administrative System -- 2.2 Legal Framework -- 2.3 Cultural Antecedents -- 2.4 Political Factors -- 2.5 Reform Process -- 3 Methodology -- 4 Results -- 4.1 First Phase: Quantitative Study -- 4.1.1 Composition of the Sample and General Trend -- 4.1.2 Purpose of Strategic Planning: Local Governance and Public Performance -- 4.1.3 Process of Strategic Planning: Environment and Stakeholders -- 4.1.4 Results of Strategic Planning: New Public Governance Trend -- 4.1.5 Participation and Evaluation: Strategic Tools? -- 4.2 Second Phase: Qualitative Study -- 4.2.1 Case Study 1: Lyon, Striving for Excellence -- Lyon: The European Hierarchy of Cities in Focus -- Strategic Actions Based on Symbolism, Competitiveness Clusters, Strategic Formalisation and Sufficient Human Resources -- 4.2.2 Case Study 2: Nantes, a Strategy to Join the Metropolis "Big League" -- Nantes: A Strategic Planning Focused on International Outreach…but Three Intermediate Objectives Aimed at the Territory and Its Inhabitants and Users -- The Political and Voluntarist Features of Nantes Metropole's Territorial Strategy -- The Strategic Actions of Nantes Métropole: Urban Planning in the Lead -- 5 Discussion and Recommendations -- 5.1 Theoretical Insights: Scale Change and Strategic Planning Through the Metropolitan Temptation -- 5.2 Managerial Insights: Three Toolkits to Implement Strategic Planning -- 5.2.1 Internal Strategic Management, to Facilitate the Implementation of Strategic Plans and to Reinforce the Focus on Strategy.
This book draws together case analyses of public-private partnerships in four different countries: Australia, France, Romania and Spain. It represents research efforts conducted from December 2007 to November 2012, and it covers a wide range of experiences in planning and implementing public-private partnerships in countries that belong to two very different socio-economic regions: Europe and Australia. The study on Australia deals with key concepts and types of public-partnerships, as well as performance and evaluation issues. While the analysis on France focuses on water sanitation and public transport services, the research on Romania highlights water and infrastructure projects. Finally, the discussion of Spain emphasizes healthcare and network services. The study illustrates that public-private partnerships are very adaptable and can take an unexpected variety of forms in different industries, types of service, regions or legal frameworks. By suggesting new directions for future comparative research in this area, we hope that this collection of country case studies will stimulate useful and enlightened discussion of the field and encourage a greater focus on the importance of context in future discussions of public-private partnerships
Working paper
In: Revue internationale des sciences administratives: revue d'administration publique comparée, Band 84, Heft 1, S. 131-152
ISSN: 0303-965X
Dans les pays en transition et en développement, les biens immobiliers excédentaires pourraient constituer une réponse appropriée au besoin criant de sources locales de recettes pour autant que les exigences du nouveau management public en termes d'efficience, d'efficacité et de qualité des services publics soient bien satisfaites. Nous avons centré notre recherche sur le cas des biens immobiliers des villes roumaines, afin de faire apparaître les problèmes de l'actuel système de gestion des biens immobiliers municipaux (BIM) par rapport à la fois aux conditions générales de la ville et aux caractéristiques du cadre institutionnel et organisationnel. Nous avons utilisé pour ce faire une enquête basée sur un questionnaire, suivie de tests statistiques non paramétriques, ce qui a confirmé l'hypothèse qui souligne l'importance de l'existence d'un plan BIM, d'une stratégie BIM et d'une unité BIM au niveau de la municipalité afin d'assurer une utilisation efficace de ces ressources. Nous avons par ailleurs formulé une série de solutions viables aux problèmes épinglés. Remarques à l'intention des praticiens Notre article souligne le rôle décisif de l'approche stratégique et des instruments correspondants de gestion efficace des biens immobiliers municipaux, et formule quelques recommandations intéressantes pour que l'immobilier municipal devienne une importante source de recettes pour les gouvernements municipaux. Nos observations découlent de celles obtenues dans le cadre du projet financé par l'UE intitulé « Municipal Property Management in South-East European Cities » (PROMISE) de l'université d'études économiques de Bucarest, l'un des treize partenaires participants. Sa contribution a été désignée par l'International Project Management Association parmi les cinq finalistes du concours international « Achievement Award », dans la catégorie Service communautaire/Projet de développement 2013.
In: International review of administrative sciences: an international journal of comparative public administration, Band 84, Heft 1, S. 122-143
ISSN: 1461-7226
In the transition and developing countries the use of surplus real property might be a good response to the acute need for local sources of revenues provided the requirements of the new public management regarding efficiency, effectiveness and quality of public services are carefully observed. The research has focused on the case of Romanian cities' real properties, aiming to reveal the problems of the existing municipal real property (MRP) management system in relation to both overall city conditions and the characteristics of the institutional and organizational framework. A questionnaire-based survey followed by nonparametric statistical tests have been employed in this respect, confirming the working hypothesis which points to the importance of the existence of an MRP plan, an MRP strategy and an MRP unit at municipality level for the effective use of these assets. A series of viable solutions to the problems identified have been also formulated. Points for practitioners The article emphasizes the decisive role of the strategic approach and corresponding instruments for effective MRP management, putting forward valuable recommendations for making MRP an important source of revenue for municipal governments. They are derived from the findings obtained within the EU-funded project entitled 'Municipal Property Management in South-East European Cities' (PROMISE) by the Bucharest University of Economic Studies team, one of the 13 partners involved. Its contribution has been nominated by the International Project Management Association among the five finalists of the Achievement Award global competition, category Community Service/Development Project 2013.