Social Representations for the Anthropocene
In: The Anthropocene: Politik--Economics--Society--Science Ser. v.32
Intro -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- Abbreviations -- Chapter 1 Building a Sand String: Social Representations for the Anthropocene -- Abstract -- 1.1 The Objective of This Book -- 1.2 On the Anthropocene as a Societal Era and Its Common Sense Relation to Social Representations Theory -- 1.2.1 The Anthropocene and the Earth System: A Conceptual Unfolding -- 1.2.2 Establishing the Common Sense Relation Between the Anthropocene and Social Representations Theory -- 1.3 A Brief Regional Outline of the Social Representations Research Groups Presented in This Book -- 1.4 About the Chapters in the Book -- References -- Chapter 2 Social Representations and History: Theoretical Problems -- Abstract -- Introductory Comment -- References -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Representation: At the Crossroads of Two Historiographic Paths -- 2.3 Memory and History -- 2.4 Final Considerations -- References -- Chapter 3 Social Representations in the Study of Disaster Risk in the Municipality of Piedecuesta, Santander (Colombia): The Social Cognitive Dimension -- Abstract -- Introductory Comment -- Theoretical-conceptual overview -- Methodology -- Results -- Conclusions -- 3.1 On the Analysis Offered in this Chapter -- 3.2 Theoretical-Conceptual Review: Risk and Social Representations -- 3.2.1 Social Representations Theory and the Processual Approach -- 3.3 Methodology and Area of Study -- 3.4 Results -- 3.4.1 Theoretical-conceptual Interaction of the Social Approach and the Moscovician Perspective -- 3.4.2 Categories, Integrative Elements and Basic Content -- 3.5 Analytical Categories -- 3.5.1 Socio-Cognitive Dimension -- Piedecuestanos Residents and their Know-How Common to Disaster Risk -- 3.6 The Peri-Urban Population's Representations of Risk: What Do They Know? How do They Know It? And From Where Do They Know?.