Grievances and Public Protests: Political Mobilisation in Spain in the Age of Austerity
In: Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology Ser.
In: Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology
Intro -- Foreword -- Preface -- Praise for Grievances and Public Protests -- Contents -- Abbreviations -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- Chapter 1 Exploring the Ground: Grievances and Protest -- Introduction -- Theoretical Framework (I): Grievances -- Theoretical Framework (II): Cleavages, Grievances and the Political Process Approach-An Integrated Framework -- Empirical Design -- This Volume -- References -- Chapter 2 The Context: Spain, Protest and the Great Recession -- Introduction -- The Recession Hits Spain: The Chronicle of a Foretold Drama -- Mobilisation in Spain Since the Transition -- Contending with Austerity: An Overview -- References -- Chapter 3 Eventful Protests and No-radicalisation: The Trajectory of Contention in Spain, 2007-2015 -- Introduction -- Data and Methods -- The Cycle of Anti-Austerity Protest in Spain -- Protest Persistence and No-radicalisation -- Downward Scale Shift and Alliance Building -- Conclusion -- Appendix -- References -- Chapter 4 The Merrier, the Fewer? Political Dissatisfaction and Protest Size Fluctuations in Times of Austerity -- Introduction -- Grievances and the Size of Protests -- Research Design, Data and Operationalisation -- Protest Event Analysis -- The Dependent Variable -- Predictors -- Controls -- Results and Discussion -- Conclusion -- Appendix -- References -- Chapter 5 Unpacking the Virtuous Circle: Aggrieved Protesters, Feedback Effects or Both at the Same Time? -- Introduction -- Grievances for Mobilisation Under the Recession -- Objective-Material Grievances -- Subjective-Ideational Grievances -- Feedback Effects? -- Data -- The Dependent Variable -- Predictors -- Controls -- Results and Discussion -- Conclusion -- Appendix -- References -- Chapter 6 Voicing Outrage Unevenly: Democratic Dissatisfaction and Frequency of Participation in the 15M Campaign.