National audience ; In the past 25 years, numerous biomarkers have been developed with the objective to apply them to aquatic ecosystem biomonitoring. Recently, the Water Framework Directive (WFD) of the European union specified monitoring programs required to assess the achievement of good chemical and ecological status for all water bodies by 2015. This article reviews the potential of biomarkers for ecotoxicological status assessment in WFD monitoring programmes based on previous national and international experiments. ; Au cours des 25 dernières années, de nombreux biomarqueurs ont été développés dans un objectif de biosurveillance des milieux aquatiques. Récemment, la directive cadre sur l'eau (DCE) de l'Union européenne précisait les programmes de surveillance requis pour évaluer l'atteinte du bon état chimique et écologique des masses d'eau en 2015. En s'appuyant sur les expériences nationales et internationales antérieures, cet article dresse un bilan du potentiel des biomarqueurs pour évaluer le statut écotoxicologique des milieux aquatiques dans le cadre des programmes de surveillance de la DCE.
National audience ; In the past 25 years, numerous biomarkers have been developed with the objective to apply them to aquatic ecosystem biomonitoring. Recently, the Water Framework Directive (WFD) of the European union specified monitoring programs required to assess the achievement of good chemical and ecological status for all water bodies by 2015. This article reviews the potential of biomarkers for ecotoxicological status assessment in WFD monitoring programmes based on previous national and international experiments. ; Au cours des 25 dernières années, de nombreux biomarqueurs ont été développés dans un objectif de biosurveillance des milieux aquatiques. Récemment, la directive cadre sur l'eau (DCE) de l'Union européenne précisait les programmes de surveillance requis pour évaluer l'atteinte du bon état chimique et écologique des masses d'eau en 2015. En s'appuyant sur les expériences nationales et internationales antérieures, cet article dresse un bilan du potentiel des biomarqueurs pour évaluer le statut écotoxicologique des milieux aquatiques dans le cadre des programmes de surveillance de la DCE.
International audience ; In the past 25 years, numerous biomarkers have been developed with the objective to apply them for environmental biomonitoring. Recently, the Water Framework Directive (WFD) of the European Union specified monitoring programs required to assess the achievement of good chemical and ecological status for all water bodies by 2015. This article reviews the potential of biomarkers for ecotoxicological status assessment in WFD monitoring programs. For this purpose, we define the roles and the functions of biomarkers as biomonitoring tools. We also highlight the importance of defining a clear reference system to be confident that biomarkers represent a quantitative assessment of the effects of contaminants.
International audience ; In the past 25 years, numerous biomarkers have been developed with the objective to apply them for environmental biomonitoring. Recently, the Water Framework Directive (WFD) of the European Union specified monitoring programs required to assess the achievement of good chemical and ecological status for all water bodies by 2015. This article reviews the potential of biomarkers for ecotoxicological status assessment in WFD monitoring programs. For this purpose, we define the roles and the functions of biomarkers as biomonitoring tools. We also highlight the importance of defining a clear reference system to be confident that biomarkers represent a quantitative assessment of the effects of contaminants.
To assess the effects of contamination at low organisation levels, several studies have focused on biomarker utilization as indicators of chemical exposure and early responses of aquatic organisms. However, to evaluate the various responses to pollutant mixtures in organisms, the usefulness of a set of complementary biomarkers has been demonstrated and is now applied in environmental biomonitoring programs. In this context, the selected sentinel species appears as a critical factor for an accurate description of pollution effects in organisms. The stickleback is a pollution-tolerant fish which inhabit most aquatic ecosystems in the northern hemisphere. It has been proposed as a suitable fish species for detecting endocrine disruption induced by environmental pollutants and appears as an interesting model fish species for environmental biomonitoring. However, few data describe biomarker responses in wild stickleback populations. In the present work, a set of biomarkers including biotransformation enzymes, oxidative stress parameters, neurotoxicity marker but also estrogenic and androgenic end-points was developed and validated. Firstly, biomarker assays were set up in the stickleback. Indeed, several biomarkers such as EROD and acetylcholinesterase activities are classically employed in various fish species but methodological adaptation is required. Moreover, specific immuno-enzymatic assays were developed to quantify endocrine disruption biomarkers such as vitellogenin and spiggin. Secondly, this set of biochemical biomarkers was validated in situ. Sticklebacks collected monthly in a reference was used to determine basal level of investigated parameters but also to characterise the effects of gender and sampling season on biomarker responses. According to the results of this experiment, male and female fish from sites sampled in Autumn and characterised by various contamination levels were analysed. This study showed that biomarker responses in stickleback are valuable parameters to describe the effects of contamination in aquatic organisms. Moreover, biomarkers appear as complementary tools with other environmental parameters including chemical analysis in water and sediment but also population disturbances. In the last step, an ecotoxicological indicator was set-up to summarize biomarker responses recorded in investigated sites. This indicator allows site ranking based on biomarker measurement and provides a complementary data to other environmental indicators. ; La directive européenne cadre sur l'eau (Directive 2000/60/CE) propose un cadre réglementaire pour la politique de l'eau au niveau communautaire afin d'améliorer, de protéger et de prévenir les dégradations de la qualité de l'eau en Europe. Cette directive fixe pour objectif de parvenir à un bon état écologique et chimique des eaux d'ici à 2015. Pour ce faire, elle prévoit l'établissement de programmes de surveillance de la qualité des eaux portant sur la détermination de paramètres chimiques et écologiques, afin de dresser un tableau cohérent et complet de l'état des eaux en Europe. Ces deux approches, bien que complémentaires, ne permettent toutefois pas de prendre en compte la complexité de la contamination et les effets précoces de celle-ci sur les organismes. Afin de combler cette lacune, un axe majeur de recherche en écotoxicologie au cours des 25 dernières années a consisté dans le développement de biomarqueurs. Les biomarqueurs se définissent comme un changement observable ou mesurable à différents niveaux d'organisation biologique qui reflète l'exposition d'un organisme à au moins un polluant. Ces outils biologiques permettent donc d'appréhender les effets précoces de la contamination sur les organismes en prenant en considération la biodisponibilité des contaminants, leur métabolisation et les interactions entre molécules. Toutefois, afin de prendre en compte la complexité de la contamination et de ses effets, il est nécessaire de recourir à un ensemble de biomarqueurs décrivant une large gamme d'effets. Les travaux menés à l'INERIS s'inscrivent dans une stratégie globale sur l'utilisation des biomarqueurs dans un contexte de multi-pollution. Ils visent plus particulièrement à développer un ensemble cohérent de biomarqueurs reflétant les effets de la contamination sur différentes fonctions physiologiques d'un organisme, et à déterminer les conditions et les limites d'utilisation de ces biomarqueurs dans un contexte de biosurveillance des milieux aquatiques.
In: Ecotoxicology and environmental safety: EES ; official journal of the International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety, Band 223, S. 112580
In: Ecotoxicology and environmental safety: EES ; official journal of the International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety, Band 145, S. 333-339
In: Ecotoxicology and environmental safety: EES ; official journal of the International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety, Band 102, S. 6-11
In: Ecotoxicology and environmental safety: EES ; official journal of the International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental safety, Band 142, S. 150-156