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22 Ergebnisse
Cover -- Half Title -- Series Page -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Dedication -- Table of Contents -- List of illustrations -- Introduction -- Part I: Transnational architecture and urbanism -- Chapter 1: The transnational transformations of contemporary cities -- 1.1 Ubiquitous and homogenizing forces of urban globalization? -- 1.2 Global spread and local transplants: past and recent examples -- 1.3 Contemporary urban narratives, models, and projects -- 1.4 City forms and transnational projects: pressing issues and questions -- Chapter 2: Looking for (urban) troubles across disciplines -- 2.1 The architecture/city nexus: old criticisms and contemporary reductions to absurdity -- 2.2 Forms of contemporary urban development: Manhattanism, bigness, and the generic post-metropolis -- 2.3 Glocal urban competition and growth machines -- 2.4 Contemporary architectural and urban knowledge is part of the problem -- Chapter 3: A conceptual framework for usable knowledge in contemporary cities -- 3.1 Projects and built forms -- 3.2 Glocal places and multiscalar contexts -- 3.3 Transnational agents and networks -- 3.4 Transnational urban processes -- 3.5 Analyzing transnational projects through their mobilities, circulation, and transfer -- 3.6 A conceptual framework for usable knowledge, not for general urban theories -- Chapter 4: Critical approach and pragmatic attitude -- 4.1 Long-term global mapping and urban analysis: forms, agents, and process -- 4.2 The case study method and its limits in investigating transnational issues -- 4.3 Methods for critically understanding transnational architecture and urbanism -- Part II: Critical issues -- Chapter 5: Spectacularization of contemporary architecture and the urban environment -- 5.1 Architecture in the society of spectacle -- 5.2 Urban politics and the economies of spectacle.
In: Biblioteca di testi e studi
Cities are important grounds for cultural diversity, both in terms of perception and impact of diversity, and in terms of political and cultural reproduction. Nonetheless comparative studies with an urban focus are limited, partly due to methodological difficulties. The paper proposes to explore a policy tool approach in order to detect and compare given characteristics of cultural diversity policymaking at the urban level and to compare them internationally. Drawing on relevant examples of grant use to support cultural diversity in four European and American cities, the paper discusses how cultural diversity policy is conceived and fosters public action in the urban environment according to the policy tool adopted. This concept allows the technical and political dimensions of cultural diversity policy to be analysed and compared, and requires further attention both in the academic and policy debate. ; Les ciutats resulten molt propícies per a l'estudi de la diversitat cultural, tant en termes de percepció i impacte de la diversitat com en termes de reproducció política i cultural. Malgrat això, avui dia són pocs els estudis comparats amb un enfocament urbà, a causa de les dificultats metodològiques, entre altres qüestions. Aquest article proposa examinar un enfocament basat en instruments polítics per tal de detectar i comparar determinades característiques de l'elaboració de polítiques sobre diversitat cultural en l'àmbit urbà i fer-ne una comparació a escala internacional. Basant-nos en exemples il·lustratius sobre l'ús d'ajuts per al suport de la diversitat cultural en quatre ciutats d'Europa i d'Amèrica, aquest article investiga com es concep la política sobre diversitat cultural i com aquesta fomenta l'acció pública segons l'instrument polític adoptat. Aquest concepte, que requereix més atenció en el debat acadèmic i polític, ens permet analitzar i comparar les dimensions tècnica i política de les política sobre diversitat cultural. ; Las ciudades resultan muy propicias para el estudio de la diversidad cultural, en términos tanto de percepción e impacto de la diversidad como de reproducción política y cultural. Sin embargo, hoy en día no abundan los estudios comparados que incorporan un enfoque urbano, en parte debido a dificultades metodológicas. Este artículo propone examinar un enfoque basado en instrumentos políticos que sirva para detectar y comparar determinadas características de las políticas sobre diversidad cultural en el ámbito urbano y compararlas a escala internacional. Basándonos en ejemplos ilustrativos sobre el uso de ayudas para el apoyo de la diversidad cultural en cuatro ciudades de Europa y América, el artículo investiga cómo se concibe la política sobre diversidad cultural y cómo ésta fomenta la acción pública en entornos urbanos según el instrumento político adoptado. Este concepto, que requiere una mayor atención en el debate académico y político, nos permite analizar y comparar las dimensiones técnicas y políticas de la política sobre diversidad cultural.
ABSTRACT: Cities are important grounds for cultural diversity, both in terms of perception and impact of diversity, and in terms of political and cultural reproduction. Nonetheless comparative studies with an urban focus are limited, partly due to methodological difficulties. The paper proposes to explore a policy tool approach in order to detect and compare given characteristics of cultural diversity policymaking at the urban level and to compare them internationally. Drawing on relevant examples of grant use to support cultural diversity in four European and American cities, the paper discusses how cultural diversity policy is conceived and fosters public action in the urban environment according to the policy tool adopted. This concept allows the technical and political dimensions of cultural diversity policy to be analysed and compared, and requires further attention both in the academic and policy debate.Keywords: cultural diversity, urban policy, policy tools, policy analysis, comparative studies.-RESUM: Les ciutats resulten molt propícies per a l'estudi de la diversitat cultural, tant en termes de percepció i impacte de la diversitat com en termes de reproducció política i cultural. Malgrat això, avui dia són pocs els estudis comparats amb un enfocament urbà, a causa de les dificultats metodològiques, entre altres qüestions. Aquest article proposa examinar un enfocament basat en instruments polítics per tal de detectar i comparar determinades característiques de l'elaboració de polítiques sobre diversitat cultural en l'àmbit urbà i fer-ne una comparació a escala internacional. Basant-nos en exemples il·lustratius sobre l'ús d'ajuts per al suport de la diversitat cultural en quatre ciutats d'Europa i d'Amèrica, aquest article investiga com es concep la política sobre diversitat cultural i com aquesta fomenta l'acció pública segons l'instrument polític adoptat. Aquest concepte, que requereix més atenció en el debat acadèmic i polític, ens permet analitzar i comparar les dimensions tècnica i política de les ...
In: Urban research & practice: journal of the European Urban Research Association, Band 3, Heft 3, S. 339-341
ISSN: 1753-5077
In: Environment and planning. C, Government and policy, Band 27, Heft 3, S. 433-450
ISSN: 1472-3425
The intersection of urban and cultural policies has recently been at the center of international debate. The cultural planning approach argued that cultural policies can generally display positive effects in contemporary cities. The economic literature put forth spatial organization models of cultural institutions and producers, sometimes confirming policy makers' expectations. Concerning the urban implications of cultural policies, many authors tended to be more skeptical and made several critical observations that can be better disclosed by analyzing cultural networks in urban policy making. Drawing on an extended case of Baltimore's Mount Vernon Cultural District, I show that these critical factors are relevant but not determinant since they do not explain how and why cultural policy networks intervene in urban policy making. The analysis of Mount Vernon showed how a self-interested network promoted revitalization by framing a specific area as a 'common campus' and by integrating public, private, and nonprofit on this spatial basis. I suggest considering the implications of cultural networks in further urban research and policy making.
In: Environment & planning: international journal of urban and regional research. C, Government & policy, Band 27, Heft 3, S. 433-450
ISSN: 0263-774X
In: Cities, Cultural Policy and Governance, S. 99-110
Data la complessit dell'ambiente urbano e delle sue trasformazioni, i processi di rigenerazione urbana sono oggetto di studio multidisciplinare da parte di diversi studiosi, tra cui pianificatori, geografi, economisti e sociologi. A partire dagli anni 2000, una questione che emerge dal confronto tra le varie discipline quella della città creativa, in cui le arti e le industrie culturali si diffondono come attività trainanti, influenzano le modalità di produzione e il consumo degli individui, e modificano le forme e l'uso degli spazi costruiti. Rigenerazione urbana e città creativa sono spesso affrontate in modo congiunto, senza argomentare in modo univoco cause ed effetti, interdipendenze reciproche, concentrandosi forse in modo eccessivo sul concetto piuttosto vago di classe creativa. Questo capitolo affronterà in modo sintetico quattro temi ricorrenti ma tutt'altro che risolti nelle politiche urbane e culturali: formazione di distretti culturali, costruzione di edifici iconici, moltiplicazione di eventi e festival, e interventi di arte pubblica. Molte città in tutto il mondo hanno investito su uno o pi di questi piani con risultati talvolta contradditori. Si presentano di seguito le criticità emerse pi chiaramente dalla implementazione di tali strategie.
In: Urban research & practice: journal of the European Urban Research Association, Band 7, Heft 1, S. 56-73
ISSN: 1753-5077
In: Urban studies, Band 47, Heft 5, S. 1037-1057
ISSN: 1360-063X
This paper critically explores the 'politics of becoming' in a 'wannabe' creative city in the United States. It shows how, in Baltimore's policy sphere, Richard Florida's theory has served as an 'intellectual technology' aiming at the invention of a new macro-actor (the creative class), while related urban regeneration outcomes and prospects appear to be more problematic. In particular, at the city-wide level, the creative class policy has favoured the interests of local politicians and their closer institutional partners; while, in the described context of a socially deprived neighbourhood, the embraced culture-led policy, albeit successful in redesigning a more attractive urban realm and thus in attaining its stated goals, has proved to be concerned more with real estate revitalisation than with issues of social inclusion and life-chance provision. It is concluded that the prevailing institutional imperative of networking and collaboration, as observed in Baltimore's creative class initiative, overemphasises the importance of the politics of association in contemporary urban regeneration processes, while neglecting the relevance of classic goals of socio-spatial justice.
World Affairs Online
In: Regions and Cities
The regeneration of critical urban areas through the redesign of public space with the intense involvement of local communities seems to be the central focus of place-making according to some widespread practices in academic and professional circles. Recently, new expertise maintains that place-making could be an innovative and potentially autonomous field, competing with more traditional disciplines like urban planning, urban design, architecture and others.This book affirms that the question of 'making better places for people' should be understood in a broader sense, as a symptom of the non