Las políticas públicas y el sector agropecuario: administración Figueres Olsen
In: Colección Tiempos de cambio
9 Ergebnisse
In: Colección Tiempos de cambio
In: A Westview replica edition
This paper has been prepared under the guidelines provided by the TAP Secretariat at the FAO, as a contribution to the TAP, an initiative of the G.20, which includes near 40 partners, facilitated by the FAO. Its purpose is to provide a Regional synthesis report on capacity needs assessment for agricultural innovation, with capacity gaps identified and analyzed, including recommendations to strengthen agricultural innovation systems (AIS) and draft policy recommendations to address the capacity gaps. This study is part of the TAP Initiative and is targeted at Central America and selected countries in Africa and Asia. This report was guided by the consideration that Innovations in agriculture are recognized as such when they are already used to some extent by producers. The stages preceding the use of innovations may include formal research or farmers' experimentation. Innovations in agriculture include technological and managerial alternatives. Institutional capacity is understood in its broader sense as referring to a system which includes: legislation and rules of the game, which must be understood and fulfilled by all actors; policies, which, when properly implemented, provide guidelines for private actors' decisions and investments; organizations (public and private) which have adequate capacity (see below); mechanisms that facilitate interaction and partnerships among actors (platforms, networks, etc.) and ad hoc financial mechanisms (venture capital, competitive funds, etc.) to facilitate private investment. Capacity of an organization is referred as the capacity to perform properly in a system. It requires amongst other things, qualified, motivated and well paid staff; efficient internal procedures; equipment; physical facilities; information systems that allow fulfillment of tasks; sufficient and timely funding; proactive attitude; and positive image. Therefore, improving the capacity of an organization requires investment and not just in training personnel. The rationale for building capacity of innovation systems and participating organizations is most justified in the context of the need to assure the benefits of markets of technological and managerial goods and services accrue to all actors in agriculture. Also, such capacity is needed to be prepared to perform properly in growingly uncertain and challenging environments.
In: Integración latinoamericana, Band 16, Heft 170, S. 23-32
ISSN: 0325-1675
Los autores senalan que, a consecuencia de la crisis economica y politica de la region latinoamericana durante los anos 80, se produjeron algunos cambios significativos en la estrategia de desarrollo, manifiestos en la definicion de un nuevo papel para la agricultura y en el comienzo de un proceso de acuerdos politicos para lograr la insercion de las economias nacionales en el comercio mundial. La integracion desempena un papel decisivo y requiere el estimulo de inversiones que, si bien procuran rentabilidad y competitividad, asumen tambien el compromiso de mejorar la calidad de los recursos humanos y naturales
World Affairs Online
In: Integración latinoamericana
ISSN: 0325-1675
Los autores sustentan que para superar la situacion de debilidad de la agricultura en el proceso de integracion centroamericana se requiere un desarrollo rural adecuadamente organizado por medio del establecimiento de relaciones formales de coordinacion con otras ramas de la economia en los niveles nacional y regional. En este sentido, y para cumplir con las nuevas y complejas tareas y responsabilidades, el sector agricola se debera articular juridica e institucionalmente dentro del esquema de integracion
World Affairs Online
Problems associated with risks in agriculture are one of the reasons that many governments intervene directly in agricultural product and factor markets. Risk-related interventions include guaranteed prices, subsidized credit, and publicly provided crop insurance. Such interventions can be expensive, both in their cost to the national exchequer and in their effects on aggregate resource allocation. Even then, they may not be effective in achieving their goals. This book is addressed to the question of whether and how governments should intervene in providing formal risk-sharing institutions to assist farmers. It is particularly concerned with crop insurance and in providing guidance as to when it is a relevant public policy intervention and how it can most effectively be used. ; PR ; IFPRI1
Se abordan las polìticas forestales en Centroamérica, y su efectividad para persuadir a los productores agropecuarios en establecer y utilizar más recursos dentro de sus fincas. Asimimo caracteriza la situaciòn en cobertura forestal y las normas que controlan el abuso y aprovechamiento de los recursos maderables. Finalmente se abroda el potencial de los árboles en fincas ganaderas gracias a los sistemas agrícolas, su cobertura y diversidad de especies. Como conclusión la inicitaiva motiviaría a muchos finqueros a establecer pequeñas plantaciones forestales o agroforestales para mejorar los rendimientos y productividad de diversos productos maderalbles y comercializarlos legalmente. Además, disminuirá la presión en los productores agropecuarios sobre los bsoques remanentes, pues contarán con mayores recursos arbóreos en sus fincas.
In: Documentos 16