37 Ergebnisse
De mediación sin intérpretes a escribanos bilingües. Diglosia, bilingüismo y escritura en la provincia de Chayanta (Potosí) durante la República boliviana (1830-1950)
In: Antropológica, Band 36, Heft 41, S. 145-193
ISSN: 2224-6428
Un archivo campesino como 'acontecimiento de terreno': Los nuevos papeles del curaca de Macha (Alasaya), Potosí
Este artículo parte del descubrimiento de un Archivo campesino en manos de los excuracas de Macha (Provincia Chayanta, Departamento de Potosí, Bolivia). Sitúa históricamente la gestión de la última familia de Curacas Recaudadores de Macha en el siglo XX (c. 1937-1994) y presenta tres ejemplos de la documentación guardada por ellos, en preparación para un fichaje y comentario más exhaustivos, que incluye una formulación propiamente campesina del "pacto de reciprocidad" entre Ayllu y Estado planteado en Platt (1982). Se muestra que las autoridades campesinas utilizaron la escritura para comunicarse, no solo con las autoridades nacionales, sino también entre sí mismos. Se termina con la transcripción de parte de una entrevista en quechua con don Gregorio Carbajal, en la que se enuncian las frases notariales castellanas utilizadas en la emisión de los certificados de servicios ('turno forzoso') a los nombrados 'en pleno cabildo' a ser Cobradores, Postillones, Alcaldes de cabildo, etc. Se comparan estas frases notariales con las utilizadas por su padre don Agustín (1900-1985) en un certificado de servicios de 1939 conservado en el Archivo Histórico de Potosí, demostrando la existencia de un trasfondo de lenguaje legal común a ambos. This article is based on the discovery of a peasant archive in the hands of the Ex-Curacas of Macha (Chayanta Province, Department of Potosí). It situates historically the recent administration of the last family of Curacas-Tribute-collectors of Macha in the twentieth century (c. 1937-1994), and presents three examples of documentation kept by them, in preparation for a more comprehensive inventory and commentary. This includes a peasant written version of the "pact of reciprocity" between ayllu and state. It shows that rural authorities used writing to communicate, not only with the national authorities, but also among themselves. I end with the transcript of an interview in Quechua with Don Gregorio Carvajal, where he recites the Spanish notarial phrases used in the certificates of service ('obligatory turn') he issued to those named 'in full council' to be Collectors, Postillions, Mayors etc. These notarial phrases are compared with those used by his father Don Augustin (1900-1985) in a Certificate of Service from 1939 preserved in the Historical Archives of Potosi, showing the existence of a legal language common to both.
Caccheo y Minería Mediana en las Provincias de Potosí : Lípez y Porco (1830-1850) ; Caccheo and medium-sized mining in the Potosí provincesLípez and Porco (1830-1850)
Special number on "Minería, recursos y sociedad en el Centro-Sur Andino" ; The article examines small and medium silver mining in two provinces of Potosí (Bolivia) during the early Republic, situating it between state buying, minting policies and smuggling via the "silver road" to Salta and the Chilean coast. The role of the Bolivian providers of small loans is identified, who then collected and sent ounces of silver from the local refineries to the Mining Bank. The mechanisms of mining accumulation (without recourse to foreign capitals) are analyzed, showing how the "share־cropping" arrangement between the mine owner and his Indian "associates" (cacchas) could be transformed into a "regular" relationship between boss and day laborer. Finally, I compare two middle־mining businesses, Siporo and Huanchaca, both were united against State interference in labor relations, especially President Santa Cruz's efforts to introduce a new Mining Code in defense of the workers. ; Publisher PDF ; Peer reviewed
Un archivo campesino como 'acontecimiento de terreno': Los nuevos papeles del curaca de Macha (Alasaya), Potosí
Este artículo parte del descubrimiento de un Archivo campesino en manos de los excuracas de Macha (Provincia Chayanta, Departamento de Potosí, Bolivia). Sitúa históricamente la gestión de la última familia de Curacas Recaudadores de Macha en el siglo XX (c. 1937-1994) y presenta tres ejemplos de la documentación guardada por ellos, en preparación para un fichaje y comentario más exhaustivos, que incluye una formulación propiamente campesina del ¿pacto de reciprocidad¿ entre Ayllu y Estado planteado en Platt (1982). Se muestra que las autoridades campesinas utilizaron la escritura para comunicarse, no solo con las autoridades nacionales, sino también entre sí mismos. Se termina con la transcripción de parte de una entrevista en quechua con don Gregorio Carbajal, en la que se enuncian las frases notariales castellanas utilizadas en la emisión de los certificados de servicios (`turno forzoso¿) a los nombrados `en pleno cabildo¿ a ser Cobradores, Postillones, Alcaldes de cabildo, etc. Se comparan estas frases notariales con las utilizadas por su padre don Agustín (1900-1985) en un certificado de servicios de 1939 conservado en el Archivo Histórico de Potosí, demostrando la existencia de un trasfondo de lenguaje legal común a ambos. This article is based on the discovery of a peasant archive in the hands of the Ex-Curacas of Macha (Chayanta Province, Department of Potosí). It situates historically the recent administration of the last family of Curacas-Tribute-collectors of Macha in the twentieth century (c. 1937-1994), and presents three examples of documentation kept by them, in preparation for a more comprehensive inventory and commentary. This includes a peasant written version of the ¿pact of reciprocity¿ between ayllu and state. It shows that rural authorities used writing to communicate, not only with the national authorities, but also among themselves. I end with the transcript of an interview in Quechua with Don Gregorio Carvajal, where he recites the Spanish notarial phrases used in the certificates of service (`obligatory turn¿) he issued to those named `in full council¿ to be Collectors, Postillions, Mayors etc. These notarial phrases are compared with those used by his father Don Augustin (1900-1985) in a Certificate of Service from 1939 preserved in the Historical Archives of Potosi, showing the existence of a legal language common to both. ; Artículo revisado por pares
The History of the Incas [1572] ‐ by Sarmiento de Gamboa, P
In: Bulletin of Latin American research: the journal of the Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS), Band 28, Heft 4, S. 575-577
ISSN: 1470-9856
Music and the poetics of production in the Bolivian Andes – By Henry Stobart
In: The journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Band 15, Heft 1, S. 208-209
ISSN: 1467-9655
History of how the Spaniards arrived in Peru [1570] ‐ by Titu Cusi Yupanqui and An Inca Account of the Conquest of Peru [1570] ‐ by Titu Cusi Yupanqui and Instrucción al Licenciado Lope García de Castro [1570] ‐ by Titu Cusi Yupanqui
In: Bulletin of Latin American research: the journal of the Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS), Band 27, Heft 2, S. 274-277
ISSN: 1470-9856
Frank Salomon, The Cord Keepers: Khipus and Cultural Life in a Peruvian Village (Durham, NC, and London: Duke University Press, 2004), pp. xxi+331, £81.00, £19.95 pb
In: Journal of Latin American studies, Band 38, Heft 1, S. 198-200
ISSN: 1469-767X
The Cord Keepers: Khipus and Cultural Life in a Peruvian Village
In: Journal of Latin American studies, Band 38, Heft 1, S. 198-200
ISSN: 0022-216X
Frank Salomon, The Cord Keepers: Khipus and Cultural Life in a Peruvian Village (Durham, NC, and London: Duke University Press, 2004), pp. xxi+331, £81.00, £19.95 pb
In: Journal of Latin American studies, Band 38, Heft 1, S. 198-199
ISSN: 0022-216X
In Memoriam: Gabriel Martínez Soto‐Aguilar
In: Bulletin of Latin American research: the journal of the Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS), Band 20, Heft 2, S. 261-263
ISSN: 1470-9856
The Alchemy of Modernity. Alonso Barba's Copper Cauldrons and the Independence of Bolivian Metallurgy (1790–1890)
In: Journal of Latin American studies, Band 32, Heft 1, S. 1-53
ISSN: 1469-767X
Those natures which, when they meet, quickly lay hold on and mutually
affect one another we call affined. This affinity is sufficiently striking in the
case of alkalis and acids which, although they are mutually antithetical … most
decidedly seek and embrace one another, modify one another, and together
form a new substance … It is in just this way that truly meaningful
friendships can arise among human beings: for antithetical qualities make
possible a closer and more intimate union.Goethe, Elective affinities (1809)A linear mode of historical understanding relegated alchemy to a 'pre-scientific' era, with the enlightenment's New Chemistry creating a break between
'empirical' and 'scientific' metallurgies. Similarly, Bolivia's early Republican
silver-production has been regarded as 'stagnant' and 'colonial' from the
'modern' perspective of late nineteenth century liberalism. This article questions
both periodisations by documenting an 'alchemical renaissance' in Bolivian
silver-refining methods during the first part of the 19th century. The relaunch of
Alonso Barba's 'hot method' of amalgamation in copper cauldrons (1609), and
its associated technical discourses, expressed a creole desire for an independent
'modernity'. This rediscovery of a seventeenth century technology, carried out
shortly before the Independence War in the Potosí provinces (Chichas), and
slightly later in Oruro and Carangas, is distinguished from the version reinvented
in Central Europe by Ignaz von Born (1786), as well as from two pre-Bornian
experiments in Potosí and New Spain. Its nineteenth century consolidation was,
in part, a little-known reaction to Nordenflicht's failure to introduce the new
European method of rotating barrels to the Andes during the 1790s. The article
shows that this 'alchemy of modernity' held its ground for several decades,
suggesting a fresh approach to America's postcolonial ambiguities from the
perspective of a comparative history of technology.
The alchemy of modernity: Alonso Barba's copper cauldrons and the independence of Bolivian metallurgy, 1790-1890
In: Journal of Latin American studies, Band 32, Heft 1, S. 1-54
ISSN: 0022-216X
World Affairs Online
ARTICLES - The Alchemy of Modernity. Alonso Barba's Copper Cauldrons and the Independence of Bolivian Metallurgy (1790-1890)
In: Journal of Latin American studies, Band 32, Heft 1, S. 1-54
ISSN: 0022-216X