Prve labele plošč z 78 obrati na minuto s slovenskimi posnetki so bile med prvimi produkti moderne množične kulture z napisi v slovenskem jeziku. Kljub njihovi standardiziranosti velika jezikovna in oblikovna variantnost zapisov odsevata strategije gramofonskih založb, povezane s širšim družbenozgodovinskim dogajanjem in zahtevami tržišča. *** The first labels on Slovenian recordings on 78 rpm records were among the first modern mass-culture products written in Slovenian. Despite label standardization, language differences in the label texts reflect gramophone companies' strategies associated with the broader socio-historical milieu and market demands.
This article presents three examples of Slovenian–Italian cross-border heritage initiatives. The ZBORZBIRK project linked thirty-four collections from the border area. The Walk of Peace trail from the Alps to the Adriatic connects the most important remnants and monuments of the Isonzo Front in Slovenia and Italy. The municipalities in Brda/Collio are working to nominate the cultural landscape of this area for the UNESCO World Heritage List. The comparison presents the scope of the cross-border initiatives, the actors, their motivations, the actions taken, and their longevity—that is, the imprints in the cultural heritage discourse between the tourism industry and identity politics. ; Avtorici predstavita tri primere slovensko-italijanskih čezmejnih dediščinskih pobud. Projekt ZBORZBIRK je povezal 34 zbirk z obmejnega območja, Poti miru od Alp do Jadrana povezujejo najpomembnejše ostanke in spomenike soške fronte v Sloveniji in Italiji, občine na območju Goriških brd pa si prizadevajo za nominacijo kulturne krajine tega območja na Unescov seznam svetovne dediščine. Primerjava kaže na obseg čezmejnih pobud, njihove akterje, motivacije, izvedene ukrepe in njihovo dolgoživost, torej na odtise v dediščinskem diskurzu med turistično industrijo in identitetnimi politikami.
This article is based on work from COST Action 15137 European Network for Research Evaluation in the SSH (ENRESSH) and supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). We thank all who have contributed to the two surveys on databases, especially Kasper Bruun, Gennady Eremenko, Viktor Glukhov, Marit Henningsen, Hanna-Mari Puuska, Svetlana Shabanova, Davor Šoštarič, and Mimi Urbanc. In the same way, we thank the reviewers for their valuable feedback. ; This article provides an overview of national bibliographic databases that include data on research output within social sciences and humanities (SSH) in Europe. We focus on the comprehensiveness of the database content. Compared to the data from commercial databases such as Web of Science and Scopus, data from national bibliographic databases (e.g. Flemish Academic Bibliographic Database for the SSH (VABB-SHW) in Belgium, Current Research Information System in Norway (CRISTIN)) are more comprehensive and may, therefore, be better fit for bibliometric analyses. Acknowledging this, several countries within Europe maintain national bibliographic databases; detailed and comparative information about their content, however, has been limited. In autumn 2016, we launched a survey to acquire an overview of national bibliographic databases for SSH in Europe and Israel. Surveying 41 countries (responses received from 39 countries), we identified 21 national bibliographic databases for SSH. Further, we acquired a more detailed description of 13 databases, with a focus on their comprehensiveness. Findings indicate that even though the content of national bibliographic databases is diverse, it is possible to delineate a subset that is similar across databases. At the same time, it is apparent that differences in national bibliographic databases are often bound to differences in country-specific arrangements. Considering this, we highlight implications to bibliometric analyses based on data from national bibliographic databases and outline several aspects that may be taken into account in the development of existing national bibliographic databases for SSH or the design of new ones. ; This work was supported by funding provided by the Flemish government to L.S., R.G., T.E., through the Centre for R&D Monitoring (ECOOM) and the COST Action 15137 ENRESSH (through a grant for a short-term scientific mission) to L.S.