"The West emancipated itself from the old humanism long ago and in doing so distanced itself from 'heteronomy': it declared that man, and not a non-human power, should be the first reference to approach people and nature. Today, as heirs of this tradition, we are still stuck in Eurocentrism (and often racism), and now even threaten to ruin nature by destroying biodiversity and causing the climate to warm up dangerously. Applied through an anthropological perspective, this book calls for a NEED-humanism: Not-Eurocentric, Ecological and (economically) Durable approach that can help promote inclusion and pluralism"--
Intro -- PREFACE BY THE EDITOR -- LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS -- PART I: LINGUISTIC AND LOGICAL APPROACHES -- 1. Generative grammar and the concept of innate ideas -- 2. Presupposition, truth and grammatically -- 3. Language, logic and thinking -- 4. The logic of non-European linguistic categories -- PART II: PSYCHOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL APPROACHES -- 5. The current relevance of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis -- 6. Sapir-Whorf hypothesis and brain activity -- 7. Epistemic universals. A contribution to cognitive anthropology -- 8. A critical analysis of Schaff's views in connection with the relation between language and thought -- 9. Language and meaningful intuition of reality. A general contribution to the problem of linguistic relativity -- PART III: EPISTEMOLOGICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF RELATIVISM -- 10. Is there a linguistic relativity principle? -- 11. Epistémologie et hypothèses de Whorf -- 12. La verification psycholinguistique de la psychiatrie et l'anthropoanalyse -- 13. The reduction of Whorfian relativity through a general systems language -- 14. Incommensurability of theory and untranslatability of languages -- 15. A l'occasion de l'hypothèse Sapir-Whorf: L'incompatibilité des systèmes. Remarques générales -- PART IV: EXTRACOLLOQUIAL PAPERS -- 16. Nonlinguistic factors in language -- 17. Mass media as language. The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis and electronic media.
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In: Anthropos: internationale Zeitschrift für Völker- und Sprachenkunde : international review of anthropology and linguistics : revue internationale d'ethnologie et de linguistique, Band 102, Heft 1, S. 278-279