8 Ergebnisse
Storage, trade, and price policy under production instability: maize in Kenya
In: Research report / International Food Policy Research Institute, 71
World Affairs Online
Stabilizing Pakistan's Supply of Wheat: Issues in the Optimization of Storage and Trade Policies
In: The Pakistan development review: PDR, Band 25, Heft 4, S. 451-468
The variability of Pakistan's wheat production in recent years
has highlighted the need for the country to develop a storage and trade
strategy which takes into account the needs of producers, consumers, and
the government. Production variability is a problem despite the fact
that cereal production is considerably less unstable in Pakistan than in
most other countries in the world, primarily because of the presence of
irrigation works [14]. Nevertheless, the country has experienced three
significant shortfalls in wheat production in the last nine years, and
is presently faced with the different but no less severe problem of an
exceptionally large crop. A strategy is needed for dealing with both
production shortfalls and surpluses.
Stabilizing Pakistan's supply of wheat: issues in the optimization of storage and trade policies
In: The Pakistan development review: PDR
ISSN: 0030-9729
Dynamisches Programmieren als Hilfsmittel für eine Entwicklungsstrategie. Preisstabilisierung nur unter hohen Kosten für die Regierung. Erhöhung der Schwankungsbreiten als Ausweg sinnvoll. Rückführung der Importe mit geringen volkswirtschaftlichen Kosten realisierbar. Lagerhaltung relativ unbedeutend. Freie Preisbildung unter großen Preisschwankungen. (DÜI-Seu)
World Affairs Online
Short-run supply management and food security: Results from Pakistan and Kenya
In: World development: the multi-disciplinary international journal devoted to the study and promotion of world development, Band 16, Heft 9, S. 1025-1034
Short-run Supply Management and Food Security: Results from Pakistan and Kenya
In: World development: the multi-disciplinary international journal devoted to the study and promotion of world development, Band 16, Heft 9, S. 1025
ISSN: 0305-750X
Short-run supply management and food security: results from Pakistan and Kenya
In: World development: the multi-disciplinary international journal devoted to the study and promotion of world development
ISSN: 0305-750X
Stabilisierung des Angebots und Verbrauchs trotz Ernteschwankungen. Minimierung der Nahrungsmittelimporte zur Einsparung von Devisen und Budgetmitteln. Optimierungsmodelle zur Beschreibung einer effizienten Wirtschaftspolitik. Messung der Auswirkung unterschiedlich großer Vorräte. (DÜI-Seu)
World Affairs Online
Exponential versus linear trends: which is the best fit?
In: Pakistan economic and social review: incorporating the Punjab University economist ; bi-annual journal of the Department of Economics, University of the Punjab
ISSN: 1011-002X
World Affairs Online