Variáveis ruminais em novilhos alimentados com feno de Tifton 85 com diferentes tamanhos de partículas
In: Semina: revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Ciências agrárias, Band 30, Heft 1, S. 243
ISSN: 1679-0359
25 Ergebnisse
In: Semina: revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Ciências agrárias, Band 30, Heft 1, S. 243
ISSN: 1679-0359
In: Semina: revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Ciências agrárias, Band 29, Heft 2, S. 431
ISSN: 1679-0359
In: Semina: revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Ciências agrárias, Band 36, Heft 5, S. 3369
ISSN: 1679-0359
<p>This study was conducted to evaluate the <em>in vivo </em>and carcass characteristics of goats and sheep sold for slaughter, which originated from different regions of Ceará State, Brazil. Thirty-six (36) mixed-breed, uncastrated male animals (18 goats and 18 sheep), acquired from street markets, which were raised in an extensive production system from the regions of Quixadá, Sobral, and Tauá, were used in this experiment. Before slaughter, the animals were weighed, and body measurements were taken and the body condition score was assessed. Post-slaughter, the carcasses were weighed, morphometric measurements were obtained, and the commercial cuts were weighed and their yields were calculated. The mean <em>in vivo </em>body weight was 23.83 ± 3.76 kg for the goats and 25.22 ± 5.25 kg for the sheep; the body condition score was close to 2, and the mean age was 12 months, with no differences between the species. No differences were found between species and origin for the weights and yields of carcass or for chilling loss. The carcass conformation values were considered poor, and the fat cover was classified as too lean, with the goat carcasses considered superior to the sheep carcasses in these respects. The sheep had higher values for loin-eye area, subcutaneous fat thickness, and weight and proportion of leg than the goats. Mixed-breed goats and sheep reared in extensive systems in Ceará State and sold in street markets in the capital, irrespective of their origin, reach their slaughter weight at an advanced age and with a lean body condition, resulting in carcasses of a low quality, with a low muscle content and poor fat cover. In the extensive conditions of the state of Ceará, animals of the ovine species have a greater ability for meat production than caprine species.</p>
In: Semina: revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Ciências agrárias, Band 40, Heft 5Supl1, S. 2427
ISSN: 1679-0359
This study evaluated the inclusion of increasing contents (0; 35; 70; 105 and 140 g kg-1) of dried acerola fruit (Malpighia glabra, Linn.) by-product (DABP) in the ensilage of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum, Schum.) considering the in situ degradability of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and hemicellulose. Plastic drums with 210 L capacity were used as experimental silos. After 45 days of ensiling, silos were opened and silage samples were collected for the degradability trial and laboratory analysis. For the in situ degradability trial, was used one rumen-fistulated adult male cattle. The five by-product inclusion contents were tested in three replicates, with five incubation times, in a randomized complete split-plot design in which the contents of DABP were the treatments (plots), the different silos were the replicates and the incubation times were the sub-plots. Longer incubation times significantly increased (P < 0.05) the disappearance rates of DM, CP, NDF, ADF and hemicellulose. The effective degradability of the DM, NDF and hemicellulose was higher in the silages with 35 g kg-1 of DABP in the rumen passage rates of 0.02; 0.05 and 0.08 h-1. Dried acerola fruit by-product can be added to elephant grass ensiling up to 35 g kg-1 without reducing the effective degradability of nutrients.
In: Semina: revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Ciências agrárias, Band 44, Heft 5, S. 1733-1744
ISSN: 1679-0359
No presente trabalho, com silagem de milho, girassol e suas misturas, objetivou-se propor um modelo não linear bicompartimental e identificar entre o modelo proposto e Logístico Bicompartimental (LB), aquele que apresenta maior qualidade de ajuste à curva de cinética de produção cumulativa de gases (PCG). A leitura da produção de gás foi realizada nos tempos 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 19, 24, 30, 36, 48, 72 e 96 horas, após o início do processo de fermentação in vitro. Os dados gerados foram utilizados para geração dos parâmetros de cada modelo testado com auxílio do pacote stats da ferramenta computacional R versão 4.0.4. Os modelos matemáticos foram submetidos aos seguintes critérios de seleção o coeficiente de determinação ajustado (Raj. ), quadrado médio do resíduo (QMR), desvio médio absoluto (DMA) e o critério de informação de Akaike (AIC). Foi demonstrado que o modelo proposto teve melhor desempenho com altos Raj., e menores valores de QMR, AIC e DMA, por apresentar um ajustamento superior no conjunto dos critérios em comparação com o modelo logístico bicompartimental para a predição dos parâmetros de produção cumulativa de gases (PCG) de acordo com a metodologia e condições em que foi desenvolvido o presente estudo.
In: Semina: revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Ciências agrárias, Band 37, Heft 3, S. 1515
ISSN: 1679-0359
This study aimed to evaluate the quality of meat of castrated and non-castrated Santa Ines lambs submitted to food restriction. Were used 30 lambs, 15 castrated and 15 non-castrated, about two months of age and average initial body weight of 13.00 ± 1.49 kg. The lambs were distributed in a completely randomized design in a factorial arrangement 3 x 2 (restriction level x sex class), according to the amount of food provided. The duration of the experiment was determined by the time required for the animals in the one of the groups achieved 28 kg of body weight. There was interaction between food restriction levels and sex class to the variables intensity of yellow color and pH in the longissimus lumborum muscle and the shear force in the semimembranosus muscle. In non-castrated animals, the intensity of yellow color was higher in the longissimus lumborum muscle at the level of 30% of food restriction. There was no significant interaction between food restriction levels and sex class for the quality aspects related to color saturation, color tone, luminosity, red intensity, water holding capacity and cooking losses in longissimus lumborum and semimembranosus muscles. Although food restriction and sex class have influenced the variables related to the quality of meat of the animals evaluated, the mean values are considered acceptable by the literature. The feeding restriction levels and sex class influence some important features of quality of Santa Ines lamb meat.
In: Semina: revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Ciências agrárias, Band 39, Heft 6, S. 2659
ISSN: 1679-0359
This study aims to propose a method to generate growth and degrowth models using differential equations as well as to present a model based on the method proposed, compare it with the classic linear mathematical models Logistic, Von Bertalanffy, Brody, Gompertz, and Richards, and identify the one that best represents the mean growth curve. To that end, data on Undefined Breed (UB) goats and Santa Inês sheep from the works of Cavalcante et al. (2013) and Sarmento et al. (2006a), respectively, were used. Goodness-of-fit was measured using residual mean squares (RMS), Akaike information criterion (AIC), Bayesian information criterion (BIC), mean absolute deviation (MAD), and adjusted coefficient of determination . The models' parameters (?, weight at adulthood; ?, an integration constant; ?, shape parameter with no biological interpretation; k, maturation rate; and m, inflection point) were estimated by the least squares method using Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm on the software IBM SPSS Statistics 1.0. It was observed that the proposed model was superior to the others to study the growth curves of goats and sheep according to the methodology and conditions under which the present study was carried out.
In: Semina: revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Ciências agrárias, Band 37, Heft 4Supl1, S. 2807
ISSN: 1679-0359
The objective of this study was to evaluate the in situ degradability of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and hemicellulose of elephant grass (Pennisetumpurpureum, Schum.) with increasing levels (0; 35.0; 70.0, 105.0, and 140.0 g kg-1) of dried pineapple (Ananascomosus, L.) by-product (DPBP). The experimental silos consisted of plastic drums with 210 L capacity. After weighing and homogenizing the elephant grass with the DABP, the material was inserted in the silos (126 kg silage, at a density of 600 kg m-3) and compressed. After 45 days of ensilage, silos were opened and samples of the silages were collected for the trial. The study of degradability in situ was conducted using a rumen-fistulated male cattle. The animal was fed with corn silage supplemented with 1 kg concentrate daily. Five levels of addition of the by-product were tested, with three replicates and five times of incubation with an animal. The experimental design was completely randomized with split plots, in which the proportions of DPBP were the treatments (plots), the different silos were the replicates, and the incubation times were the subplots. The levels of inclusion of DPBP provided an increase (P < 0.05) in disappearance of DM and CP and in the effective degradability of DM, NDF, ADF, and hemicellulose. The dried pineapple by-product is a potential alternative to be used as additive in the ensilage of elephant grass, as it provides an increase in the rumen degradability parameters.
In: Semina: revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Ciências agrárias, Band 37, Heft 2, S. 947
ISSN: 1679-0359
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of sex class (castrated; non-castrated) and level of food restriction (0%, 30% and 60% of ad libitum consumption) on the quantitative composition of carcass and non-carcass components of Santa Ines lambs. A completely randomized 3x2 design (restriction level x sex class) was used to evaluate thirty lambs approximately two months of age with an average initial body weight of 13 ± 1.49 kg. When the average body weight of the animals in one of the treatment groups reached 28 kg, all animals were slaughtered. Sex class had effect on body weight at slaughter, empty body weight, hot carcass weight and cold carcass weight. The weight of the leg was greater in non-castrated animals. There was linear decreased effect according to increasing levels of restriction for the carcass cuts, except for leg and rear loin yield. There was statistic difference between sex class for the weights of kidneys, paw, and large intestine of non-castrated animals (P < 0.05). There was a negative linear association between level of food restriction and mass of blood, head, leather, paw, rumen, reticulum, abomasum, small intestine, large intestine; perirenal, omental, mesenteric and heart fat. The quantitative composition of carcass and non-carcass components of Santa Ines lambs is influenced by sex class and food restriction level.
In: Semina: revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Ciências agrárias, Band 31, Heft 4, S. 1079
ISSN: 1679-0359
In: Semina: revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Ciências agrárias, Band 31, Heft 4, S. 1095
ISSN: 1679-0359
In: Semina: revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Ciências agrárias, Band 36, Heft 2, S. 1031
ISSN: 1679-0359
In: Semina: revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Ciências agrárias, Band 45, Heft 6, S. 1765-1784
ISSN: 1679-0359
Objetivou-se ajustar modelos não lineares aplicando-os ao crescimento de coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia branca. Os coelhos tiveram seus pesos mensurados a cada cinco dias, entre 35 (desmame) e 75 dias de idade (abate), sendo 64 animais divididos em oito grupos, alimentados por uma dieta referência (REF) e dietas simplificadas e semi-simplificadas baseadas e compostas por diferentes combinações entre três fontes fibrosas: Feno de Alfafa (FAL), Farinha das Folha de Mandioca (FFM) e Feno do Terço Superior da Rama da Mandioca (FTSRM). No estudo foram ajustados os modelos de Santos, Gompertz, Brody, Logístico, Richards e von Bertallanfy, subsequentemente determinado o modelo de melhor ajuste a partir dos critérios avaliadores de ajuste, sendo também realizado o teste de identidade de curvas ao nível de significância de 5%, para avaliar a influência e a viabilidade das dietas na alimentação dos animais. O modelo de Santos obteve no geral, o melhor desempenho de acordo com os critérios avaliadores de ajuste, apresentando maiores índice de e menores valores referentes a AIC, BIC e IA. Na análise das curvas, a dieta REF, obteve um melhor desempenho de crescimento em comparação as demais, e as dietas baseadas majoritariamente por FFM, obtiveram um desempenho insatisfatório apresentando baixas estimativas para o peso assintótico entre 1815 g e 1908 g. Já a dieta semissimplificada com base em FTSRM, apresentou desempenho satisfatório em relação a estimação do peso assintótico (2210 g), podendo ser uma alternativa viável para a criação de coelhos.
In: Semina: revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Ciências agrárias, Band 37, Heft 4Supl1, S. 2633
ISSN: 1679-0359
It was evaluated the feeding behavior of lambs fed diets containing 30% sorghum silage and 70% crambe cake (30:70 diet), and 70% sorghum silage and 30% crambe cake (70:30 diet) under voluntary and controlled consumption. The experimental design used was a 4 × 4 Latin square, with four animals, four periods, and four treatments; feeding behavior was determined by observation. The results indicated that animals fed the 30:70 diet showed higher DM and NDF (g day-1) than those fed the 70:30 diet. Animals fed the 70:30 diet showed longer feeding times (h kg-1 DM), mastication (min kg-1 DM and min kg-1 NDF), rumination (min day-1 and min kg-1 DM), and the largest number of mericics chewing per bolus; however, a higher feed efficiency (g DM h-1) was observed in the 30:70 diet group. Furthermore, animals feeding voluntarily had higher DM intake and chewed for longer. Therefore, the combined results indicated that crambe cake could be used in the diet of sheep without affecting feeding behavior.
In: Semina: revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Ciências agrárias, Band 34, Heft 6Supl2, S. 3999
ISSN: 1679-0359