
3 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12021

Prolonged facemask use in the heat worsens dyspnea without compromising motor-cognitive performance

In: Morris , N B , Piil , J F , Christiansen , L , Flouris , A D & Nybo , L 2021 , ' Prolonged facemask use in the heat worsens dyspnea without compromising motor-cognitive performance ' , Temperature , vol. 8 , no. 2 , pp. 160-165 .


Open Access#22021

Health vs. wealth: Employer, employee and policy-maker perspectives on occupational heat stress across multiple European industries

In: Morris , N B , Levi , M , Morabito , M , Messeri , A , Ioannou , L G , Flouris , A D , Samoutis , G , Pogačar , T , Bogataj , L K , Piil , J F & Nybo , L 2021 , ' Health vs. wealth: Employer, employee and policy-maker perspectives on occupational heat stress across multiple European industries ' , Temperature , vol. 8 , no. 3 , pp. 284-301 .


Open Access#32021

The HEAT-SHIELD project - Perspectives from an inter-sectoral approach to occupational heat stress

In: Morris , N B , Piil , J F , Morabito , M , Messeri , A , Levi , M , Ioannou , L , Ciuha , U , Pogačar , T , Kajfež Bogataj , L , Kingma , B , Casanueva , A , Kotlarski , S , Spirig , C , Foster , J , Havenith , G , Sotto Mayor , T , Flouris , A D & Nybo , L 2021 , ' The HEAT-SHIELD project - Perspectives from an inter-sectoral approach to occupational heat stress ' , Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport , vol. 24 , no. 8 , pp. 747-755 .