Hygienic practices, knowledge and perception on food safety and quality assurance systems in poultry slaughterhouses and slaughter poultry market in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
This study aims to identify perception, awareness and knowledge on food safety and quality assurance related to poultry slaughterhouses and slaughter poultry market places in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Data collected from March to April 2013, from selected poultry slaughterhouses (n=9) and slaughter poultry market (n=1) located in 4 districts of Yogyakarta including Sleman, Bantul, Gunung Kidul and Kulon Progo. Questionnaires, in-depth interviews and checklists were applied to different stakeholders such as authorized veterinarians, owners or managers at slaughterhouses and slaughter poultry market. Results showed that knowledge on food safety and quality assurance is averagely good anyhow varying by slaughterhouses' owner or government. The current implemented standard for slaughterhouses for domestic consumption is well recognized, the understanding and knowledge are only well defined by officers. All stakeholders are aware of food safety, particularly related to meat quality and consumer health concerns. The standard for poultry slaughterhouses in Yogyakarta is current being developed. The understanding of hygienic practice and the demand of consumers for quality products may play an important role for standard perception, behavior change and increased food safety awareness in the community. The challenges towards standard implementation and its enforcement are the slaughtering practice and behavior, required slaughterhouse reformation, owners and workers knowledge, economic benefit of needed investment, and infrastructure with proper equipment.