The Unique Role of Regulatory Mode Orientations in Implicit and Explicit Self-Forgiveness
In: Social psychology, Band 52, Heft 1, S. 36-50
ISSN: 2151-2590
Abstract. The present research addresses the unique role of locomotion and assessment regulatory-mode orientations on self-forgiveness, by controlling for personality traits and by excluding possible effects of variables linked to strategies that underestimate one's culpability. In three studies (Total N = 471) we found that assessment obstructs, while locomotion promotes, self-forgiveness both at an explicit (Studies 1 and 2) and at an implicit level (Study 3), and by controlling for acceptance of responsibility (Studies 1 and 3), the Big-Five dimensions, moral disengagement strategies (Study 1), self-blame and justifications (Study 2), transgression severity, and time passed since the episode occurred (Study 3). The implications of the results are also discussed with reference to self-forgiveness.