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7709 Ergebnisse
In: Africa today, Band 67, Heft 1
ISSN: 1527-1978
Building on an increasingly sophisticated body of research on policy 'borrowing' in education, this collection explores ways in which the foreign example in education has been and is being used by policy makers in a variety of settings, its principal aim being to assess the usefulness of 'foreign' experience in 'home' contexts
In: The Slavonic and East European review: SEER, Band 99, Heft 4, S. 728
ISSN: 2222-4327
In: The Slavonic and East European review: SEER, Band 97, Heft 3, S. 471
ISSN: 2222-4327
In: African conflict & peacebuilding review: ACPR, Band 1, Heft 2, S. 136
ISSN: 2156-7263
In: The Global South, Band 4, Heft 2, S. 178
In: Dissent: a journal devoted to radical ideas and the values of socialism and democracy, Band 46, S. 56-61
ISSN: 0012-3846
Discusses whether contemporary feminism needs a concept of civil society. It is argued that feminism's pluralist nature is more appropriate for civil society than the family or state; in addition, feminism is more receptive toward social & political transformations. Voluntary associations offer women greater opportunities of political participation than states; moreover, civil society is preferred because the radical sociopolitical changes advocated by feminists are less suitable for conservative states. Nevertheless, several problems with civil society for women are identified: civil society tends to subordinate & exclude women; associations permit more intense discriminatory practices; & civil society is frequently cited to support criticism of the welfare system. Noting that some feminists also view the state as a facilitator of gender justice, it is claimed that feminism paradoxically promotes, yet reprimands, civil society. The need for the redistribution of traditional gender roles in the feminist conception of civil society is articulated. J. W. Parker
In: Democratization, Band 6, Heft 2, S. 70-98
ISSN: 1351-0347
In: History workshop journal: HWJ, Band 45, Heft 1, S. 183-198
ISSN: 1477-4569
In: German politics: Journal of the Association for the Study of German Politics, Band 7, Heft 2, S. 64-85
ISSN: 0964-4008
World Affairs Online
In: The political quarterly: PQ, Band 63, Heft Jan-Mar 92
ISSN: 0032-3179
Examines the relationship between democracy and feminist theory. Pays particular attention to the implications of this relationship for arguments over group identities and group representation. In assessing the problems which still arise in democracies of group (male) exclusivity, suggests gender quotas as the best possible solution. (RSM)