International severe asthma registry (ISAR) : protocol for a global registry
Acknowledgements The authors thank the following individuals who contributed to the initial set-up of ISAR, provided input to the development of the protocol and/or were involved in local implementation of ISAR: Elisabeth Bel, Roland Buhl, Sverre Lehmann, Stelios Loukidis, Richard Martin, Juno Pak, Pearlanne Zelar ney, Joy Zimmer, Christena Kolakowski, Margo Brown, Jessica Cummings, Jennifer Brandorff, Seth Skelton, John Upham, Philip Bardin, Paul Reynolds, David Langton, Peter Middleton, Belinda Cochrane, Katya Vasileva Noleva, Plamen Hristov Yakovliev, Sonya Metodieva Genova, Violina Milchova Vasi leva, Darina Petrova Dimova, Nadezhda K Takovska, Cvetantka Hristova Odz hakova, Eleonora M Stamenova, Diana X Hristova, Vincente Plaza, Ian Hirsch, Cekomir Vodenicharov, Alexandrina Vodenicharova and Magdalena Alexandrova. Medical writing support was provided by Michelle Rebello, PhD, and Liam Gillies, PhD, of Cactus Communications (Mumbai, India). Funding The International Severe Asthma Registry is conducted by Optimum Patient Care Global Limited, and co-funded by Optimum Patient Care Global Limited and AstraZeneca. ISAR is supported by grants from AstraZeneca and Optimum Patient Care (OPC) Global (a not-for-profit social enterprise). The ISAR steering committee (ISC) was involved in the development of the protocol and is responsible for approving research proposals via a democratic voting process. In addition to 47 clinicians and researchers with an interest and experience in severe asthma, the ISC also includes members of OPC and four medical experts from AstraZeneca. AstraZeneca reviewed the draft before submission; however, decision to submit was made by the authors. Medical writing support was funded by AstraZeneca in accordance with Good Publication Practice (GPP3) guidelines ( ; Peer reviewed ; Publisher PDF