A review of domestic and foreign legislation regulating limit values of heavy metals in soil ; Osvrt na granične vrednosti sadržaja teških metala u zemljištu u nas i u svetu
This paper offers a critical review of the domestic legislation regulating the permissible concentrations of hazardous and harmful substances in soil. Legal regulations provide maximum allowed concentrations of harmful elements, mostly heavy metals. These regulations are not satisfactory since they fail to justify their purpose, they are behind the present knowledge of the subject matter and they treat the subject matter in an old-fashioned way. The paper reviews the related legislations from several European countries. ; Granične vrednosti za maksimalno dozvoljene koncentracije teških metala u zemljištu predstavljaju značajni oslonac u ocenjivanju zagađenosti zemljišta ovim pretežno toksičnim elementima. U radu je dat kritički osvrt na jugoslovenske pravilnike o maksimalno dozvoljenim količinama štetnih elemenata pretežno teških metala u zemljištu i prikazane su vrednosti koje se koriste u nekim evropskim zemljama.