In: Peace and conflict: journal of peace psychology ; the journal of the Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence, Peace Psychology Division of the American Psychological Association, Band 20, Heft 2, S. 200-201
Pojam autoritarnosti zadržao je značaj tokom dugog vremenskog perioda. Iako na njega može uticati politički kontekst, održala ga je, pre svega, njegova povezanost sa mnogobrojnim drugim fenomenima. Ovaj članak prikazuje više pristupa u boljem razumevanju fenomena autoritarnosti. Razvijen je veliki broj raznovrsnih pristupa autoritarnosti i srodnim pojmovima. Vilson, Rej i Mekloski su povezivali autoritarnost s konzervatizmom. Tomkins je, u svojoj teoriji polariteta povezao afekte i ideologiju. On je tvrdio da je humanistički ili levičarski skript povezan sa liberalnim tendencijama ili niskom autoritarnošću nastao usled specifičnog odgoja deteta. Gerda Lederer je izvela kros kulturno istraživanje u kome je razvila Novu opštu skalu autoritarnosti. Jos Melon je izveo više metaanaliza potvrđujući validnost skala autoritarnosti. Neki drugi autori autoritarnost su, pre svega razmatrali kao grupni fenomen. Samo kroz pažljivo sprovedena istraživanja koja uključuju više društvenih i naučnih nivoa, bićemo u mogućnosti da u potpunosti razumemo dinamiku antidemokratskih kretanja i totalitarizma, i na taj način biti sposobniji da ih predupredimo. ; The concept of authoritarianism remains vital through the time. It could be affected by the political context. Vitality of this concept has been enhanced by the demonstration of its relevance in many diverse areas. This paper present many approaches in better understanding this phenomenon. A number of different approaches of authoritarianism and similar concepts has been developed. Wilson, Ray and McCloskey connected authoritarianism with conservativism. Tomkins in his polarity theory connected affects and ideology. He claims that humanistic or left-wing personality scripts are related to liberal or low-authoritarian personal tendencies, which is connected with children raising. Gerda Lederer conducted cross-cultural investigation where she has developed New General Authoritarianism scale. Jos Meloen conducted many meta-analysis confirming validity of authoritarianism scales. Some other authors primary considered authoritarianism as a group phenomenon. Only through careful conducted investigations on many social and scientific levels, we might be in opportunity to completely understand dynamics of antidemocracy and totalitarism, and therefore be able to prevent it.
U ovom radu prikazane su osnove modela desničarske autoritarnosti koji je razvio Bob Altemejer. On pod 'desničarskom autoritarnošću' podrazumeva kovarijaciju tri klastera stavova kod osobe: autoritarnu submisivnost autoritarnu agresivnost i konvencionalizam. Fraza 'desničarska' nema političku ili ekonomsku konotaciju već je autor vezuje za postojeće uspostavljene autoritete. Za razliku od Berklijske teorije, Altemejer objašnjenje nastanka autoritarnosti i povezanost navedenih klastera stavova ne nalazi u psihodinamskoj teoriji nego u teoriji socijalnog učenja. Empirijski deo je uključivao specifikaciju tri elementa koji čine autoritarnost. Uzorak je činilo 316 ispitanika, različitog pola, zanimanja i starosnih doba. Rezultati pokazuju da tri klastera stavova objašnjavaju veliki procenat varijanse skale u celini i da su korelacije skale i pojedinih mera submisivnosti, agresivnosti i konvencionalizma uglavnom relativno visoke. ; The paper illustrates the basics of the model of rightist authoritarianism developed by Bob Altmeyer. He defines the rightist authoritarianism as a co-variation of three clusters of attitudes in a person: authoritarian submissiveness, authoritarian aggressiveness and conventionalism. The phrase 'rightist' has no political or economic connotation, but the author links it to the current, established authorities. As opposed from Berkley's theory Altmeyer fails to find explanation of the origin of authoritarianism and correlation of the stated clusters in psychodynamic theory. Instead, he finds it in a social learning theory. The empirical part included specification of three elements that compose authoritarianism. The sample was made of 316 subjects, both sexes, various occupations and ages. The results have shown that the three clusters of attitudes explain a high percentage of variance of the scale in general and that correlations of the scale and individual measures of submissiveness, aggressiveness and conventionalism are mainly relatively high.
Ovaj rad predstavlja komparativnu studiju sačinjenu od četiri istraživanja obavljena u periodu od 1997. do 2015. godine. U njima se ispituje konotativno značenje politički relevantnih pojmova kod učenika završnih razreda raznih vrsta srednjih škola. Kako je konotativno značenje ono dodatno, emocionalno obojeno značenje, ta obojenost potiče iz socijalne sredine i duha vremena, te je sa promenama ovoga značenja moguće pratiti i promene dominantnih društvenih vrednosti i društvene klime. Uzorak je činilo ukupno oko 750 učenika koji su u četiri vremenske tačke (poduzorci su u tim tačkama bili ujednačeni po socijalno-demografskim karakteristikama) procenjivali sledeće pojmove: nacija, nacionalizam, socijalizam, vođa, demokratija, mir, levica, desnica, sadašnjost i budućnost. Svaki od pojmova ispitan je Ozgudovom skalom semantičkog diferencijala preko 12 opozitnih parova prideva poput ružan-lep ili bezvredan- vredan. Rezultati su pokazali značajna variranja kako na 12 pridevskih parova na svakom pojmu u jednoj vremenskoj tački – što daje suptilniji profil značenja nego što bi dala opšta, jedinstvena ocena pojmova poput demokratije ili nacije – tako i u četiri vremenske tačke. Variranja tokom godina daju indicije o promeni društvene klime i vrednosti, barem u generaciji mladih, u ovom po Srbiju turbulentnom razdoblju od dve decenije.
This paper is a comparative study composed of four studies conducted between 1997 and 2015. The authors examine the connotative meaning of politically relevant concepts in 18-19 years old students from various types of secondary schools. The connotative meaning is an additional, emotionally colored meaning of words, and this coloration originates from the social environment and the spirit of the times. Therefore, with the changes of this meaning it is possible to follow the changes of dominant social values and social climate. The sample consisted of a total of 750 students assessing the following concepts, at four time points (sub-samples at these points were balanced in terms of socio-demographic characteristics): nation, nationalism, socialism, leader, democracy, peace, left, right, present and future. Each of the concepts is examined by Ozgud's scale of semantic differential, through 12 opposing pairs of adjectives like bad - good or worthless - worthy. The results showed considerable variation in both: 12 adjective pairs on each single concept at a single point in time - giving a more subtle profile of meaning than in case of a general assessment of the concepts - and over time. The variations over the years give indications of a change in social climate and values, at least in the generation of young people, in these turbulent two decades in Serbia.
Globalna ekološka kriza, uzrokovana nerazumnim postupanjem čoveka i njegovih ekonomskih aktivnosti prema prirodi i njenim resursima, stvorila je klimu za razvoj nove ekološke paradigme, koja naglašava intrinzične vrednosti prirode, tesnu povezanost društva i životne sredine i značaj njihovog uzajamnog delovanja. Promena pogleda na svet postaje nužan korak u uspostavlјanju optimalnog, uzajamnog dejstva čoveka i prirodne sredine. Ekološka znanja su najprimarniji element ekološke svesti. Nezaobilazni element ekološke svesti je i ekološko ponašanje koje treba razvijati i podsticati. Na formiranje poželјnog ekološkog ponašanja utiču objektivni i subjektivni činioci. Objektivni činioci su, na primer, stanje životne sredine (stepen degradacije eko-sistema), društveno-ekološka infrastruktura, nivo tehničko-tehnološke razvijenosti. U subjektivne činioce koji su značajni za ekološko ponašanje spadaju stavovi, očekivanja, politička opredelјenja, individualne i društvene vrednosti. Za psihologiju, od posebnog značaja su vrednosti koje podržavaju ponašanja orijentisana prema zaštiti životne sredine. Istraživanjem smo ispitivali ekološke vrednosne orijentacije, kao i spremnost na ekooško angažovanje studenata tri grupe fakulteta: rudarsko-geološkog, geografskog-geoprostorne osnove životne sredine, kao i fakulteta društvenih usmerenja (ekonomski, pravni, filozofski…). Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da ispitanici imaju solidno razvijene ekološke vrednosti koje su preduslov pro-ekoloških ponašanja i aktivnosti u zaštiti životne sredine. U prilog tome ide i nalaz da su ispitani studenti u priličnoj meri spremni da se angažuju u aktivnostima poput reciklaže raznih materijala, korišćenja javnog prevoza i da preduzimaju druge mere koje doprinose održivom stilu života. ; The global environmental crisis, caused by the unreasonable behavior of human beings and their economic activities that affect nature and its resources, has created a basis for the development of new environmental paradigm, which emphasizes the intrinsic value of nature, the close connection between society and the environment and the importance of their mutual influence. Changing the view of the world becomes a necessary step in establishing the optimum of the interplay between humans and the natural environment. Environmental knowledge is the most primary element of environmental awareness. The indispensable outcome of environmental awareness is ecological behavior that should be developed and encouraged. The formation of desirable behavior affect environmental objective and subjective factors. Objective factors are, for example, environmental conditions (degree of degradation of eco-system), socio-ecological infrastructure, the level of technological development. The subjective factors important for ecological behavior includes attitudes, expectations, political affiliation, personal and social values. For psychology, of particular importance are the values that support the behavior oriented towards environmental protection. This research examined the ecological value orientation and willingness to ecological involvement of students from the three groups of faculties: for mining and geology, for geography (environmental department), and faculties of social orientation (economic, law, philosophy . . . ). The results showed that the respondents have a well-developed environmental values that are a prerequisite for pro-environmental behavior and activities that leads to protection of the environment. Thus, the students were pretty much willing to engage in activities such as recycling various materials, use of public transportation and take other measures that contribute to a sustainable lifestyle.
The global environmental crisis, caused by the unreasonable behavior of human beings and their economic activities that affect nature and its resources, has created a basis for the development of new environmental paradigm, which emphasizes the intrinsic value of nature, the close connection between society and the environment and the importance of their mutual influence. Changing the view of the world becomes a necessary step in establishing the optimum of the interplay between humans and the natural environment. Environmental knowledge is the most primary element of environmental awareness. The indispensable outcome of environmental awareness is ecological behavior that should be developed and encouraged. The formation of desirable behavior affect environmental objective and subjective factors. Objective factors are, for example, environmental conditions (degree of degradation of eco-system), socio-ecological infrastructure, the level of technological development. The subjective factors important for ecological behavior includes attitudes, expectations, political affiliation, personal and social values. For psychology, of particular importance are the values that support the behavior oriented towards environmental protection. This research examined the ecological value orientation and willingness to ecological involvement of students from the three groups of faculties: for mining and geology, for geography (environmental department), and faculties of social orientation (economic, law, philosophy . . . ). The results showed that the respondents have a well-developed environmental values that are a prerequisite for pro-environmental behavior and activities that leads to protection of the environment. Thus, the students were pretty much willing to engage in activities such as recycling various materials, use of public transportation and take other measures that contribute to a sustainable lifestyle.
In: Politička revija: časopis za politikologiju, komunikologiju i primenjenu politiku = Political review : magazine for political science, communications and applied politics, Band 43, Heft 1, S. 135-152
Za razliku od politikologa, koji se prvenstveno interesuju za ishod, psiholozi pokušavaju da prvenstveno razumeju proces, kako pojedinci dolaze do opredeljivanja za određenu opciju. I jednima i drugima važni su prediktori, faktori koji doprinose odnosu prema političkim partijama. Cilj ovog rada je da se utvrdi koliko ciljevi i očekivanja mogu biti prediktori stava i namere da se glasa za dve vodeće političke stranke u Srbiji u ovom trenutku. Osnovni zadatak je bio da se utvrdi koji od 18 ličnih i 18 društvenih ciljeva, odnosno koja njihova kombinacija, najbolje određuje stavove prema ove dve stranke, odnosno nameru za glasanje za jednu od njih. Drugi deo analize se odnosi na to kako umesto samih ciljeva, očekivanja da stranke ostvare svaki od njih determiniše iste te elemente političke participacije. Uzorak je činio 481 student, sa šest fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Rezultati pokazuju da je cilj 'ulazak u EU' najbolji prediktor - bilo da se radi o stavovima, glasanju, ili pak davanju prednosti jednoj ili drugoj stranci u situaciji prisilnog izbora. Međutim, pokazuje se da postoje brojni suptilni mehanizmi na osnovu kojih određeni drugi ciljevi izbijaju u prvi plan u evaluaciji stranke, ali nisu nužno i glavni prediktori u odluci za glasanje. Značajno je i da očekivanja da će stranke uspešno ostvariti neki cilj, po pravilu bolji prediktori nego značaj koji ljudi pridaju tim ciljevima. ; While political scientists are primarily interested in the outcome, psychologists more often put stress on understanding of the process, how individuals come to opting for a particular option. Predictors, i.e. factors that contribute to the relationship with political parties are important for both of them. The main objective of this study is to determine how the goals and expectations may be predictors of attitudes and intentions to vote for the two main political parties in Serbia. The main task was to determine which of the 18 personal and 18 social goals, or combination of them, is the best predictor of attitudes toward the two parties, or of intention to vote for one of them. In the second part of the analysis, instead of goals, expectations of the parties to achieve each of the goals has been predictors of the same elements of political participation. The sample consisted of 481 students, from six faculties of Belgrade University. The results show that the goal 'entering the EU' is the best predictor - either of the attitudes, voting intentions, or preference for the first or the second party in a situation of forced choice. However, it has also been shown that there are many subtle mechanisms, by which certain other goals come to the fore in the evaluation of the party, but not necessarily in the decision to vote. Expectations that the parties will successfully accomplish goals, are better predictors than the importance of the goals themselves.
U istraživanju obavljenom na prigodnom uzorku studenata dva fakulteta (N = 255) neposredno pred parlamentarne izbore 2008. godine, postavljena su tri zadatka: da se ispita kakva je veza između izbornog ponašanja, odnosno namere da se glasa za DS i SRS i 1) stepena prihvatanja karakterističnih 18 društvenih i 18 ličnih ciljeva (vrednosti), 2) očekivanja da ta stranka dolaskom na vlast može pomoći ili otežati ostvarivanje svakog od tih ciljeva i 3) proizvoda značaja svakog cilja i očekivanja da stranka može omogućiti njegovo ostvarivanje. Proizvodi prve dve grupe faktora, vrednosti i očekivanja, objašnjavaju tek nešto veći stepen varijanse nego isti faktori posebno (pre svega, sama očekivanja), čime se direktno ne osporava, ali se jasno i ne potvrđuje pretpostavka teorija očekivanje - vrednosti. Upoređeni su glasači DS i SRS, osobito u pogledu očekivanja od preferirane i suparničke stranke. Generalna pravilnost je, bilo da je reč o društvenim ili ličnim ciljevima, da se od izabrane stranke očekuje da može više (često i drastično) nego suparnička stranka da doprinese ostvarivanju velikog broja ciljeva, uključujući i one koji nisu u programu ni u središtu politike izabrane stranke, pa čak i one do kojih ni biračima nije posebno stalo. Diskutovano je da li afektivna vezanost za stranke govori u prilog modelu stranačke identifikacije. ; There are three tasks of research that had been conducted on a representative sample of two faculties (№ 255): to examine the connections between electoral behavior, or in other words the intention to vote for DS (Democratic Party) and SRS (Serbian Radical Party) and: 1) the degree of acceptance of eighteen social and personal objectives (values); 2) the expectation that the party winning elections could help or hinder implementation of these objectives; 3) the product of significance and expectations that party could achieve eventually. Products of first two groups of factors, values and expectations can explain only slightly higher degree of variance but not every factor individually (especially expectations). That cannot confirm or deny the theory of expectations - values. They compared the voters of both parties, especially in terms of expectations from the preferred and rival parties. General conclusion is that the elected party is expected to have more success in implementation of various goals than rival parties. They discussed about that whether affective attachment to the party speaks in favor of the party identification model.
Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja jeste provera teorije 'očekivanje - vrednost' (koja u izvornom obliku dovodi u vezu nivo ili jačinu motivacije osobe da teži određenom cilju, s jedne strane, i proizvod uverenja da će se željeni cilj postići i vrednost ili valencu tog određenog cilja, s druge strane) tačnije, može li se, i u kojoj meri, ova teorija primeniti na stavove prema političkim strankama u Srbiji. Da bismo to utvrdili, 255 ispitanika je procenjivalo važnost 18 društvenih i 18 ličnih ciljeva, potom očekivanja da li bi relevatne političke stranke mogle te ciljeve ostvariti, a utvrđeni su i stavovi (globalne evaluacije) ispitanika prema datim strankama. Rezultati ovog istraživanja potvrđuju pretpostavku da su proizvodi očekivanja od stranaka i prihvatanja odgovarajućih ciljeva (i društvenih i ličnih), u pozitivnoj korelaciji sa stavovima prema strankama. Nije, međutim, potvrđena naša pretpostavka da će stavovi i proizvodi očekivanja i ciljeva biti u većoj korelaciji nego stavovi i sama očekivanja. Ovo znači da u proizvodu koji korelira sa stavom mnogo veću ulogu ima očekivanje nego stepen prihvatanja cilja. Zaključuje se da postoji tendencija usklađivanja afektivnog odnosa prema strankama i očekivanja (kao kognitivnih elemenata) da stranke mogu dovesti do ostvarivanja vrlo različitih ciljeva. . ; The main goal of presented research has been testing of the expectancy-value theory (which originally connects level or strength of motivation of an individual to stand for particular goal, at one side, and product of belief that desired goal is reachable and value or valence of that goal, at the other side), or more exactly, to see is it possible and in which degree, to apply this theory to attitudes toward political parties in Serbia. To accomplish this, 255 subjects has estimated importance of 18 social and 19 personal goals, then they estimated expectancies of main political parties to fulfill those goals, and finally subjects has been questioned about their attitudes (global evaluations) toward the parties. Results confirm assumption that products of expectancies from the parties and acceptances of appropriate goals (both social and personal) are in positive correlation with attitudes toward those parties. However, the assumption that attitudes and products of expectancies and goals would correlate higher than attitudes and only expectancies has not be confirmed. This means that expectancy has more importance than goal in the expectancy-goal product. As a conclusion, there is a tendency of alignment between affective relationship toward parties and expectancies (as cognitive elements) that parties can manage to fulfill different goals. .
Na uzorku od 2426 srednjoškolaca iz različitih krajeva, gradova i škola u Srbiji ispitivan je stepen prihvatanja (ocene od jedan do pet) 18 ličnih i 18 društvenih ciljeva, kao i preferencija (izbor najvažnijih) ciljeva u jednoj i drugoj listi. Među ličnim najviše su prihvaćeni i preferirani prijateljska podrška, ljubav i samostalnost, a najmanje društvena moć, podređenost autoritetima, društveno angažovanje i postignuće. U oblasti društvenih ciljeva najviše su prihvaćeni puna zaposlenost, ostvarivanje socijalnih prava, životni standard, borba protiv kriminala i korupcije, ekološki ciljevi, a najmanje dalja privatizacija preduzeća, dominantna uloga jedne partije, ali i demokratija i jaka tržišna privreda. Ispunjavanje uslova za ulazak u EU izaziva polarizovano reagovanje mladih, a posledica toga je da je prema prosečnoj oceni značaja ovaj cilj pri dnu, a prema procentu ispitanika koji ga preferiraju kao najvažniji u gornjem delu liste. U faktorskoj analizi ekstrahovana su po četiri faktora na svakoj listi. U sferi ličnih ciljeva tim faktorima su dati nazivi udoban život (koji okuplja veliki broj ciljeva, osobito onih s visokim prosečnim ocenama), društvena uspešnost, uzoran život i težnja za samopotvrđivanjem. U sferi društvenih ciljeva identifikovani su faktori: normalna država (uključuje najveći broj ciljeva), tranzicija, tradicionalno-patriotska orijentacija, a četvrtom faktoru (kojim su najviše saturirani ocene značaja dobrih međunacionalnih odnosa, borbe protiv kriminala i korupcije i tržišna privreda) nije dat naziv. Autori se bave i analizom ustanovljene nekoherentnosti i pitanjem stabilnosti vrednosnih sistema mladih. . ; On the sample 246 high school pupils from various regions, cities and schools in Serbia, authors took survey of the degree of acceptance (graded from 1 to 5) of 18 personal and 18 social goals, as well as preferences, i.e. choice of most valuable of these goals on both lists. Among personal goals most widely accepted and preferred are friendly support, love and personal independence, while social power, subordination to authorities, social engagement and achievement are on the bottom of the preference scale. As for the social goals, full employment, social rights, standard of living, fight against criminal and corruption, and ecology are most preferred, while further process of privatization in economy, dominant role of one party, but also democracy and strong market economy. Demand of fulfillment of the conditions needed to enter European Union, have caused polarized reactions of young people. This have for its consequence that this aim according to the significance finds itself almost on the bottom of the preference list. Also, for the share of those who prefer enter in the EU, this aim is most important in the above part of the list. In the factor analysis four factors are extracted on the every list. In the realm of personal goals these factors were named comfortable living (that includes many other goals, notably these with high grades), social success, decent life and will toward self affirmation. In the realm of social goals as main factors were identified: normal state (including number of special goals), transition, orientation toward tradition and patriotism, while fourth factor (that includes assessment of good international relations, fight against criminal and corruption, market orientation) was left without name. Authors are also dealing with analysis of established incoherency and with issue of stability of value system of young people. .
Predmet ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanje odnosa između stepena prihvatanja i preferencija relativno uopštenih ličnih i društvenih ciljeva (kojih je bilo po 18) i stavova prema nizu politički relevantnih pitanja. Uzorak je činilo 243 osamnestogodišnjih učenika. Utvrđeno je da se korelacije između vrednosnih ciljeva i stavova u najvećem broju slučajeva kreću od blagih do umerenih, pri čemu su preferirani društveni ciljevi u većoj meri nego lični povezani sa društveno i politički relevantnim stavovima. Izdvojile su se dve suprotstavljene grupe vrednosti (ciljeva), uslovno modernističke i tradicionalističke, koje koreliraju u pozitivnom odnosno negativnom smislu sa nizom stavova, socijalnih identifikacija, poverenja prema institucijama i spremnosti za aktivnosti. Ova tendencija je potvrđena i kanoničkom korelacionom analizom. ; The paper aims at establishing the relation between the degree of acceptance and preferences of relatively general personal and social goals (18 of each) and attitudes toward a set of politically relevant issues. The sample consisted of 243 18-year-old high school students. The resulting correlations between goals and attitudes are shown to be slight to moderate. Socially and politically relevant attitudes are connected more strongly with preferred social than personal goals. Two opposite groups of values (goals) have been found - conditionally speaking, modernism and traditionalism. They correlate positively or negatively with a number of attitudes, social identifications, trust in institutions and readiness for activism. This tendency has been confirmed by canonical correlation analysis.