Exploring information superiority: a methodology for measuring the quality of information and its impact on shared awareness
In: MR 1467
10 Ergebnisse
In: MR 1467
In: Rand Corporation monograph series
In: Technical report
In: RAND Corporation technical report series TR-1253-OSD
For various reasons, including the commander's priorities and expected mission requirements, U.S. Marine Corps amphibious lift requirements, that is, the space needed on ships to transport equipment for a given mission, may exceed the U.S. Navy's lift capacity. Thus, Marine Expeditionary Units (MEUs) afloat generally do not have all their support personnel and equipment on board. What is the impact of this shortfall on a MEU's ability to complete the tasks associated with its mission, especially when the mission includes reconstruction and stabilization operations? Close examination reveals that, in general, MEUs do not fail as a result of these equipment shortfalls; Marine Corps commanders are able to make use of the equipment they have in innovative and creative ways to accomplish the tasks at hand. However, equipment shortfalls do force shortcuts and sometimes sacrifice the quality and speed of task completion. This report describes the development of an automated tool for allocating both equipment and personnel to complete the tasks associated with 15 MEU missions, highlighting the associated equipment implications
Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan have shown that U.S. forces need more-effective techniques and procedures to conduct counterinsurgency. They will most likely face similar, irregular warfare tactics from future enemies. This monograph examines the nature of the contemporary insurgent threat and provides insights on using operational analysis techniques to support intelligence operations in counterinsurgencies
World Affairs Online
In: Research report RR-1572-USMC
Preface --Figures and Tables --Summary --Acknowledgments --1.Introduction:Research Objective, Tasks, and Method --Challenges --Limitations for the LUEs --Limitations for the MEU CLB Capacity Frameworks --About This Report --2.Marine Logistics Group:Transition from FSSG to MLG --MLG Organization and Operations --Impact of New Organization on Logistics Support --3.Determining Logistics Capacity Metrics:Marine Corps Stakeholder Perspectives --Review of Potential Metrics for Logistics Capacity --Levels of Metrics for Logistics Capacity --4.Associating Mission-Essential Tasks to Logistics Units of Employment:Methodology --Limitations --Functions of Logistics --Summary --5.Logistics Units of Employment Framework:Measuring the Capacity of CLB-11 --Measuring Logistics Capacity for MEU CLB Support to HADR --Measuring Logistics Capacity for MEU CLB Support to NEO --6.Conclusions and Recommendations:Conclusions --Recommendations --APPENDIXES --Abbreviations --Glossary --Bibliography.
In: Rand Report, MR-1023-A
World Affairs Online
Predictive policing is the use of analytical techniques to identify targets for police intervention with the goal of preventing crime, solving past crimes, or identifying potential offenders and victims. These tools are not a substitute for integrated approaches to policing, nor are they a crystal ball. This guide assesses some of the most promising technical tools and tactical approaches for acting on predictions in an effective way.