Professional Amateur Artists and Cultural Management
In: Zeitschrift für Kulturmanagement: Kunst, Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft = Journal of cultural management : arts, economics, policy, Band 2, Heft 1, S. 105-118
ISSN: 2363-5533
2 Ergebnisse
In: Zeitschrift für Kulturmanagement: Kunst, Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft = Journal of cultural management : arts, economics, policy, Band 2, Heft 1, S. 105-118
ISSN: 2363-5533
In: Forced migration review, Heft 48
ISSN: 1460-9819
Over 80% of all non-EU nationals between 15 and 64 years of age residing in the EU are working as, or are profiled as, lowskilled or unskilled. In countries with high barriers to the recognition of foreign skills (such as Finland or the Czech Republic), immigrant workers in general are perceived as less well-educated than native workers and often have to accept worse working conditions. The origin of migrants further aggravates the differences. 21% of Russian migrants to Finland, for instance, have their tertiary education recognised, while fewer than 10% of Somali migrants, mostly refugees, have managed to do so. Migrants are often considered less skilled by default, refugees even more so. Analyses in multiple countries have shown that refugees always perform worse in labour market integration than other migrants, even if their skills levels are comparable. This 'refugee gap' occurs irrespective of age or competence in the host language. Refugees also have limited access to labour-market support measures, such as unemployment benefits, compared to migrants. The situation for newly arrived refugees is even worse in some EU countries; they might not get anything at all, thereby cutting them off from help getting access to employment. Skills levels among new arrivals are very varied - and certainly not always low. The skills assessment component of the Swedish integration programme looks not only at formal qualifications but also at employment history, soft skills and other employmentrelevant experiences. Adapted from the source document.