Coastal wetlands: an integrated ecosytem approach
Intro -- Title page -- Table of Contents -- Copyright -- Dedication -- List of Contributors -- Preface to the First Edition -- Preface to the Second Edition -- List of Reviewers -- Chapter 1. Coastal Wetlands: A Synthesis -- 1. Introduction -- 2. A Synthesis of Coastal Wetlands Science -- 3. Human Health and Coastal Wetland Socioeconomics -- 4. Coastal Wetlands Are Essential for Our Quality of Life -- 5. Blue Carbon and Human Well-Being -- Part I. Coastal Wetlands As Ecosystems -- Chapter 2. The Morphology and Development of Coastal Wetlands in the Tropics -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Mangrove and Associated Wetlands -- 3. Environmental Settings -- 4. Sedimentation and the Development of Wetlands -- 5. Sea Level Controls on Wetland Development -- 6. Sea Level Change and the Diversification of West Indian Mangroves -- 7. Sea Level Change and Mangrove Habitat Evolution in the Pacific -- 8. Impact of Future Climate and Sea Level Change -- 9. Summary and Concluding Remarks -- Chapter 3. Temperate Coastal Wetlands: Morphology, Sediment Processes, and Plant Communities -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Factors Controlling Salt Marsh Development -- 3. Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Variation -- 4. Geographic Variation -- 5. Human Impacts and Climate Change -- 6. Summary -- Chapter 4. Northern Polar Coastal Wetlands: Development, Structure, and Land Use -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Geology/Geomorphology -- 3. Oceanography -- 4. Climate -- 5. Structure of Arctic Coastal Wetlands -- 6. Vegetation of Northern Polar Coastal Wetlands -- 7. Fauna of Northern Polar Coastal Wetlands -- 8. Environmental Hazards -- 9. Conclusions and Research Priorities -- Part II. Physical Processes -- Chapter 5. Salt-Marsh Ecogeomorphological Dynamics and Hydrodynamic Circulation -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Intertidal Ecogeomorphological Evolution -- 3. Results -- 4. Discussion -- 5. Conclusions