Social and Psychological Adaptation of National Guards of Ukraine's Coursests to Training ; Проблеми соціально-психологічної адаптації курсантів національної гвардії України до навчання
Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign sources, the article considers the definition of the concept of adaptation and socio-psychological adaptation. The basic levels of adaptation of cadets to the conditions of study in the military higher education are revealed: 1) partial adaptability; 2) sufficient adaptability; 3) full adaptability. The basic approaches of the Ukrainian scientists in the study of social and psychological adaptation of cadets are considered. The concept is introduced: social and psychological adaptation of the cadets of the National Guard of Ukraine is the process of acquiring them social and psychological status, mastering certain social role functions as a result of adaptation to new living conditions, new people and values. There were four stages of social and psychological adaptation of cadets: preparatory or vocational guidance (the stage of professional self-determination of entrants, related to the formation of skills to overcome the difficulties of the first period of adaptation to study); orientation (assimilation of regulatory aspects of the new social environment); adaptive (adaptation to the peculiarities and requirements of educational and service activities, to the microclimate of the training cadet group); the stage of self-esteem (self-assessment of one's own professional choice and behavior in the group, the stage of active formation of «I-concept»). The main features of training at a higher military educational institution were revealed. Stages of social-psychological adaptation of cadets to the conditions of military service were formed. Environmental factors that negatively influence the cognitive activity of cadets were considered. The factors that influence the psychosocial sphere are revealed. Observing, we have found that the most difficult period of study at the institution is the first course. It is during the first year of study that the formation of an independent personality takes place, life values and guidelines are determined. Adaptation of the cadet to training in higher military education plays an important role in this development. It is precisely on how easily and quickly this period will pass that the mental state of the cadet depends on his success and future professional activity. The primary task of commanders, course officers, and educators is to help cadets successfully pass the mandatory adaptation period. ; У статті розкрито поняття «адаптація», «соціально-психологічна адаптація», «професійна адаптація». Проаналізовано основні підходи до виокремлення основних проблем соціально-психологічної адаптації. Розглянуто етапи соціально-психологічної адаптації. Описано етапи адаптації які притаманні саме курсантам. Виділено зовнішні та внутрішні фактори професійної адаптації. Перераховано складові професійної адаптації. Зроблено висновки в яких висвітлено основні проблеми, які заважають курсантам швидко адаптуватися до умов навчання.