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30 Ergebnisse
2. Risks to the basin from Canada's oil sands -- Oil sands impacts -- Toxic tailings -- Tailings impacts -- Regulations on tailings production -- Tailings containment basics -- Tailings dam failures and accidents -- Regulations on tailings dam stability -- Dam failure risks in the oil sands -- Beyond Alberta: transboundary implications of dam failure -- Oil sands tailings dam information: the transparency challenge -- Who foots the bill -- Impacts on water quantity and quality.
1. Why USCAP, why now? -- 2. USCAP : formation and structure -- 2.1. Early group formation -- 2.2. USCAP organizational structure -- 2.3. USCAP funding model -- 3. Call for action and growing pains -- 3.1. Call for action development -- 3.2. Post a call for action period : challenges amidst growth -- Afterword. Lessons from the USCAP experience.
In: British Columbia global warming solutions series
Introduction -- Why a report on gas and water -- The changing face of gas production -- Water -- Landowner concerns about the protection of water -- Fresh and saline groundwater -- Alberta's groundwater resources -- Existing information on aquifers -- New research on aquifers -- Monitoring groundwater -- Conventional gas, coalbed methane, shale gas and tight gas -- Conventional gas -- What is conventional gas -- How can conventional gas development affect water -- What are the government regulatory programs for conventional gas -- Coalbed methane -- What is coalbed methane -- How can coalbed methane development affect water -- What are the government regulatory programs for coalbed methane -- Shale gas -- What is shale gas -- How can shale gas development affect water -- What are the government regulatory programs for shale gas -- Tight gas -- What is tight gas -- How can tight gas development affect water -- What are the government regulatory programs for tight gas -- Development of the resource -- Seismic exploration -- Well drilling -- Drilling mud -- Casing the well -- Well stimulation -- Fracturing fluids -- Fracture propagation in shallow formations -- Volume of water used for fracturing -- Water production with gas -- Water production from conventional gas wells -- Dewatering of coalbed methane wells -- Dewatering of shale gas wells -- Gas migration -- Commingling of gas production -- Handling produced water and water treatment -- Well abandonment -- Best management practices for industry -- What landowners can do -- Learning from others -- Negotiating for best management practices -- Seismic exploration -- Gas well setbacks -- Baseline testing of water wells -- Locating and checking old oil, gas and water wells -- Protection of fresh aquifers -- Drilling wastes -- Produced water -- Gas and water leaks -- Water wells -- Troubleshooting problem water wells -- Landowner maintenance of water wells -- Recommendations to government -- Adopt the precautionary principle to protect fresh aquifers -- Improve knowledge of fresh aquifers -- Increase surveillance of industry operations -- Improve the system for investigating landowner complaints and objections -- Improve routine monitoring of water wells -- Revise the crown mineral disposition review committee -- Increase the resources available to Alberta Environment and EUB and improve their accountability -- Review resource allocation and management in Alberta as it impacts water -- In conclusion -- Appendix A: gas composition and isotopic analysis -- Appendix B: glossary -- Appendix C: abbreviations.
In: Sustainable energy solutions
In: Report
In: Pembina Institute