59 Ergebnisse
Archivi migranti: tracce per la storia delle migrazioni italiane in Svizzera nel secondo dopoguerra
In: Quaderni di Archivio trentino 37
Dentro le montagne: cantieri idroelettri- ci, condizione operaia e attività sindacale in Trentino negli anni Cinquanta del Nove- cento
In: Vesti del ricordo 5
Services and industrial development: analysis of industrial policy, trends and issues for the forest-based sector
Increasing role of services in the economy has been recognized in the forest-based sector, yet the phenomenon and its possible impacts remain little studied. The forest-based sector companies operate in international markets and their products feed into a wide range of industrial activities. Increasing role of services as change in the operating environment of these companies can be expected to influence also on the upstream of the forest-based value chains, and better understanding of such developments is needed. This study analyses documents of the EU industrial policy and economic cooperation at international level from the year 2000 onwards, and asks: 1) how the increasing role of services is assessed as part of industrial development, 2) which trends and drivers are identified, and 3) whether and how the issues related to the natural resources base are addressed with regard to this phenomenon. The study concludes that instead of thinking of the increasing role of services as a trend in the external environment of the forest-based sector, it can also be assessed as a symptom of more profound changes underway in the industrial production. The recent industrial policy documents emphasize the new technology-enabled production modes that revolutionize how production, distribution and value capture can be organized. By assessing the developments only with accustomed metrics, such as number and volume of services, important opportunities and challenges may remain unrecognized for the forest-based sector. The paper concludes questions for future research to address this issue. ; final draft ; peerReviewed
La pobreza, la universidad y el oficio de arquitecto en la América latina de comienzos del siglo XXI
In: Hábitat y Sociedad, Heft 10, S. 305-322
ISSN: 2173-125X
Religious intolerance in the land of festivals
In: Index on censorship, Band 42, Heft 4, S. 48-54
ISSN: 1746-6067
Protesters and poorest create own news media
In: Index on censorship, Band 42, Heft 3, S. 33-36
ISSN: 1746-6067
'Biqqure Ha-'Ittim Are the First Fruits ... Which Include Some Nice Things and Matters of Knowledge and Benefit': The Hebrew Periodical of the Haskalah in Galicia
In: Zutot: perspectives on Jewish culture, Band 4, Heft 1, S. 122-131
ISSN: 1875-0214
Reality and Folklore in Smolenskin's Novel: A Deadly Subject and Its Lively Background
In: Jewish social studies: history, culture and society, Band 4, Heft 3, S. 142-167
ISSN: 1527-2028
Samuel Romanelli, Travail in an Arab Land, trans. Yedida K. Stillman and Norman A. Stillman (Judaic Studies Series) (Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press, 1989). Pp. 222
In: International journal of Middle East studies: IJMES, Band 24, Heft 1, S. 152-153
ISSN: 1471-6380
La gestión de la producción social del hábitat ; Management of social production of habitat
In: Hábitat y Sociedad, 2010, (1): 39-54
Construir abordajes adecuados para la gestión de la producción social del hábitat pasa por reconocer la naturaleza compleja del hábitat social en tanto sistema de situaciones en interacción con otros sistemas. Pasa igualmente por asumir la complejidad de sus procesos de producción, fuertemente determinados en su concepción, desarrollo y resultados por la mayor o menor presencia de cada uno de los grupos de actores afectados y sus respectivos paradigmas culturales. En este contexto la cuestión de la formación de los técnicos emerge como un vector fundamental de cara al acierto en el enfoque de la producción del hábitat, cuyo nivel de complejidad puede exigir un tránsito no sólo desde la actuación unidisciplinar a la transdisciplinar, sino hacia una gestión de naturaleza transectorial. Ello implica construir modelos de gestión participativa y concertada que nos remiten, más allá del plano técnico y político, a un nuevo e ineludible grado de conciencia sobre las implicaciones sociales y ambientales de la producción del hábitat. ; The construction of adequate approaches for the management of social production of habitat depends upon recognition of the complex nature of social habitat as being a system of situations in interaction with other systems and with other situations. It equally depends upon the acceptance of the complexity of their production processes, which are largely determined in the design, development and results by the degree of presence of each group of actors involved and their respective cultural paradigms. In this context, the question of technician training emerges as a fundamental vector with a view to the skill and commitment of every actor in the approach of production of habitat, whose level of complexity can demand a transfer not only from uni-disciplinary action into trans-disciplinary action, but also towards management of a trans-sectorial nature. This implies constructing models of participative and harmonized management which refer us, beyond the technical and political level, to a new and inescapable degree of awareness about social and environmental implications of production of habitat.
Oportunidad para la democracia del Paraguay : implementación y funcionamiento de la Comisión de Verdad y Justicia
Promulgada en octubre, espera ser dotada de un presupuesto digno, conformada por comisionados/as capaces, con integridad ética para convertirse en un fundamental instrumento de reparación histórica.