Tras la adaptación al EEES, el Departamento de Periodismo IV de la UCM inició un proyecto de renovación metodológica e innovación docente –vinculado a un I+D- en la enseñanza de la Empresa Informativa con objetivo de dotar a los futuros profesionales de la información de las competencias requeridas por la nueva realidad empresarial. El cambio se planificó en diferentes fases y fue vertebrado a través de los siguientes ejes: utilización de las TIC y herramientas 2.0 para desarrollar actividades que dinamizasen el aprendizaje: podcasts, entrevistas a CEOS y directivos, proyectos emprendedores 2.0, uso intensivo del Campus Virtual y blogs. Además del trabajo colaborativo en la resolución de supuestos reales, con la implementación del software y dispositivos Educlick. Este artículo presenta los fundamentos de nuevo modelo metodológico de aprendizaje que podría resultar extrapolable a otras materias en la enseñanza del periodismo y aporta los resultados obtenidos tras su aplicación.
7 pages, 6 tables.-- PMID: 15531428 [PubMed].-- PMCID: PMC1247607.-- Printed version published Nov 2004. ; Organochlorine compounds have been linked to increased risk of several cancers. Despite reductions in their use and fugitive release, they remain one of the most important groups of persistent pollutants to which humans are exposed, primarily through dietary intake. We designed a case-control study to assess the risk of colorectal cancer with exposure to these chemicals, and their potential interactions with genetic alterations in the tumors. A subsample of cases (n = 132) and hospital controls (n = 76) was selected from a larger case-control study in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. We measured concentrations in serum of several organochlorines by gas chromatography. We assessed point mutations in K-ras and p53 genes in tissue samples by polymerase chain reaction/single-strand conformation polymorphism and assessed expression of p53 protein by immunohistochemical methods. An elevated risk of colorectal cancer was associated with higher serum concentrations of mono-ortho polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners 28 and 118. The odds ratio for these mono-ortho PCBs for middle and higher tertile were, respectively, 1.82 [95% confidence interval (CI) , 0.90-3.70] and 2.94 (95% CI, 1.39-6.20) . alpha-Hexachlorocyclohexane, hexachlorobenzene, and p,p´-DDE (4,4´-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethene) showed nonsignificant increases in risk. Risk associated with mono-ortho PCBs was slightly higher for tumors with mutations in the p53 gene but was not modified by mutations in K-ras. Mono-ortho PCBs were further associated with transversion-type mutations in both genes. These results generate the hypothesis that exposure to mono-ortho PCBs contributes to human colorectal cancer development. The trend and magnitude of the association, as well as the observation of a molecular fingerprint in tumors, raise the possibility that this finding may be causal. ; The study was supported by grants from the Fundació La Marató de TV3 (48/95), the Spanish Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS 96/0797, FIS 00/0027, FIS 01/1264, FIS 03/0114, ISCIII, Red de Centros RCESP C03/09, and Red de Centros de Cancer C03/10) and Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (SAF 00/81), and a European Union Marie Curie Fellowship for M.H. (HPMFCT 2000-00888). ; Peer reviewed