47 Ergebnisse
Diritto costituzionale comparato: la scienza e il metodo
In: Ricerche di diritto pubblico comparato
Lineamenti di giustizia costituzionale comparata
In: Le frontiere del diritto
In: Quaderno 1
Il governo in parlamento: l'esperienza della V. Repubblica francese
In: Ricerche di diritto pubblico comparato 3
Against the colonial hiper-constitution of fundamental rights. In search of a shared intercultural core ; Contra la híper-constitución colonial de los derechos fundamentales, en búsqueda de un núcleo intercultural compartido
The essay criticises legal 'Westernism', and challenges the universalistic approach to public/constitutional law based on fundamental/human rights. To this extent, it highlights how globalisation harshly confronts social, cultural, political, economic, and legal pluralism. After analysing common elements among different cultures and traditions, it suggests an alternative constitutional/transnational "hard core". The proposed new "hard-core" focuses on different values, i.e. community, solidarity, and fraternité as the funding elements of Western, as well as Eastern and Southern, legal traditions. In so doing, the essay rejects the 'orientalist' approach based on an allegedly Western Grundnorm, and avoids the theoretical —and potentially pragmatic— imperialism of fundamental/human rights and dignity. ; El ensayo critica el occidentalismo jurídico y denuncia el enfoque universalista del derecho público/constitucional basado en los derechos fundamentales/humanos, en apoyo al ataque que la globalización desarrolla contra el pluralismo social, cultural, político, económico y jurídico. Se analizan los elementos que comparten varias culturas y tradiciones jurídicas, y sugiere una propuesta alternativa de «núcleo duro» constitucional/transnacional, centrado no sólo en el imperialismo de los derechos fundamentales/humanos y la dignidad, Grundnorm del mundo occidental, sino en valores como la comunidad, la solidaridad y la fraternité, propios de occidente y de tradiciones juridícas orientales y del Sur del mundo.The essay criticises legal 'Westernism', and challenges the universalistic approach to public/constitutional law based on fundamental/human rights. To this extent, it highlights how globalisation harshly confronts social, cultural, political, economic, and legal pluralism. After analysing common elements among different cultures and traditions, it suggests an alternative constitutional/transnational "hard core". The proposed new "hard-core" focuses on different values, i.e. community, solidarity, and fraternité as ...