Policies and options for Ghanaian economic development: Proceedings of a workshop organized by the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research (ISSER) of the University of Ghana with financial assistance from Konrad Adenauer Foundation, held at the Gimpa, near Legon, March 10-11, 1993
Since 1983, the Government of Ghana has pursued an Economic Recovery Programme (ERP) initiated in 1983 and a Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) implemented 1986. The programmes were aimed at turning around over a decade of decline in the economy. The general consensus has been that the ERP and SAP have been quite successful in turning the economy around from negative to positive growth. The objectives of the workshop were to analyse the policies which have been implemented or operated under the ERP and SAP and to suggest options where necessary for better performance of the major sectors of the economy. (DÜI-Hff)