Advancement and retention barriers in the U.S. Air Force civilian white collar workforce: implications for demographic diversity
In: [Research report] RR-2643-AF
Keller, Kirsten M.; Lytell, Maria C.; Schulker, David; Hall, Kimberly Curry; Mariano, Louis T.; Crown, John S.; Matthews, Miriam; Crosby, Brandon
Keller, Kirsten M.; Lytell, Maria C.; Schulker, David; Hall, Kimberly Curry; Mariano, Louis T.; Crown, John S.; Matthews, Miriam; Crosby, Brandon; Saum-Manning, Lisa; Yeung, Douglas; Payne, Leslie Adriennen; Knutson, Felix; Caudill, Leann; Project Air Force (U.S.) / Manpower, Personnel, and Training Program; Rand Corporation; United States / Air Force
Introduction -- Background and Study Approach -- Barriers to Air Force Civilian Advancement -- Barriers to Air Force Civilian Retention -- Conclusion and Recommendations -- Appendix A: The Civilian Personnel System -- Appendix B: Relevant Survey Results of Air Force Civilians -- Appendix C: Base Selection Methodology -- Appendix D: Full Race/Ethnicity and Gender Results on Entry Grade-Level Analysis -- Appendix E: Focus Group Background Questionnaires and Protocols -- Appendix F: Qualitative Coding Guide.