Aerial and Remote Sensing Archaeology -- Ten Challenges for Digital Humanities and the Way Forward: Revisited from the social context -- Evaluation Experiments of Personalized Tours for Exploring Cultural Heritage -- Google Earth Revisited. Case Studies at the Plain of Larissa (Thessaly, Greece) -- Virtual Dark Tourism: The Role of Sound Branding and Augmented Reality for Death Sites -- 3D documentation of Cultural Heritage: Design and exploitation of 3D metric surveys.
In recent years, there has been growing concern among politicians, the academic world and the general public about the aggressive strategies implemented by 'vulture funds' in sovereign debt markets and their negative effects, especially on the economies of developing countries. In the absence of an international mechanism for the restructuring of sovereign debt, developing countries with financial difficulties and their private creditors must negotiate in good faith to forge a fair and viable restructuring agreement. At the same time, more coordinated action is needed to discourage vulture fund strategies. The use of voluntary codes, the use of Collective Action Clauses with characteristics of aggregation and, as a last resort, the introduction of carefully drafted national legislation against vulture funds should constitute the key elements of such coordinated action. ; En los últimos años ha crecido la preocupación entre entes políticos, el mundo académico y el público en general sobre las estrategias agresivas implementadas por los 'fondos buitre' ('vulture funds') en los mercados de deuda soberana y sus efectos negativos, especialmente notorios en las economías de países en desarrollo. En ausencia de un mecanismo internacional para la reestructuración de las deudas soberanas, los países en desarrollo con dificultades financieras y sus acreedores privados deben negociar de buena fe para forjar un acuerdo de reestructuración justo y viable. Al mismo tiempo, se necesita una acción más coordinada para desalentar las estrategias de los fondos buitre. El uso de códigos voluntarios internacionales, el uso de cláusulas de acción colectiva (CAC) con características de agregación y, como último recurso, la introducción de una legislación nacional contra los fondos buitres cuidadosamente redactada debe constituir los elementos clave de tal acción coordinada
The establishment of a European Monetary Fund (EMF) enjoys increasing academic and political support, though its advocates do not necessarily agree on the purpose and functions of such an institution. This paper aims to examine the features of the EMF that are relevant to sovereign debt restructuring. We argue that a European sovereign debt restructuring mechanism would be a feasible and useful tool in a crisis. It would facilitate private sector involvement and convey all the advantages that pre-defined procedures offer compared to ad hoc solutions in dealing with a crisis.
This study examined from a gender-sensitive perspective the associations of exclusion from social relations (ESR) with the quality of life (QoL) of excluded older persons. Being satisfied with existing relations (i.e., network satisfaction) may be particularly important for the QoL of older persons with small networks, whereas the QoL of "network-less" older persons may be associated with their perception of solitude (i.e., solitude satisfaction). This study examined the moderating role of network satisfaction (NS) in the gendered associations between network size and QoL, as well as the gendered associations of solitude satisfaction (SS) with the QoL of older "network-less" persons. In addition, the comparative disadvantages in the QoL of "network-less" older persons with low-to-high SS, compared to the QoL of socially embedded persons with low-to-high NS were examined. Cross-sectional gender stratified secondary analyses of data from participants (N = 72.433) in the Survey on Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) did not provide convincing evidence that a higher NS is particularly important for the QoL of older persons with smaller networks. Among older "network-less" persons, lower SS was associated with lower QoL, comparatively more so among older women. Older persons embedded in a social network with low NS, as well as older "network-less" persons with low SS, have comparatively the lowest levels of QoL. It was concluded that the subjective evaluation of social relations and the subjective evaluation of solitude are associated with gendered disadvantages in the QoL of older persons challenged by ESR. ; Funding: Austria Science FundAustrian Science Fund (FWF) [I4210/GNP187]; Technology Agency of the Czech Republic [TJ03000002]; Irish Research CouncilIrish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology [GNP-187]; Ministry of Science Technology [MSTS3-15667]; Research Council of NorwayResearch Council of Norway [299859]; Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and UniversitiesSpanish Government [PCI2019-103627]; Swedish Research CouncilSwedish Research CouncilEuropean Commission [2018 -00929]; Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and WelfareSwedish Research CouncilSwedish Research Council for Health Working Life & Welfare (Forte) [2020-00039]; Linkoping University ; GenPath ; The effect of exclusion from social relations on cognitive decline trajectories, productive behaviours, and independent living capacity among older persons in Sweden
Aim This survey explored caregivers perceived training needs in 5 European countries (United Kingdom, Greece, Bulgaria, Poland and Italy). Background Training can enhance the professional capacity of caregivers; however, caregivers training needs within Europe have not been examined recently. Methods A survey conducted in 2015 captured data from 550 caregivers using a convenience sampling strategy, through a structured questionnaire and additional open-ended items and by conducting statistical and content analysis. Results The results indicated basic nursing skills and specialization, as well as training in psychology-related skills like time management, emotion regulation, communication and advanced health care systems as the emerging training needs. There were some country differences in specific training need areas. Conclusions It was concluded that training in basic nursing skills and specialization in nursing specific conditions, in advanced health care systems and in psychology-related skills could add to the professional capacity of European caregivers employed in health and social care. Implications for nursing management The findings inform about employed caregivers training needs in Europe, which may contribute in the provision of quality care and organisational efficiency in health and social care. ; Funding Agencies|European CommissionEuropean Commission Joint Research Centre [2014-1-UK01-KA200-000037]
Older adults face particular risks of exclusion from social relationships (ESR) and are especially vulnerable to its consequences. However, research so far has been limited to specific dimensions, countries, and time points. In this paper, we examine the prevalence and micro-and macro-level predictors of ESR among older adults (60+) using two waves of data obtained four years apart across 14 European countries in the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). We consider four ESR indicators (household composition, social networks, social opportunities, and loneliness) and link them to micro-level (age, gender, socioeconomic factors, health, and family responsibilities) and national macro-level factors (social expenditures, unmet health needs, individualism, social trust, and institutional trust). Findings reveal a northwest to southeast gradient, with the lowest rates of ESR in the stronger welfare states of Northwest Europe. The high rates of ESR in the southeast are especially pronounced among women. Predictably, higher age and fewer personal resources (socioeconomic factors and health) increase the risk of all ESR dimensions for both genders. Macro-level factors show significant associations with ESR beyond the effect of micro-level factors, suggesting that national policies and cultural and structural characteristics may play a role in fostering sociability and connectivity and, thus, reduce the risk of ESR in later life. ; GENPATH is part of the GENDER-NET Plus ERANET COFUND project, which has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 741874. The national teams have been supported by following grants: Austria (FWF I4210/GNP187), Czechia (TAČR ZÉTA TJ03000002), Israel (Ministry of Science, Technology and Space N° 3-15667), Ireland (GNP-187), Norway (NFR 299859), Spain (PCI2019-103627), Sweden (Vetenskapsrådet 2018-00929). Support also comes from the Norwegian Research Council through the research project "Eurocare" (grant no. 327659). ; publishedVersion