Bio medical is generated by the hospital during the diagnosis, treatment of human beings or animals. The form of biomedical waste is solid as well as liquid form. The basic components of bio medical waste consist of human anatomical waste, micro biology and bio technology waste, waste sharps, discarded medicines and cytotoxic drugs, soiled waste, solid waste, liquid waste generated from any of the infected areas, animal waste, incineration ash, chemical waste etc. The bio medical waste generated by the hospital is very dangerous and affects the human health and to the environment there to. Even though there are Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules implemented in India, but it"s not able to manage the bio medical waste management effectively. It has its own loop holes to control the mishandling of Bio Medical waste generated by the private as well as government hospital. The bio medical waste management follows the four essential steps: Biomedical waste generation, biomedical waste segregation, collection and storage, biomedical waste handling and transportation, biomedical waste treatment and disposal. The hospital must give all the required effluent treatment to disinfect before disposing of the bio medical waste. This study mainly highlights on the health related issues of bio medical waste, sources of biomedical waste, the role of private and government hospital while handling the bio medical waste, existing law in India and its limitation as well as the socio-economic implementation of bio medical waste management rules in India