The Law on Environmental Protection of The Republic of Serbia ("The Official Gazette RS", Nr. 135/04) requires that the National Environmental Strategy is developed for the period of at least ten years. According to the Law, it should contain: Description and appraisal of the state of environment; Policy objectives, criteria for enforcement of environmental protection as a whole, by sectors and geographical areas indicating priority measures; Conditions for implementation of most favorable economic, technical, technological and other measures for sustainable development and environmental protection; Long-term and short-term measures for prevention, mitigation and control of pollution; Implementing institutions and implementation plan; Financing plan. The National Environmental Strategy is to be implemented through action plans and remediation plans adopted by the Government for the period of five years. ; Zakon o zaštiti životne sredine Republike Srbije ("Sl. glasnik RS" br.135/04) propisuje da se Nacionalni program zaštite životne sredine izrađuje za period od najmanje deset godina. U skladu sa Zakonom, on treba da sadrži: opis i ocenu stanja životne sredine; osnovne ciljeve i kriterijume za sprovođenje zaštite životne sredine u celini, po oblastima i prostornim celinama sa prioritetnim merama zaštite; uslove za primenu najpovoljnijih privrednih, tehničkih, tehnoloških, ekonomskih i drugih mera za održivi razvoj i upravljanje zaštitom životne sredine; dugoročne i kratkoročne mere za sprečavanje, ublažavanje i kontrolu zagađivanja; nosioce, način i dinamiku realizacije i sredstva za realizaciju. Realizuje se akcionim i sanacionim planovima koje donosi Vlada za period od pet godina.