Reasons for introducing 3D property in a legal system—Illustrated by the Swedish case
In: Land use policy: the international journal covering all aspects of land use, Band 33, S. 195-203
ISSN: 0264-8377
23 Ergebnisse
In: Land use policy: the international journal covering all aspects of land use, Band 33, S. 195-203
ISSN: 0264-8377
In: Land use policy, Band 33
ISSN: 0264-8377
In: Land use policy: the international journal covering all aspects of land use, Band 132, S. 106764
ISSN: 0264-8377
3D property is an increasingly discussed and researched topic. Several conferences and workshops have contained contributions on this subject and there are often special sessions devoted to it at e.g. FIG conferences. There are also many articles, conference contributions, theses and other publications available that present and discuss 3D property from different aspects. However, many of these conferences and publications seem to focus on technical aspects of 3D property rather than on legal aspects. It even seems that more is written on technical issues and registration than on other equally important issues related to law, organisation, etc. which creates a certain imbalance within the field.The aim of this paper is to investigate the field of 3D property in research, as evidenced by conference papers and other publications, in order to find the distribution of areas of interest and specifically the occurrence of legal aspects. The intention is not to describe any particular 3D property issues or to present a complete survey, but to analyse trends within the field and to contribute to the methodology and structure of 3D research.A case-study was conducted by examining conference papers, journal articles and other publications in English on 3D property within the recent ten year period. The studied publications were placed in four different groups, illustrating different aspects of 3D property, namely legal, technical, registration and organisational issues. The classification was done after analysing the publications by their contents. The total number of studied publications is 105. The results indicate a rather even distribution between three of the four categories, except for organisational aspects, which are in minority. However, when looking from a legal perspective, the legal category is in minority with only 28 publications, in comparison with the total number of the publications in the other three categories, consisting of 77 publications.Thus, although there already exists a foundation of results from research and other works on the legal aspects of 3D property, the authors believe that more work is needed and that more and focused attention should be given to legal aspects of 3D property.
In: Land use policy: the international journal covering all aspects of land use, Band 131, S. 106716
ISSN: 0264-8377
In: Paasch , J M & Paulsson , J 2021 , ' 3D Property Research from a Legal Perspective Revisited ' , Land , vol. 10 , no. 5 , 494 .
The concept of 3D cadastre is widespread internationally and part of many nations' legal infrastructure. Since the publication of a literature survey on 3D cadastre research by Paulsson and Paasch in 2013, there has been a considerable amount of research output and activities in regard to 3D cadastre, which led us to believe that a new investigation of 3D cadastre publications could be of interest. The aim of this study is to analyze the development in 3D cadastre research during the years 2012–2020, focusing on the legal perspective of 3D property. A classification was made into main groups, legal, technical, registration and organizational, also investigating the occurrence of sub-themes such as visualization, BIM and standardization. The results of other literature studies on 3D cadastre research were compared with the outcome of this study. The number of identified publications during the analyzed years was 530. The study showed that the number of publications on legal topics has increased, but in relation to the other groups is still rather low. The 3D cadastre research community could benefit from the inclusion of the legal perspective in publications from other main groups, along with an increased focus on international comparative studies. ; The concept of 3D cadastre is widespread internationally and part of many nations' legal infrastructure. Since the publication of a literature survey on 3D cadastre research by Paulsson and Paasch in 2013, there has been a considerable amount of research output and activities in regard to 3D cadastre, which led us to believe that a new investigation of 3D cadastre publications could be of interest. The aim of this study is to analyze the development in 3D cadastre research during the years 2012–2020, focusing on the legal perspective of 3D property. A classification was made into main groups, legal, technical, registration and organizational, also investigating the occurrence of sub-themes such as visualization, BIM and standardization. The results of other ...
The concept of 3D cadastre is widespread internationally and part of many nations' legal infrastructure. Since the publication of a literature survey on 3D cadastre research by Paulsson and Paasch in 2013, there has been a considerable amount of research output and activities in regard to 3D cadastre, which led us to believe that a new investigation of 3D cadastre publications could be of interest. The aim of this study is to analyze the development in 3D cadastre research during the years 2012–2020, focusing on the legal perspective of 3D property. A classification was made into main groups, legal, technical, registration and organizational, also investigating the occurrence of sub-themes such as visualization, BIM and standardization. The results of other literature studies on 3D cadastre research were compared with the outcome of this study. The number of identified publications during the analyzed years was 530. The study showed that the number of publications on legal topics has increased, but in relation to the other groups is still rather low. The 3D cadastre research community could benefit from the inclusion of the legal perspective in publications from other main groups, along with an increased focus on international comparative studies.
In: Land use policy: the international journal covering all aspects of land use, Band 49, S. 546-551
ISSN: 0264-8377
In: Computers, environment and urban systems, Band 40, S. 7-13
In: Computers, environment and urban systems: CEUS ; an international journal, Band 40, S. 7-13
ISSN: 0198-9715
In: Land use policy: the international journal covering all aspects of land use, Band 98, S. 104178
ISSN: 0264-8377
The possibility of forming 3D property units has not existed for a long time in Sweden. The legislation was introduced in 2004 and in 2009 the addition of apartment ownership (condominium) was added. Even though the demand for 3D property formation has not been as high yet as initially expected, there seems to be an increased interest in and demand for it today. The use of 3D property creates a need for 3D registration and visualization of the property units, which can involve difficulties in e.g. representation and storage of 3D real property data, such as the legal boundaries and real property rights connected to the property.However, even if 3D digital information is used in the real property formation process the 3D properties are still registered using two–dimensional documentation. An ongoing study, which is a part of a project testing 3D data, see Andree et al. (2018a; 2018b) and Tarandi (2017), is focusing on visualization of 3D cadastral boundaries.This paper discusses problems and challenges concerning the conversion of 2D analogue cadastral boundary plans into 3D digital information and is based on experiences being gained in a research project on visualization of 3D property boundaries in Sweden, see Andree et al. (2018a; 2018b). A newly constructed sports– and event arena in Stockholm where 3D properties are involved is used as a case study in the project to illustrate the process and the problems related to it. Focus lies here on legal issues, although other aspects will be mentioned as well.The legal foundations for 3D property formation in Sweden are primarily the Swedish Land Code (SFS, 1970:944) and the Real Property Formation Act (SFS, 1970:988). The rights, restrictions and responsibilities, RRRs, are registered in the national Real Property Register, which also includes registration in the two–dimensional digital cadastral index map.A description of the process of forming 3D property is included in the paper regarding the documents and parties involved. In the present cadastral processes concerning new 3D property formation a CAD drawing containing 3D real property boundaries is often supplied by the developer/entrepreneur. However, the 3D cadastral representation and the documentation in the cadastral dossier is recorded in 2D (El–Mekawy, Paasch and Paulsson, 2014). The CAD file may – or may not - be archived for future use by the Cadastral authority. We therefore sometimes may have to interpret two–dimensional data and convert it to be used in a 3D environment, e.g. BIM. This paper illustrates and exemplifies with some experiences of interpreting the cadastral dossiers for presentation in a 3D digital environment.Current legislation has to be investigated and interpreted to be able to add or transform into using 3D models as part of cadastral decisions in Sweden. New regulations also may have to be introduced and analysed. In this paper some of the legal issues that need to be addressed are mentioned, however more work needs to be done in order to get answers to what changes may be needed regarding legislation on this matter. ; I detta paper diskuteras problem och utmaningar rörande konvertering av 2D analoga registerkartor till 3D digital information och bygger på erfarenheter från ett forskningsprojekt om visualisering av 3D-fastighetsgränser i Sverige. Att kunna konvertera registerkartan till 3D innebär att omvandla befintliga data till 3D, men också att ta fram nya processer för att inkludera 3D digital information i framtida fastighetsbildningsbeslut. En nybyggd sport- och evenemangsarena i Stockholm där 3D-fastigheter ingår används som fallstudie i projektet för att illustrera processen och relaterade problem. Fokus ligger här på juridiska frågor, även om andra aspekter också tas upp. Studien visade att det skulle vara mer kostnadseffektivt att registrera 3D-gränser och volymer på den nationella registerkartan med hjälp av byggnadsplaner som visar invändiga väggar, balkar och andra detaljer som är föremål för 3D-fastighetsbildning. Nuvarande lagstiftning måste utredas och tolkas för att kunna lägga till eller övergå till att använda 3D-modeller som en del av förrättningsbeslut i Sverige. Nya regler kan också behöva införas och analyseras. I detta paper nämns några av de rättsliga problem som behöver åtgärdas, men mer arbete krävs för att få svar på vilka förändringar som skulle kunna behövas vad gäller lagstiftningen på området.
In: SCSI-D-22-03508
In: Land use policy: the international journal covering all aspects of land use, Band 49, S. 680-689
ISSN: 0264-8377
In: Land use policy: the international journal covering all aspects of land use, Band 131, S. 106712
ISSN: 0264-8377