W-Band linear array of planar antennas and chiral metamaterial cover
This work presents the development of a W-band planar antenna array, starting from the study of a single element, evaluating the effect of a chiral cover on it, then incrementing to the design, fabrication and measurements of a W-band linear array of three planar antennas. Each radiating element is a patch fed by slots. This technology is cheap and affordable. Simulation fits quite well with measurements. Metamaterial may enhance the radiation properties, particularly, the directivity. The chiral metamaterial cover is made of two layers of mutually twisted planar metal rosettes in parallel planes. ; The authors would like to thank to Sandra Pana for the fabricated samples of the available prototype and to Dermot Erskine for the correction of the text. This work has been partially supported by the MINECO of Spanish Government through the Research Projects CONSOLIDER CSD2008-00068 and CSD2008- 00066, FEDER co-funded TEC2011-29126-C03- 01, TEC2011-29264-C03-01 and TEC2010- 21496-C03-01.