Electron-phonon interaction on the surface of a three-dimensional topological insulator
We analyze the interaction at the surface of a three-dimensional (3D) topological insulator among 2D electron states belonging to the Dirac cone close to the point of the Brillouin zone and the Rayleigh surface phonon mode. The model deals with an elastic continuum in the long-wavelength limit, in Random Phase Approximation (RPA). Screening of the electronic polarization is quite effective at small wave vectors. On the other hand, the absence of backscattering for the Dirac electrons at the Fermi surface is partly responsible for the reduced influence of the electron-phonon interaction in renormalizing the phonon dispersion at finite wave vectors. We infer that softening of the Rayleigh mode appears as unlikely, at least for the case of a clean and defect-free surface to which our approximate treatment applies. The dielectric response to virtual excitation of the Rayleigh phonon could drive the electron-electron interaction attractive at low frequencies, but the average weak coupling pairing interaction is found to be too small to induce a surface superconducting instability. © 2013 American Physical Society. ; This work was done with financial support from FP7/2007-2013 under Grant No. 264098-MAMA (Multifunctioned Advanced Materials and Nanoscale Phenomena), MIUR-Italy through Prin-Project 2009 "Nanowire high critical temperature superconductor field-effect devices," as well as the Helmholtz Virtual Insitute "New States of Matter." V.P. and F.G. acknowledge financial support from MINECO, Spain, through Grant No. FIS2011-23713, and the European Union, through Grant No. 290846. ; Peer Reviewed