Evolución de la desnutrición crónica infantil y su distribución socioeconómica en siete países de América Latina y el Caribe
In: Serie políticas sociales 140
11 Ergebnisse
In: Serie políticas sociales 140
In: CEPAL review, Band 2009, Heft 99, S. 41-61
ISSN: 1684-0348
In: CEPAL review, Heft 99, S. 41-62
ISSN: 0251-2920
World Affairs Online
In: Revista CEPAL
ISSN: 0252-0257
En este trabajo se indaga acerca de los factores que determinan el nivel de desnutrición crónica infantil y su distribución socioeconómica en ocho países de América Latina y el Caribe. Para ello se utiliza una metodología que permite descomponer un índice de desigualdad socioeconómica (el índice de concentración) según los factores que lo afectan. En el caso de los países analizados, la "riqueza" de los hogares (medida mediante un indicador de bienestar material) y el nivel educativo de las madres son los determinantes más importantes de la distribución de dicha desnutrición. Los factores biomédicos considerados pueden ser relevantes para explicar el nivel de la desnutrición, pero su contribución para explicar la desigualdad es relativamente baja. Asimismo, factores geográficos, culturales
World Affairs Online
In: Desarrollo económico: revista de ciencias sociales, Band 45, Heft 179, S. 373
ISSN: 1853-8185
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to look at trends in the affordability of beer and soft drinks in 15 Latin American countries. METHODS: The data correspond to government statistics pertaining to price indices for beer and soft drinks, the consumer price index, and the nominal wage index based on monthly frequency. The methods involved the performance of an econometric analysis, using time series, to measure the expected rate of increase in the absolute affordability indicator (using nominal prices) or the relative affordability indicator (using general prices) for soft drinks and beers. RESULTS: In nine of the 15 countries analyzed, the affordability of soft drinks or beer (whether absolute or relative) has shown a statistically significant increase. In the case of soft drinks, absolute affordability increased in five countries (Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Uruguay) and decreased in Mexico. In the case of beer, it increased in Colombia and Ecuador, remained unchanged in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, and Uruguay, and dropped in Mexico. CONCLUSIONS: Although most countries levy taxes on beer and soft drinks, the effect of such taxes on price has not been enough to reduce the affordability of these products in all countries in the sample. Taxes should be modified to make these beverages less affordable and have an impact on their consumption.
[RESUMEN]. Objetivos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la evolución de la asequibilidad de la cerveza y de las gaseosas para quince países de América Latina. Métodos. Los datos corresponden a estadísticas oficiales de índices de precios de cerveza y gaseosas/refrescos, índice de precios al consumidor e índice de salarios nominales en frecuencia mensual. El método se basa en realizar un análisis econométrico, mediante series temporales, para medir el valor esperado de la tasa de crecimiento del indicador de asequibilidad absoluta (utilizando salarios nominales) o relativa (usando precios generales) de las gaseosas y de las cervezas. Resultados. En nueve de los quince países analizados, la asequibilidad (absoluta o relativa), ya sea de bebidas azucaradas o cervezas, ha aumentado de forma estadísticamente significativa. En el caso de las bebidas azucaradas, la asequibilidad absoluta aumentó en cinco países (Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador y Uruguay) y disminuyó en México. En el caso de la cerveza, aumentó en Colombia y Ecuador, se mantuvo inalterada en Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Costa Rica y Uruguay, y se redujo en México. Conclusiones. A pesar de que la mayoría de los países poseen impuestos a la cerveza y a las bebidas azucaradas, su efecto en los precios no ha sido suficiente para reducir su asequibilidad en todos los países de la muestra. Los impuestos deberían modificarse para reducir la asequibilidad de estas bebidas y afectar su consumo. ; [ABSTRACT]. Objective. The objective of this study was to look at trends in the affordability of beer and soft drinks in 15 Latin American countries. Methods. The data correspond to government statistics pertaining to price indices for beer and soft drinks, the consumer price index, and the nominal wage index based on monthly frequency. The methods involved the performance of an econometric analysis, using time series, to measure the expected rate of increase in the absolute affordability indicator (using nominal prices) or the relative affordability indicator (using general prices) for soft drinks and beers. Results. In nine of the 15 countries analyzed, the affordability of soft drinks or beer (whether absolute or relative) has shown a statistically significant increase. In the case of soft drinks, absolute affordability increased in five countries (Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Uruguay) and decreased in Mexico. In the case of beer, it increased in Colombia and Ecuador, remained unchanged in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, and Uruguay, and dropped in Mexico. Conclusions. Although most countries levy taxes on beer and soft drinks, the effect of such taxes on price has not been enough to reduce the affordability of these products in all countries in the sample. Taxes should be modified to make these beverages less affordable and have an impact on their consumption. ; [RESUMO]. Objetivos. Analisar a evolução da acessibilidade a cervejas e refrigerantes em 15 países da América Latina. Métodos. Os dados representam estatísticas oficiais dos índices de preços de cervejas e refrigerantes, índice de preços ao consumidor e índice mensal do salário nominal. A metodologia do estudo foi uma análise econométrica com séries temporais para avaliar a taxa esperada de crescimento do indicador de acessibilidade absoluta (com base no salário nominal) ou relativa (com base nos preços gerais) de cervejas e refrigerantes. Resultados. Houve um aumento significativo da acessibilidade (absoluta ou relativa) a cervejas ou refrigerantes em 9 dos 15 países analisados. Com relação aos refrigerantes, houve um aumento da acessibilidade absoluta em cinco países (Chile, Colômbia, Costa Rica, Equador e Uruguai), com uma redução observada no México. Com relação às cervejas, houve um aumento da acessibilidade na Colômbia e Equador, não se observou mudança na Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Costa Rica e Uruguai e ocorreu uma redução no México. Conclusões. Embora exista tributação para cervejas e refrigerantes na maioria dos países, o efeito nos preços não tem sido suficiente para reduzir a acessibilidade a estes produtos em todos os países da amostra estudada. É preciso reformar a tributação a fim de reduzir a acessibilidade e o consumo destas bebidas.
OBJECTIVE. To characterize the design of excise taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) in Latin America and the Caribbean and assess opportunities to increase their impact on SSB consumption and health. METHODS. A comprehensive search and review of the legislation in effect as of March 2019, collected through existing Pan American Health Organization and World Health Organization monitoring tools, secondary sources, and surveying ministries of finance. The analysis focused on the type of products taxed, and the structure and base of these excise taxes. RESULTS. Out of the 33 countries analyzed, 21 apply excise taxes on SSBs. Seven countries also apply excise taxes on bottled water and at least four include sugar-sweetened milk drinks. Ten of these excise taxes are ad valorem with some tax bases set early in the value chain, seven are amount-specific, and four have either a combined or mixed structure. Three countries apply excise taxes based on sugar concentration. CONCLUSIONS. While the number of countries applying excise taxes on SSBs is promising, there is great heterogeneity in design in terms of structure, tax base, and products taxed. Existing excise taxes could be further leveraged to improve their impact on SSB consumption and health by including all categories of SSBs, excluding bottled water, and relying more on amount-specific taxes regularly adjusted for inflation and possibly based on sugar concentration. All countries would benefit from additional guidance. Future research should aim to address this gap.
OBJECTIVE. To characterize the design of excise taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) in Latin America and the Caribbean and assess opportunities to increase their impact on SSB consumption and health. METHODS. A comprehensive search and review of the legislation in effect as of March 2019, collected through existing Pan American Health Organization and World Health Organization monitoring tools, secondary sources, and surveying ministries of finance. The analysis focused on the type of products taxed, and the structure and base of these excise taxes. RESULTS. Out of the 33 countries analyzed, 21 apply excise taxes on SSBs. Seven countries also apply excise taxes on bottled water and at least four include sugar-sweetened milk drinks. Ten of these excise taxes are ad valorem with some tax bases set early in the value chain, seven are amount-specific, and four have either a combined or mixed structure. Three countries apply excise taxes based on sugar concentration. CONCLUSIONS. While the number of countries applying excise taxes on SSBs is promising, there is great heterogeneity in design in terms of structure, tax base, and products taxed. Existing excise taxes could be further leveraged to improve their impact on SSB consumption and health by including all categories of SSBs, excluding bottled water, and relying more on amount-specific taxes regularly adjusted for inflation and possibly based on sugar concentration. All countries would benefit from additional guidance. Future research should aim to address this gap.
In: Social science & medicine, Band 354, S. 117069
ISSN: 1873-5347
This study developed a measurement tool to assess stringency and 'on-the-ground' impact of four key alcohol policy domains to create an alcohol policy index suitable for benchmarking alcohol policy and assessing change over time in middle- and high-income countries. It involved a collaboration between researchers in 12 diverse countries: New Zealand; Australia; England; Scotland; Netherlands; Vietnam; Thailand; South Africa; Turkey; Chile; Saint Kitts and Nevis and Mongolia. Data on the four most effective alcohol policy domains (availability, pricing policy, alcohol marketing, drink driving) were used to create an alcohol policy index based on their association with alcohol per capita consumption (APC) of commercial (recorded) alcohol. An innovation was the inclusion of measures of impact along with the stringency of the legislation or regulation. The resulting International Alcohol Control (IAC) Policy Index showed a very high negative correlation (-0.91) with recorded APC. Greater affordability of alcohol, an impact measure taking into account prices paid and countries' Gross Domestic Product, was predictive of higher APC (-0.80). Countries in which more modes of alcohol marketing are legally allowed and used had higher APC. Legislation on outlet density and drink driving predicted APC whereas trading hours did not. While stringency and impact measures varied between domains in terms of relationship with APC, overall, there was a strong correlation between impact and stringency (0.77). The IAC Policy Index, which includes measures of policy stringency and 'on-the-ground' impacts in relation to four key policy areas, was found to be strongly associated with commercial alcohol consumed in a number of diverse country settings. It showed a larger relationship than previous indices that include more policy dimensions. The index provides a relatively simple tool for benchmarking and communication with policy makers to encourage a strong focus on uptake of these four most effective alcohol policies.