Extensão universitária aliada com a criação de abelhas nativas como atividade promotora de renda para pequenos produtores e sua importância ambiental; Extensión universitaria aliada con la cria de abejas nativos como actividad promotora de ingresos para pequeños productores y su importancia ambienta...
In: RealizAção: revista online de extensão e cultura, Band 10, Heft 20, S. 195-207
ISSN: 2358-3401
The objective of this work was to integrate the academic community with rural producers in Mato Grosso do Sul, through the development of a demonstration unit for the sustainable breeding of stingless bees, with the purpose of preserving native species, is assisting in the academic and professional development of students. This extension work is being carried out in partnership with teachers and students from the Federal University of Grande Dourados, with the Technological Vocational Center in Agroecology and Organic Production, in Mato Grosso do Sul and the Center for Participatory Construction of Knowledge in Agroecology and Organic Production in Mato Grosso do Sul. UFGD, with rural producers and various groups of settlers. The work has been carried out since 2022, with the production of bait, capture and breeding of stingless bees. The creation of native bee species is essential to guarantee the conservation of these species, in addition to influencing environmental conservation, which can also be an extra source of income for producers, indirectly benefiting other crops on the property. This action has allowed a greater supply of sites for the multiplication of stingless bees, directly contributing to the conservation of local biodiversity and ecological balance, in addition to promoting a better quality of life for small rural producers.