Toxicological assessment of mesoporous silica particles in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
[EN] Here we report the toxicological evaluation of mesoporous silica particles (MSPs) in the nematode C. elegans. Specifically, we have investigated the effect of bare micro- (M0) and nano-sized (N0) MSPs, and their corresponding functionalized particles with a starch derivative (Glu-N) (M1 and N1, respectively) on C. elegans ageing parameters. The toxicity of MSPs, their impact on C. elegans lifespan, movement capacity, progeny and ability to survive upon exposure to acute oxidative stress were assessed. This study demonstrated that both size particles assayed (M0 and N0), labeled with rhodamine and monitored through fluorescence microscopy, are ingested by the nematode. Moreover, toxicity assays indicated that bare nano-sized particles (N0) have a negative impact on the C. elegans lifespan, reducing mobility and progeny production. By contrast, micro-sized particles (M0) proved innocuous for the nematodes. Furthermore, functionalization of nanoparticles with starch derivative reduced their toxicity in C. elegans. Thus, oral intake of N1 comparatively increased the mean lifespan and activity rates as well as resistance to oxidative stress. The overall findings presented here demonstrate the influence of MSP size and surface on their potential toxicity in vivo and indicate the silica-based mesoporous particles to be a potential support for encapsulation in oral delivery applications. Furthermore, the good correlation obtained between healthy aging variables and viability (mean lifespan) validates the use of C. elegans as a multicellular organism for nanotoxicology studies of MSPs. ; The authors wish to express their gratitude to the Spanish Government (MINECO Projects AGL2012-39597-C02-01, AGL2012-39597-C02-02, AGL2015-70235-C2-1, MAT2012-38429-C04-01 and MAT2015-64139-C4-1), the Generalitat Valenciana (Project PROMETEOII/2014/047) and Colombian Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Research which supported Ms. Acosta Scholarship. We would also like to thank the Institut de Ciencia dels Materials ...