Este artigo aborda a midiatização da comunicação pública tendo como enfoque o escândalo político do mensalão. A corrupção na política brasileira é pauta recorrente na mídia nacional e até internacional. Sob essa perspectiva nos propomos a delinear algumas implicações da midiatização no debate de temas de comunicação pública. Para tanto, utilizaremos os estudos de Hjarvard (2012), Fausto Neto (2006, 2008) e Sodré (2002). Sobre a comunicação pública, buscamos Weber (2009), Duarte (2007) e Brandão (2007). Observando o site Rede de Escândalos concluímos que a midiatização de temas de interesse público ainda está em estágio preliminar, deixando a discutibilidade desses assuntos para um futuro que esperamos não muito distante. ; This article is on the Media process of public communication focused on a political scandal named mensalão. The corruption in the Brazilian policy is a recurrent issue in national media and even international. Under this perspective we propose to delineate some implications of the media upon debates of public communication issues. For these we are using Hjarvard studies (2012), Fausto Neto (2006, 2008) and Sodré (2002). On public communication we searched Weber (2009), Duarte (2007) and Brandão (2007). Having observed the site Rede de escândalos we can conclude that the media of issues of public interests is still at a preliminary phase, leaving these issues open to be discussed in a no longer future, hopefully.
Nas últimas duas décadas, o Brasil ampliou as discussões sobre diversidade. A comunicação, neste sentido, deve colaborar para a sua compreensão, especialmente, em ambientes organizacionais. Cabe, portanto, saber em que medida os conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes (Fleury & Fleury, 2001; Durand, 1998; Fawkes et al. 2018) dos profissionais de relações públicas contribuem para a prática da diversidade nas organizações (Fleury, 2000; Serrano, 2007; Thomas, 1999). Com 191 participantes consultados, verificou-se que a maioria reitera a importância do tema, mas poucos são os que atuam nele. Em termos de conhecimentos para o desempenho efetivo da diversidade, aqueles relacionados com gênero, raça, e acessibilidade, por exemplo, foram os menos indicados por estes profissionais como necessários para atividades de comunicação, como o planejamento e o mapeamento de públicos, que são as básicas de qualquer estrutura comunicativa. Também há indícios de que as organizações envolvidas na pesquisa não estão, ainda, no estágio de gestão da diversidade (Serrano, 2007). Esta situação, em tese, explicaria o motivo de determinadas competências, como saber aprender e saber engajar-se para ter visão estratégica (Fleury & Fleury, 2001), não pareceram estar sendo devidamente mobilizadas pelos profissionais entrevistados. Palavras-chave: comunicação, competências, diversidade, mercado brasileiro Abstract In the past two decades, discussions on diversity have broadened. In the Brazilian context, especially in the private sector, the importance of this agenda is noticeable. For instance, the Brazilian newspaper "Folha de São Paulo" addressed the theme on the article "Diversity is the champion: What the World Cup and profitable companies can teach about inclusion" (FSP. July 23, 2018). In this article, Liliane Rocha, who is the founder and CEO of Kairós Management – Sustainability and Diversity Consultancy, explains that discussions about diversity within organizations started from the idea of sustainability, which became even broader when understood not only from an environmental basis, but also from a social impact perspective. In February 2019, the social networking website Facebook launched the Ads 4 Equality tool. By using algorithms, the advertising campaigns of agencies and advertisers are analyzed as to the representativeness of their characters in relation to the Brazilian population in terms of sex, race and body type (Coletiva.Net, 2019). The examples previously mentioned, in addition to the diversity initiatives in organizations, reveal that some reflections on the relationship with such diverse social groups are necessary. By doing so, it is believed that organizations can achieve their goals and contribute to the development of their social environment. Therefore, it is necessary to know to what extent the knowledge, skills and attitudes (Fleury & Fleury, 2001; Durand, 1998; Fawkes et al. 2018) of professionals in the communication market contribute to the practice of diversity in organizations (Fleury, 2000; Serrano, 2007; Thomas, 1999). With this in mind, we have developed an exploratory research based on a structured questionnaire with 33 questions. This tool was applied via Google forms to a non-probabilistic sample by accessibility (Weber & Persigo, 2017).). We obtained 191 participants and, based on the results, it was found that the majority reaffirm the importance of the theme, however only a few have actually worked on it. With regard to the effective development of diversity, knowledge on the issues of gender, race and accessibility, for example, was the least mentioned by these professionals as being necessary for communication activities, such as planning and mapping audiences, which are essential for any communicative structure. There is also evidence that the organizations involved in the research are not yet in the diversity management stage (Serrano, 2007). In theory, this situation would explain why certain competences, such as knowing how to learn and knowing how to engage to have a strategic vision (Fleury & Fleury, 2001), did not seem to be properly mobilized by the interviewed professionals. One of the most mentioned competences was precisely the mapping of audiences, whereas the others, related to individual diversity (race, religion, gender, and so on), were not recognized as those used by professionals on a daily basis. This perspective can help us somehow explain why diversity is still often practiced at the discursive (image gain) and utilitarian (profitability) levels. As a result, this study reveals a path to be followed by these professionals with a view to a more inclusive society. Keywords: communication, skills, diversity, brazilian market