Simulating Users in a Social Media Platform Using Multi-agent Systems
[EN] The massive use of social media makes it increasingly easy to find highly sensitive information about almost anyone on the Internet. Despite the efforts of social media platforms to provide their users with tools to manage their privacy, these are proving insufficient due to their complexity. For this reason, it has been considered necessary to develop a software tool based on a multi-agent system to help users to improve and correct their bad behavior by using automation mechanisms and transmitting the information in a natural way for them, replicating the behavior of a human being. The aim of our work is to implement a multi- agent system where agents interact organically with each other and with human users on the PESEDIA social network, so that they can support user in a non-intrusive manner, using paternalistic techniques through actions available on the social network. ; This work has been funded thanks to the Spanish Government through project TIN2017-89156-R and predoctoral contract PRE2018-084940. ; Pérez-García, D.; Argente, E. (2020). Simulating Users in a Social Media Platform Using Multi-agent Systems. Springer Nature. 486-498. ; S ; 486 ; 498 ; Alemany, J., del Val, E., Alberola, J., García-Fornes, A.: Enhancing the privacy risk awareness of teenagers in online social networks through soft-paternalism mechanisms. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 129, 27–40 (2019) ; Argente, E., Vivancos, E., Alemany, J., García-Fornes, A.: Educando en privacidad en el uso de las redes sociales. Educ. Knowl. Soc. 18(2), 107–126 (2017) ; Bell, L., Gustafson, J.: Interaction with an animated agent in a spoken dialogue system. In: 6th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (1999) ; Cassell, J., Thorisson, K.R.: The power of a nod and a glance: envelope vs. emotional feedback in animated conversational agents. Appl. Artif. Intell. 13(4–5), 519–538 (1999) ; Cerrato, L., Ekeklint, S.: Different ways of ending human-machine dialogues. In: Proceedings of the ...